
Will Doran
Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member

To all,

Here comes November again.  Time to start growing Beards and Mustaches for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.  I started my "Stash"as of yesterday. 

Best Wishes to all



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited September 2016 #2


    This is the first time I hear the word Brovember. Though I do not know its meaning, I think you were referring to Movember, our event involving the growing of moustaches (in November) to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

    Well,....... I am already excusing myself from shaving everyday under the disguise of the event. It started last year and I am not sure if ever I return to the routine of the businessman; clean-shaved, tied suits and cravat.

    Lets grow it long enough to be seen from the moon. Lol


  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member
    edited September 2016 #3



    This is the first time I hear the word Brovember. Though I do not know its meaning, I think you were referring to Movember, our event involving the growing of moustaches (in November) to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

    Well,....... I am already excusing myself from shaving everyday under the disguise of the event. It started last year and I am not sure if ever I return to the routine of the businessman; clean-shaved, tied suits and cravat.

    Lets grow it long enough to be seen from the moon. Lol




    Around here (Central Pennsylvania, USA) I have also heard Movember refered to as Brovember.  Meaning we are all brothers in this battle.  At least I think that's why it's called that.  I guess I've gotten used to that name and just used it instead of Movember.   I was refering to beards for Movember.


  • mikedayton62
    mikedayton62 Member Posts: 22
    Dang. I wear a beard and mustache 12 months of the year

    And my wife won't let me grow the beard long enough to braid. I'll have to think of something else.