SCC lession on nasal septum

Sep 22, 2016 - 5:21 am


I am new to this site and would like any input on my case.  In April my PCP referred me to an ENT dr for a lession that I found in my nose.  I went to the ENT and was told I needed to have it taken out and biopsied and he was almost positive that it was just a wart or mole that was benign as he has only seen 2 in his practice that came back malignant.  I had the surgery to remove it and was told at my post op apt that it was in fact a squamous cell carcinoma lession on my septum and was then referred to a head and neck surgeon.  The reports were sent over and the head and neck surgeon scheduled me for another surgery to remove the scc that was left.  he told me that he would not recommend radiation as he wasn't in favor of radiation.  I had the surgery today and during surgery he sent the section he removed to pathology and then had to go back in bc the report came back that the boarders has precancer cells so he said he also removed that.  I was sent home and was told to return to ER when the area began to bleed quite a bit.  The surgeons partner met me there and sprayed meds to stop the bleeding and replaced it and I was sent home with the pain meds.  Before the surgery there was never any X-rays or Pet scans as the surgeon didn't feel that they were needed as he felt it was localized and caught early.  I pray this is the case but also fear it might not be or it may come back.  Before the surgery I read many testimonies some of which said that theirs was under treated and one person even said it came back very aggressive and they had to go through so much more after that.   I would really like to hear if anyone has any  oppions on my case.  I would also like to add that my surgeon is very highly recommended and has great credentials so I didn't get a second opinion.  

Thank you for any input anyone may have.  


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited September 2016 #2
    seek real 2nd


    Thought it was a wart and it was SCC (biopsy).

    Then surgery to remove SCC.

    Then go back to get clear margins.

    No scans because the surgeon did not feel they were needed.

    BEWARE no scans, scans can show activity.

    Scan, what does it hurt.

    You just got a 2nd opinion.


    PS radiation saved my life.

  • Priscillam1
    Priscillam1 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2016 #3
    CivilMatt said:

    seek real 2nd


    Thought it was a wart and it was SCC (biopsy).

    Then surgery to remove SCC.

    Then go back to get clear margins.

    No scans because the surgeon did not feel they were needed.

    BEWARE no scans, scans can show activity.

    Scan, what does it hurt.

    You just got a 2nd opinion.


    PS radiation saved my life.

    Thank you Matt! My post op is

    Thank you Matt! My post op is next week and if I'm not confident with the results then I will most definitely get a 2nd opinion and request a scan.  I did expect when I went to the surgeon for him to order a scan, X-ray or something but  he didn't seem concerned and said he was sure I caught it early and he could get it all.  it just makes me nervous as I have read information about all of this and I just feel your at the mercy of the doctors because they are supposed to be the educated ones on this.  That's why I got on this site bc I feel those who are facing similar situations can advise me out of their own experiences.  

  • AndrewP16nose
    AndrewP16nose Member Posts: 23 Member
    My septal SCC

    I had a nasal septal SCC but it had gone into my upper jaw. I lost my 5 front teeth, upper jaw and nasal septum. Not fully excised so had 7 weeks radio and chemo therapy. I'm now 2 years cancer free so you'll be fine but if some cancer cells left you'll need that cleared. I'm sure you're in good hands but if any doubts get other opinions