life is good

foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

I get so confused re: time. Literally living from appointment to appointment. October is tomorrow. So I have to take a moment to look back to the start of this year. It has been busy. Don't be surprised if I make mistakes about treatments, met growth and response to treatments. At 5 and a half years it is becomming a simple thing to forget.

As the year began I was failing votrient. God I hated that drug. The side effects were worse than the cancer. I was constantly sick. And mets were growing. I was determined to re-aquaint myself with nivolumab with extremely high hopes. Unfortunately it seemed to accelerate my tumor growth. but I optioned to remain on it for about 6 months. I took the risk and found myself behind the 8 ball. I was going to need more radiation to my spine and shoulders, and another new drug. Cabo is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Like votrient. And I didn't want to do that again. I was  reminded by one of my oncologists that as much as I hated the votrient, it saved my life. So, until a better option presents, cabo it is. ....Oh yeah, then there was that wacky thing with my atrial flutter. What a summer!

I see my onc  next friday. All my scans are complete. The drug is easy to tolerate. I feel good. I am pain FREE for the first time in years, I'm playing good golf and food tastes good. This could be a super winter. Life is good!



  • firedude21
    firedude21 Member Posts: 52
    Great news.

    I'm so happy for you Fox. Keep on keepin' on.


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited September 2016 #3
    Sounds great

    I think it would take a lot of persuading to get me to quit Nivo. I trust it in a particularly stupid way even tho' it has allowed one met to grow. I dont know about golf, 'a good walk spoiled' as I'm sure you've heard. I'm creating historical resouces for schools and learning to play the Mandolin.

    Good to hear from you Fox

  • duster10
    duster10 Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited September 2016 #4
    Simply Awesome

    attitide and outlook on life Fox!  Id like to think I would have the same perspective if I were in your shoes.  Really inspiring!  

  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    edited September 2016 #5
    Bring on The Winter of Fox

    May you shovel nothing!!! Love ya!!

  • Iggyrip
    Iggyrip Member Posts: 44
    Great news!

    Great news. I am amazed at your spirit and many people here. I am just starting all of this, and your story gives me hope. I hope you have a great winter and many more.


  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    Promising Nevo

    wow! Yet more good news about Nevo; it is so new that it's hard to gauge it's efficacy but more people using it have the uptick followed by lessening growth as the drug continues 

    because it is new, a renal cancer oncologist with access to research needs to be treating since other oncologists cut the drug once there is the first sign of progression 

    but as far as your story, Fox, you appear to be reaping the benefits and beating all of the odds and a lesson for newly-diagnosed patients who read the stats in stage 4 and are understandably freaked out.

    your post, Fox, is truly uplifting 


  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Wonderful news to dance - or golf - to

    Fox, that is amazing news to dance - or golf - to. Glad to hear your pain has taken a scarper. 

    This winter, may you enjoy the foods you love, in the company of those you love. 

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited September 2016 #9
    Fox, life is fantastic and

    Fox, life is fantastic and you are fantastic!!!

  • pamstayner
    pamstayner Member Posts: 111 Member
    You made me Happy today

    Thanks for the update Fox, you make me happy today. I have such easy complaints lately, and am glad you are pain free.  Life is indeed good, and thank God, I am still flying... 



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Wonderful to hear that you're

    Wonderful to hear that you're pain free, feeling good, and enjoying golf and food. So happy for you xo

  • angie328
    angie328 Member Posts: 10 Member
    So Happy for you....

    Even though I'm new here, I've read about all of you and feel as though I know you....I just wanted to relay my well wishes for you...wonderful news!!!!



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited October 2016 #13
    Oh Foxy-baby, so glad you can

    Oh Foxy-baby, so glad you can report being PAIN FREE!! YEAH!!! I swear I commented on this at another post, yes?

    But you are amazing, honest, yet humble. You go for it and try try try!!

    You are the king of side effects, so this is good news!

    Hugs my huggable one,


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hey Foxy...very happy to read

    Hey Foxy...very happy to read your post. You are always such an inspiration! And I agree with sblair!!! Bring on Winter of Fox! That will keep me warm, this winter!

    I have been here hit and miss these days....but that will improve by the end of November. Please know that I am always thinking of you guys, as well as keeping you all in my prayers at night. 

    Lots of love and hugs


  • Teashea
    Teashea Member Posts: 89 Member
    Happy days

    Fox I am so happy you are doing so well. Cabo seems to good to be true. I have been dancing on the ceiling. You inspire me. 

  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    edited October 2016 #16
    So Great Fox!


         So happy to hear that you are doing great and the pain is no more!! It's nice to know that your past your 5 years and you just keep going! Thanks for showing us all how to keep going!

                                             Love and prayers for good health


  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Fox, Im always looking forward to hearing from you

    Im so happy to hear you are pain free and planning on a super winter!  To read you is always inspiring!  Let us know about your check-up, is it tomorrow or was it already last week?

    Lots of love,


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Very happy to know you're

    Very happy to know you're pain free and you're doing fine.

    You're a - must see all his posts- for me and every time I was a good news it just makes my day brighter.

    Have a good time

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    edited October 2016 #19

    I am on Cabo now as well so far I have had very few side effects, I am not sure if that is good or not. Good luck with it and keep us posted on how it goes I am very intersted in knowing since you and I share a great deal.