

Has anyone used Benecalorie?  It was recommended to me today. Any reviews?  Supposedly it has 330 in 1 1/2 ounces And is neutral flavored. That combined with a Boost Very High Calorie is almost 900 calories in a little over 9 ounces.  My husbands doc was not happy at all with his 7 pound in one week weight loss. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member
    edited September 2016 #2
    1.5 oz is all it takes


    I have not used it, but I used plenty of olive oil, vegetable oil and nuts to add calories to food and smoothies.

    I just skimmed through 40 reviews and found most like it.  Many of the people have other problems and simply object to any food or supplement.  Speaking for the temporary H&N diet, it is most likely ok.

    Some complained about diarrhea and constipation, but most did not.  It is rather expensive, more so than digging through my cupboards for something.

    Where is your husband at in H&N Land?


  • georgiasurfer
    georgiasurfer Member Posts: 63 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    1.5 oz is all it takes


    I have not used it, but I used plenty of olive oil, vegetable oil and nuts to add calories to food and smoothies.

    I just skimmed through 40 reviews and found most like it.  Many of the people have other problems and simply object to any food or supplement.  Speaking for the temporary H&N diet, it is most likely ok.

    Some complained about diarrhea and constipation, but most did not.  It is rather expensive, more so than digging through my cupboards for something.

    Where is your husband at in H&N Land?


    Thanks. He has 7 radiation

    Thanks. He has 7 radiation treatments left. He is miserable and does not have a feeding tube. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member
    7 left. oh how we all remeber


    A PEG does not guarantee you a good time. I had two of them and the first was horribly painful and got switched out with a likeable enough one.  I always managed to drink at least one meal a day plus many glasses of water.

    You are getting close, hang in there.


  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106
    Know VHC Boost well
    I never used Benecalorie; however, I am very familiar with VHC Boost. I too did not have a PEG and maintaining calories was a top priority. I maintained my weight up to the last week or treatments when I lost about 6 pounds in one week. Most of that was water I believe as my very last chemo infusion about did me in and it was difficult to stay hydrated. I had to have them pump IV fluids in me for a few days at the infusion center.

    I used VHC Boost and SandiShakes mixed with a protein shake. As you know the VHC Boost is 530 calories and the SandiShake / protein shake mixture totaled nearly 900 calories for me. Since I was liquid only from week 3 on, these products were a staple and I typically would do at least 2 - 3 VHC Boost and 2 protein shakes per day.

    Also, keep some VHC Boost handy for when the treatments stop. You will still want to supplement with them as it will be several weeks before you begin to feel like you can maintain your weight without them. I am currently 8 weeks out from treatments as of today and still supplement with at least 1 VHC Boost each day. And as Matt says, hydration is key. If at all possible drink as much water as possible. It will also help with that nasty mucous.

    I hope all goes well during your last week of treatments.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I would have given my eye teeth...

    to have had something containing 330 calories in 1 1/2 ozs!!!  I did the Boost VHC, and as per advice from someone on here, knew that it took 12 to 13 swallows to get that down.  I counted every swallow, too :).  Use it....the more calories taken with the greatest of ease, the better.


  • oldvamp
    oldvamp Member Posts: 9

    I finished radiation and chemo treatments for my metastatic BoT cancer 13 months ago.  My wife discovered Benecalorie and has given it to me 1-2 times daily to keep my weight up.  It blends in easily with just about anything saucy:  eg;  scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, cream soups, smoothies or protein shakes and has no sugars.  I warning though is that it does thicken things a bit (ask my wife as she screams at the mess) Its spendy but we order by the case from Amazon and it's do-able.  It has 330 calories per container, which helps add the caloric intake.