Just diagnosed

merrywhiterose Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2016 in Kidney Cancer #1

I went in for a 6 month routine checkup with bloodwork.  My liver enzymes were out of this world.  So I had an ultrasound & it showed possible liver disease.  It also detected in my R kidney a large mass "probably malignant" with a blood supply.  The waiting is killing me!  Nobody is in a hurry for anything.  Two weeks after diagnosis my MRI is scheduled--Oct. 5.  I worry that it may be stage IV kidney cancer because I'm not in pain on both sides/back.  No blood in urine though.  Getting scheduled to see a Urologist has been a nightmare.  I can't get an appt. until my Tricare authorization is changed to the correct Urologist.  It just seems you spend all of your time waiting to get in for tests or drs. 


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    A little morre info


    So that we may respond appropriately, how large in cm is the "large" mass on your right kidney per the Ulrtasound?



  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Welcome MerryWR

    As Icemantoo suggested, more info please.  If you would be so kind to fill out your "about me" page?  That would be awesome.

    Sorry that you find yourself part of this group.  My suggestion would be to find a doctor, if possible, that specializes in kidney cancers and deals with that significantly.  My doctor is a urologic/oncologist.  Your next test will probably be a CT scan with & without contrast.  If they order a CT scan make sure it's ordered with & without, my first was without and I had to have it repeated with contrast so they could see more.  Without more information regarding the mass that was found it's kind of hard to advise you any further, but best wishes.


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    In kidney cancer world tumors

    In kidney cancer world tumors, even those which sound pretty big for you, can still be Stage 1 only and not life threatening. They are also slow growing, so some waiting is frustrating, but not dangerous.

    Please let us know how big it is.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited October 2016 #5
    The reason



    The reason we are all concerned about how large the tumor appears to be is this. If it is small like 1-4cm the wait of a few weeks here and there is not of any real concern aout it spreading during this waiting period. As the tumor grows larger the chance of spreading goes from near zero to likely if it gets really big. So without knowing how big your suspected tumor is, it is hard to suggest whether this delay you are going thru is serious or not.




  • Dutch1
    Dutch1 Member Posts: 152
    edited October 2016 #6
    Waiting is hard

    All of us understand the difficulty of waiting, especially in the early stages of a diagnosis where cancer is thrown out on the table as a good possibility.  However, please know that there are plenty of people (just look over the history of people on this blog) who have RCC and have very good prospects for successful treatment --- obviously, the sooner the RCC is found, the better.  From what you've shared so far, there is no reason to assume that you're stage IV.  So, hold on.  So much depends on the results of the tests that you're waiting for.

    I've been fortunate enough to have medical providers where I don't have to put up with the treatment delays which you are experiencing.  That's a disadvantage that I see to your situation.  I'm not sure how you correct that.  Delays like you've seen aren't unheard of, but neither is it the norm.  In your situation, that's what I would work at:  trying to find quality service that can be provided in a more timely manner.

    I wish you the best.  There are many people at all stages who are finding good measures of success with today's treatment options.  You should be concerned about the preliminary results, you need to follow up, but wait for the results before assuming the worst.  If it is cancer and if it is at an earlier stage, you'll be happy that your liver tests showed a problem ... otherwise you might have gone a long time before the RCC was found. 


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited October 2016 #7
    The waiting is awful. I was

    The waiting is awful. I was diagnosed in the beginning of January and had my surgery March 17. Wishing you the very best and hopefully this will all be behind you very soon.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Most important

    You have identified a potential life ending disease. And are on top of it when the chances of total recovery are best. I think you have recieved good news. Approach it this way and you will have the best outcome possible.


  • Teashea
    Teashea Member Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Merry

    People probably get tired of me saying one day at a time. It is the only way I can make it threw this. Waiting is hard sometimes. The right Dr. will be helping you soon. Just want to let you know my right kidney was removed in 2005. My cancer was in remission, or so I thought for 9 years. I believe you will be ok. Prayers going up. God bless you.

  • Iggyrip
    Iggyrip Member Posts: 44
    Welcome Merry. You found a

    Welcome Merry. You found a good group of people. Sorry you are doing through this, but everyone here understands and has a lot of experience. Hopefully, you can get through the red tape and get the treatment you need. How did the MRI go?

