
Good day all,

I was diagnosed with a GIST tumor in march of this year and have been on Gleevic for around 83 days to shrink the tumor because of placement and size, it was borderline removable. but on the sept.12. this month we did surgery and the suergeon could not find the tumor anywhere. last scan was on july 18th, and it had shrunk from 11 cm to 7.7 cm. so now i am confused as i was taken off the Gleevic on the 10th of August to bring up my WBC and RBC prior to i guess what i am saying any one else have anything like this and some ideas, and will they want me to back on Gleevic. just not sure on what to think right now. Thank you for your time and help.


  • Doug D
    Doug D Member Posts: 2
    Gleevec experience

    I take 400 mg. of Gleevec daily, have since March 2015, A year ago yesterday (9/29/2016) doctors removed a 12 pound GIST tumor, lots of other GIST cancer and all or most of several organs. Today I am alive and feeling grrrrreat! The Gleevec has some unpleasant side effects but there are few options. Best, Doug