Neck stiff and tongue feels weird

I am just over 3 years out from treatment. Everything has been going very well, then the other day I woke up and my neck was stiff, my tongue and chin felt like I pulled every muscle in my neck and mouth.It has since gooten better, but still has not gone away. There are no lumps on my neck or tongue, no sores or marks in my mouth. I have experienced some face and jaw cramps, and my tongue feels smooth and burnt. My sense of taste is way off too. I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced anything like this after a few years. I no there can be all sorts of long term effects from radiation, hopefully this is just something temporary.

Thank you.



  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    Each day is an adventure with this ride


    I am now 12 years out and find that some days I feel great after working around the house the day before. Many times, I find I feel like I tripped over a rock and rolled down a hill. My RO told me that when we do any type of heavy work using our arms and shoulders, we will tend to pay the price the next day with possible Lymphedema in those areas. Which in turm can make our neck and shoulders stiff. I was taught exercises and massage to help with this problem.

    I have experienced the same issues you state about your tongue, some days the issue pops up and as quickly disappears. We tend to be more aware of different issues now and watch to make sure things don't get out of hand. I hope that this passes quickly for you. 

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Muscle Spasms

    Unlike your problem, now I get spasms in my right side of my neck where they did a radical dissection.  I wonder how many tendons and small muscles were cut.  My neck will tighten up and it takes about 30 seconds for it to relax.  It seems to be getting worse and worse the longer the date of my last rad was. (April 4th 2012)  My tongue is okay with the exception of I can't use a minty toothpaste, it burns.  What's even odder is I can still eat fairly hot salsa and not have an issue.  My guess is the new taste buds are just picky.  We all have our own little discomfort from time to time and believe me, I'm not complaining, just stating facts.  I know full well w/o the surgery & radiation treatment I'd be dead by now.  So grateful I am.

    Sorry to hear you're having these issues.  It's just what you get left with after all the treatments are done.

    Continue to heal and prosper!
