Possible/worried I have lymphoma

First off I just want to start off by saying I'm sorry because I haven't been actually diagnosed with lymphoma. I am also very worried. I can't get my mind off it. In the summer I noticed a groin lymph node swell after I had a severe allergic reaction to horse fly bites. I didn't think much of It. But about two weeks ago I noticed more in my groin were swelling. I have about 5 swollen down there now. I went to my gp and he pal pated all over and said he thought there were of no concern. so I tried to sluff it off but I just can't let it go. I feel deep down that something isn't right. I do also get chest tightness but it seems to be worse when I get stressed or anxious about something. Also I'm 20 and just started nursing school. I also have a swollen lymph node behind my left ear. Can some of you tell me How yours started? im just worried I need to go to another doctor


  • Sten
    Sten Member Posts: 162 Member
    See another doctor!

    Hi Aspen723,

    Most often such swollen lymph nodes are not lymphoma. But since you are worried, you had better see another doctor.

    Good luck!


  • Agree with Sten

    probably nothing but peace of mind is priceless. See a specialist, either a hematologist or oncologist.

  • Aspen723
    Aspen723 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2016 #4
    Forgot to mention these lymph

    Forgot to mention these lymph nodes aren't tender at all

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Health anxiety

    You should be worried if your nodes did not enlarge. They are designed and intended to enlarge. They are supposed to enlarge. That means that your immune system is functioning, which is a good sign, not bad. Doctor is not concerned, but you are. Hmmmm. It appears that your thoughts have become intrusive, which is a thought disorder, not a cancer. There is a good chance that you suffer from anxiety, either general, or health-related. Anxiety is epidemic in our culture, which seems to live in constant fear of one thing or other. Anxiety is 100% treatable, which can restore your peace of mind, so I would certainly mention that to doctor at your next visit.

  • Kaniksu
    Kaniksu Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2016 #6
    a swollen node in my groin

    a swollen node in my groin was how mine started. Find another dr that will listen to you, get some testing done to rule out cancer. Mine was swollen for about six weeks before I saw my Dr.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited September 2016 #7
    po18guy said:

    Health anxiety

    You should be worried if your nodes did not enlarge. They are designed and intended to enlarge. They are supposed to enlarge. That means that your immune system is functioning, which is a good sign, not bad. Doctor is not concerned, but you are. Hmmmm. It appears that your thoughts have become intrusive, which is a thought disorder, not a cancer. There is a good chance that you suffer from anxiety, either general, or health-related. Anxiety is epidemic in our culture, which seems to live in constant fear of one thing or other. Anxiety is 100% treatable, which can restore your peace of mind, so I would certainly mention that to doctor at your next visit.


    I agree with Po's take on this.  You have a medical explanation for the swelling (insect bites. allergic reaction).  And the issue in your chest and behind the ear, to be related to the groin nodes, would require that you be massivley involved with lymphoma -- quite unlikely.

    You could have lymphoma, but so could any of the other 5 billion people on earth.  One thing you will learn as a nurse is when is a diagnosis reasonable.

    Just for reference: cancerous nodes do not get worse with stress, and normally do not present any form of pain: they are not tender, sore, etc.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Suppose that you do have lymphoma...

    First, no one hopes that you do, and everyone hopes that you do not. However, your repetitive thoughts, followed by chest tightness, are classic signs of anxiety. I fail to see how anxiety is good to have by itself, or how it will help you get through a potential diagnosis of lymphoma. You are also young, which is a time of life that is stressful, as well as just entering a high-stress time of schooling. You have an awful lot going on at this time. A little temporary help to get the stress and anxiety under contol will help you no matter what happens.

    As to a doctor, the node behind your ear (it may be something else) should be examined by an ear/nose/throat doctor. If you need a referral, then by all means ask your GP for a referral. At the same time, watch for additional or worsening symptoms. But, get some help with your stress level first, and it will help whatever comes afterward.