Ned was short lived.

As most of you know I was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer Stage IIIC2.  And the chemo treatment was 6 rounds of chemo ( Ifex/Mesna/Taxol). Which I completed Mar. 25th 2016.  I started with pain in my right hip Sunday evening to Monday morning Labor Day weekend.  I had family over on that Sunday and just thought pain was due to me being on my feet most of Sunday.  The pain stopped in my hip but went to my lower back on right side along with pain in my groin area on my right side occassionally.  My pain didn't go away so I took a couple of Tylenol and that seemed to help with the pain.  But as the Tylenol wore off the pain would come back. I dealt with the pain for the next week with Tylenol.  We were planning a trip to leave the following Tuesday so decided I better call the triage nursers and find out if they want me to come in and see the gyn/onc doctor or go to urgent care.  Well they called me back shortly and said I was to go into urgent care.  I did go in immediately on that Monday and they did a cat scan to check and see what was going on.  The news was not good.  I had 3 enlarged lymph nodes and they directed my scan right over to gyn/onc office.  By the time I got home from Urgent Care the onc office had called and set up an appointment on Wednesday to see doctor.  At the appointment the news was not good but I knew that already and I am to start a external radiation program starting today and go on for the next 4 weeks Monday-Friday.   20 treatments to shrink the enlarged lymph nodes to decrease the pain.  After that I will see the gyn/onc doctor in 2 weeks and begin another group of chemo treatments.  Don't know at this time which drugs it will be this time just know it will take place to slow down the Cancer.  Will try and beat this monster with all the energy I have in me so I can become NED again. 



  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    What a warrior you are

    I am so sorry to hear this.  I am glad that this was caught early and you are getting treatment very quickly.  I do believe that additude  can go a long way to help with fighting this..

    Hugs nd prayers , Lou Ann

  • giggs100
    giggs100 Member Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks Lou Ann

    You have been an inspiration to me with everything that you have gone through.

    Keep the prayers coming as I will for all of us warriors out there.



  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    I'm sorry to hear this

    but it sounds like you caught the recurrence early.  Strength to you on this next part of your journey.  We're all here with you!

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    edited September 2016 #5
    Ahh Jerry

    The news sucks and I am so terribly sorry for this new challenge.  You are handling this with such strength and direction that you are a true inspiration to me.  At anytime any of us could put on your shoes and I hope if I do I can look forward and realize I can beat it by fighting it.  God bless and keep us posted.  My prayers and best wishes are with you.


  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member

    I'm so sorry this is happening for you now and that your trip got screwed up by it to boot! I have a feeling you're putting a brave face on this because this is news none of us want to hear after our first experience with it. I'm sending you my thoughts and prayers that all will eventually be well for you. If you need us, we'll be here for you!

  • daylady
    daylady Member Posts: 122
    Hang In! Hang On!

    Jerri, I too am going thru chemo again for a recurrence, and it is my second time.  I'm absolutely with you and completely believe that NED is possible.  Hang in there girl, you can do this! - Helen

  • rcdeman
    rcdeman Member Posts: 263 Member
    edited September 2016 #8
    So so sorry to hear this. I

    So so sorry to hear this. I hate it when this happens. :( Praying for you and hoping the new treatments are effective. Please stay strong!

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    Jerri, I am so sorry to hear

    Jerri, I am so sorry to hear you're facing this. I can only imagine what it must be like to gather one's strength to begin a second round of the fight. You know so much more about yourself now than you did the first time, though, and have many more resources to draw on--including the inspiring women on this board who show every day that it's possible to fight this thing and keep going. You have my best wishes.

    I have the same diagnosis (IIIc2, endometrioid/serous). I'm about halfway through a sandwich regimen of 3 Carbo/Taxol--5 weeks of external radiation + brachytherapy--3 more rounds of chemo. I hope you won't mind my asking what the factors were in your doctors' choice of chemo and radiation treatments. I'd like to know as much as I can about how these decisions are made.

    I hope to hear soon that you're NED again and staying that way!


  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited September 2016 #10
    I'm so sorry to hear this

    I'm so sorry to hear this Jerri. It's something we all fear:( keep us posted during treatment. Prayers for you and all of us!

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited September 2016 #11
    That is the news that we all fear

    Jerri, that is the news that we all fear. I'm so sorry that you're experiencing it now. We are all here with you and will support you in whatever way we can. You can beat back this beast. You've done it once and you can do it again. Hang in there and don't ever give up hope. Wishing you strength and continued hope, Kim.

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    edited September 2016 #12
    I am sad to hear this news

    I am sad to hear this news but im glad there are more options for you.  You sound like a fighter to me. You being able to deal with the the reaccurance so quickly is inspiring to me. I dont know what is like to have a reacurrance but i do know what its like to have cancer twice and its not easy.  Its helpful too because you do already know what you are made of and you can lean on that.  I hope you get a chance to morn  the loss of your trip and beable to make plans to do it another time.

    lots of love, janae

  • LindyLu
    LindyLu Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2016 #13
    sorry to hear

      giggs100, so sorry to hear the news.  Prayers and strength to you as you face this new challenge.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    edited September 2016 #14
    Jerri, I am sorry to hear

    Jerri, I am sorry to hear this.  Like you, I find Lou Ann such an inspiration but YOU have a great attitude.  Hugs and prayers to you.

  • giggs100
    giggs100 Member Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks to all

    Thanks to all you lovely women for the encouragement, love and prayers.  I want you all to know how much this wonderful group of ladies means to me.  I have learned so much in knowledge from this site and support that is non-stop from you all.

    Love and hugs returned to each and everyone of you.



  • giggs100
    giggs100 Member Posts: 91 Member
    Chemo choices and radiation

    Rebecca the choice of my gyn/onc doctor on what they recommended for my first treatment of chemo drugs was from a group of heads from the Carbone Center that treats cancer patients was  Ifex/Mesna/Taxol.  A group of doctors meet on each and every case they have on what is best for each and every patient.  They did not after I had 6 treatments felt radiationwas necessary at this time.  I did have a cat scan after chemo and everything was clear at this time.  They all thought this was a drug of choice for me.  Needless to say it did not at this time quiet the cancer - it reared it's ugly head again.  So now with the pain I am in with the enlarged lymph nodes they are doing radiation to stop the pain and then we will advance into a chemo treatment plan again.  Hope this help to answer you questions.  If not just ask away and I will try and answer more of your questions.


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    giggs100 said:

    Chemo choices and radiation

    Rebecca the choice of my gyn/onc doctor on what they recommended for my first treatment of chemo drugs was from a group of heads from the Carbone Center that treats cancer patients was  Ifex/Mesna/Taxol.  A group of doctors meet on each and every case they have on what is best for each and every patient.  They did not after I had 6 treatments felt radiationwas necessary at this time.  I did have a cat scan after chemo and everything was clear at this time.  They all thought this was a drug of choice for me.  Needless to say it did not at this time quiet the cancer - it reared it's ugly head again.  So now with the pain I am in with the enlarged lymph nodes they are doing radiation to stop the pain and then we will advance into a chemo treatment plan again.  Hope this help to answer you questions.  If not just ask away and I will try and answer more of your questions.


    (((Jerri))) I am so sorry you

    (((Jerri))) I am so sorry you have to go through treatment again, but luckily there are treatments out there that work for the recurrence.  It sounds like you caught it early (I hate to say this but thank heavens for pain) and that makes achieving our one true love, NED, much easier.  

    Keep us updated - you've got the Uti-Tootie-Army behind you (that's us!).



  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    edited September 2016 #18
    So very sorry that your

    So very sorry that your facing treatment again. I too am having some pain in my hip and lower abdominal area. I am having trouble getting any of my doctors ( breast oncology, primary care, or gyno omco) to be concerned it's it - they are all chalking it up to sciatica pain. Can you tell me ,ore about where you pain originate and what it feels like?  

  • giggs100
    giggs100 Member Posts: 91 Member
    edited September 2016 #19
    cindy0519 said:

    So very sorry that your

    So very sorry that your facing treatment again. I too am having some pain in my hip and lower abdominal area. I am having trouble getting any of my doctors ( breast oncology, primary care, or gyno omco) to be concerned it's it - they are all chalking it up to sciatica pain. Can you tell me ,ore about where you pain originate and what it feels like?  

    Sharp Pain in hip area

    Cindy it was a sharp pain in the hip area that was constant.  That moved away and went in to constant pain in right lower back and right lower groin area in the front.  I got some relief from the pain by taking tylenol every 3 to 4 hours.   I lived with that for a week and decided before we took our trip I better get this checked out otherwise we would be in some areas where there would be no hospitals to go to.  Went to urgent care and with my explanation of my health issues at this time did a cat scan with contrast right away and that is how this was all found out.

  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    Thanks Jerri!  Mine is sharp

    Thanks Jerri!  Mine is sharp pain in the left hip joint - it sometimes comes to the front and sometime goes into my back/butt area. By the end of the day it has aggrivated my sciatia and I have pain down the outside of my left thigh and into my knee joint (this pain is nerve pain though as it is more of a burning pain where the hip join is a sharp pain).  It is endless! No amount of motrin, Aleve, or Tyenol seem to help very long.  I just finished a course of Prednisone and while it did help with the burning nerve pain for a short while, it did nothing to really clear the pain in my hip

    I have a 3 month follow up with the gyno onco on Oct. 3.  I am hoping that I can get her to pay some attention to this and schedule another scan.  I hbd some fairly severe pain in my lower left abdominal area in early Aug while I was in Mississipi and had a CT done at an ER there. They said it was an inflammation of my bowels caused by the pelvic radiation I had recently finished and put me on a pain med and Naproxen.  My gyn onco doesn't want to repeat the CT because one was just done in early Aug (or at least that was her response via telephone a couple weeks ago) but I am going to push for another scan when I see her on the 3rd!