Question: Re Breathing

dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
edited September 2016 in Kidney Cancer #1

A little history first. Left Kidney and Adrenal Gland have been removed. Right Adrenal Gland does not work. Have several small nodlues on right lung and have a sub cutaneous knot on my sternum. Lympnodes in region are also involved with spread of cancer. Cancer has spread to other areas of the body but not mentioning it here just focusing on area of the lungs. Have had an issue with anxiety/stress that when it would occur I would have a feeling similiair to someone sitting on my chest and therefore have issues with breathing in general. This would occur on occassion and not daily

Have lots of stress in life right now with best friend dieing of cancer, father in hospital for 8 months straight, my job is in a high stress environment and I am still able to work full time which is 40+ hours per week, Sons wedding and wedding bills coming up this December, on a strong regiment of steroids that has put over 100 pounds of weight on body, retaining large volumes of fluid (they say 30-50 pounds)in legs, cant sleep on back and have to sleep sitting up in a chair, not sleeping well because of this and only able to sleep in increments of 2 hours at a time-2-3 times per night, and have the day to day issues of dealing with cancer and what they is also doing to my family.

This feeling of someone sitting on my chest and not being able to breathe is happening more frequently (multiple times per day with different levels of breathing difficulty) and have pain with knot on sternum which just went through a 10-day radiation session which seems to have not worked. Is this still an anxiety/stress issue or is this a result of the spread of the cancer to the lungs? Has anyone had this type of feeling and issues with their lungs and breathing before and if yes how did they handle it?

Im seeing my Doctor on Thursday so I plan to ask but it has me worried enough that I am asking now. Doctor has me on lorazepam 1 mg tabs (1 tab every 8 hours) as needed that I feel that I now need to take every 8 hours and even with that still have issue. thanks all for help and support





  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited September 2016 #2

    Is all I can say.  Based on what you are telling us, I can't help but believe that stress is a huge contributer to your breathing problems.  I'm sure the cancer has a part, but the impact of all the other stuff has to be the main culprit.  My opinion (and it's not written in research) is that you need some "dancnbear" time to sort this stuff out and get it under control.  I've read it several times on this board that stress feeds cancer.  I'm sure you are in good hands with your doctor, you have to do your part and take care of you.  Your support system of family and friends will understand.

    Blessings of peace coming your way.  Good luck!


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited September 2016 #3
    Oh DB, so sorry for your woes

    You've got a lot on your plate and anyone would feel anxiety/stress over all of that.  As a former Respiratory Therapist I can assure you that the anxiety and stress levels you're experiencing are definitely a contributing factor.  If you don't feel like the lorazepam is working don't hesitate to make that clear to your doctor because there are other meds that may help with getting thru the day to day stuff and maybe help you sleep a little better.  Lack of sleep also can contribute to the pressure you're feeling in your chest.  That being said, clearly there is a physical component though.  Are you on a diuretic to help pull off some of the fluid retention?  Frankly, with your complex situation not sure if that's an option, so please excuse my ignorance if it's not.  Severe fluid retention, like you're describing, will surely create a "drowning" sensation that is very real.  You didn't say how big this "knot" is, so if it's good sized, you're not only dealing with the fluid restricting your lungs but the knot can also be restricting.

    I want you to know I am keeping you in my prayers and that soon you get some needed relief.  Please update when you can.



  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Thats all you need

    Sounds like panic attacks. You can get effective pills and/or behaviour changes to dead with that. Make sure you have a list of what you are going to tell your Doc, and good luck.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    edited September 2016 #5
    You're dealing with a lot. Really with a lot.

    I can only say that I have that sensation too and I have no mets in my lungs. Sometimes I wonder if I do because of that sensation, then I get a clean scan so I know it's anxiety.

    The lorazepam is habit forming. It's not that I'd worry about the habit, what I mean is that over time it can take more of the same drug to get the same effect and withdrawal can cause panic attacks as well. You might want to see a psychiatrist to help you find a drug to deal with the anxiety that works better than the lorazepam. I think there are others that may not have this effect.

    I take lorazepam once in awhile. When it wears off I notice a rebound anxiety.

    Can you get some real relief somewhere? In your work schedule/stress at work? Seems to me you need a break somewhere. You may have to say no to something so you can concentrate on yourself.

    Wishing you well,



  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
    todd121 said:

    You're dealing with a lot. Really with a lot.

    I can only say that I have that sensation too and I have no mets in my lungs. Sometimes I wonder if I do because of that sensation, then I get a clean scan so I know it's anxiety.

    The lorazepam is habit forming. It's not that I'd worry about the habit, what I mean is that over time it can take more of the same drug to get the same effect and withdrawal can cause panic attacks as well. You might want to see a psychiatrist to help you find a drug to deal with the anxiety that works better than the lorazepam. I think there are others that may not have this effect.

    I take lorazepam once in awhile. When it wears off I notice a rebound anxiety.

    Can you get some real relief somewhere? In your work schedule/stress at work? Seems to me you need a break somewhere. You may have to say no to something so you can concentrate on yourself.

    Wishing you well,



    How much is too much when

    How much is too much when taking the Lorazepam? Sometimes I took it twice a day and then there are times I didnt take it at all but lately I find myself taking it twice a day and still I have the breathing/anxiety issues. I tried a therapist and all he pushed was breathing exercisies which did nothing to calm me down. In fact he did the opposit because I wanted to talk through my issues not be told how to breath. I plan to talk to my Doctor this week but do you have any additional thoughts? Im thinking more and more it may cancer and not anxiety and that in its self may be my problem.


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

    How much is too much when

    How much is too much when taking the Lorazepam? Sometimes I took it twice a day and then there are times I didnt take it at all but lately I find myself taking it twice a day and still I have the breathing/anxiety issues. I tried a therapist and all he pushed was breathing exercisies which did nothing to calm me down. In fact he did the opposit because I wanted to talk through my issues not be told how to breath. I plan to talk to my Doctor this week but do you have any additional thoughts? Im thinking more and more it may cancer and not anxiety and that in its self may be my problem.


    Sorry. I don't know.

    I really don't know. I did see a psychiatrist at one point. He didn't like me taking the lorazepam at all. My family doctor prescribed it. My family doc seems to be fine if I take 1 a day (0.5mg or 1mg). He prescribes me 30 x 1mg and as long as I don't use them all in 30 days, he's ok with that. I think it's a question for a psychiatrist. Or listen to your body. I notice a rebound anxiety after it wears off so I really stick to taking it when anxiety keeps me from falling asleep.

    You might try another therapist. There are a lot of quack therapists out there. You might have to try a few. If a therapist doesn't want to listen, that's a really bad therapist, in my opinion!

    There should be an objective test of your breathing so you know if your breathing is a problem or not. Have you seen a pulmonary specialist? I'd think they should be able to tell you if your breathing is compromised and prescribe something to help. There are plenty of people with lung problems that get treatments or take drugs to help with that.

    Sometimes I'm amazed how the oncologists don't help with these other issues.

    Best to you,


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited September 2016 #8

    How much is too much when

    How much is too much when taking the Lorazepam? Sometimes I took it twice a day and then there are times I didnt take it at all but lately I find myself taking it twice a day and still I have the breathing/anxiety issues. I tried a therapist and all he pushed was breathing exercisies which did nothing to calm me down. In fact he did the opposit because I wanted to talk through my issues not be told how to breath. I plan to talk to my Doctor this week but do you have any additional thoughts? Im thinking more and more it may cancer and not anxiety and that in its self may be my problem.


    I take

    Clonazapam if that helps.

  • Teashea
    Teashea Member Posts: 89 Member
    edited September 2016 #9
    Hi DB

    Very sorry to hear about the anxiety and stress. It seems never ending in my life. One day at a time my friend. We are similar with our rcc. I lost my right kidney Dec 2005. They did not feel I needed chemo or radiation. Oct 2014 my right adrenal gland was removed. After my surgery rcc had metastasized to my lungs, left femar, a small stomach tumor, and left adrenal gland. Thank God my left kidney is okay. At this time my left hilar mass is 27mm x 27mm. I have times where I feel like I need to gasp for my breath in a series like hickups. My chest does feel very tight sometimes but it does not sound like to the degree your discomfort is. Gos bless you.

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    edited September 2016 #10
    Hello Dancbear! I believe taking

    pills is not the best thing but the worst is not being able to sleep or spend the day with a level of anxiety that interfers with taking full pleasure of life!  I take Clonazepam in the form of drops 3 or 4 nights of the week and have been doing it for years... before even knowing I had cancer.  Mind you only 3 drops of Rivotril but it does the trick for me at night.  My psi agrees.   I personally don't believe in suffering if there is something to help you avoid it.  Anxious people do have a very hard time to let ourselves be taugh how to breath correctly because at the biggining its feels stressful.  Give it a try with that in mind, it really, really does help!  At the beggining even my pulse went up, now I love to do breathing techniques and take Yoga!   Wishing you well.