June 2016 Diagnosis Stage 1A Her2+ Support



  • kakennedy
    kakennedy Member Posts: 37
    edited August 2016 #22
    Kfish said:

    I had #3 of 4 AC treatments

    I had #3 of 4 AC treatments last Wednesday. My last AC treatment is on 8/24. I will begin 12 weekly Taxol and Herceptin treatments on 9/7. I've had minimal side effects from AC.  Nausea was managed by meds prior to chemo infusion. I did lose my hair but no other side effects From either AC or  Neulasta. 

    i haven't discussed any specifics about the taxol & Hercept infusions with oncologist yet but will be sure to ask about the steroid and I'm curious why taxol and Herceptin are given on separate days for your first treatment. My oncologist recommended weekly infusions rather than dose dense every other week. He has said other patients seem to tolerate the weekly treatments much better. 

    i wish you minimal side effects as you begin the taxol journey. You will be 2 treatments ahead of my schedule. please let me know how you are doing. Stay strong!  

    I can offer tips that I feel have helped minimize my side effects with the AC chemo but I have no idea if the same practices will help with Taxol. I increase my water intake to at least 80 ozs the day before, day of and for 2-3 days after chemo. I take a thermos of ice water to chemo and chew on ice during the one infusion. I don't know if that's prevented mouth sores but it sure can't hurt anything. I also have continued to exercise regularly ( it's good for me physically and mentally). I've not had any mouth sores or taste changes and therefore have been able to stick to a pretty normal healthy diet with plenty of veggies and fruit. I do find that I need an extra nap on 2nd day after chemo but am back to normal by day 3. 

    im hoping these same practices help me sail through the taxol treatments. 

    Best of luck to you!


    Hey Karen,

    Hey Karen,

    I had my treatments for this week yesterday and today and so far so good.  I finished around 12:45 today.  :) 

    August 18, 2016 Treatment #1 (Herceptin only – Nurse Jazabel)

    8:30 – arrived; Dr. Bakari did an exam around 9:15; 

    9:45  – took 2 tubes of blood


    10:10 - Tylenol – 2 tablets of 325 each

    10:11 - Benadryl 25mg in IV

    10:30 – Herceptin (Trastuzamab) Loading Dose 285mg

    11:05 – 12:05 – just sitting and waiting for any side effects so I can be watched


    August 19, 2016 Treatment #1 Taxol

    8:30 – arrived; met with Collen; cardiogram was fine; gained 4 pounds (urrrr!!)

    9:30 – saline and premed drugs; benedryl 25 mg in IV; Pepcid (antireflux med) in IV

                steroid (decadrode) and Zofran (nausea med)

    10:52 - 138mg of Taxol – 90 minutes

                  97/59 to 101/60; 90 pulse: 117/64 pulse – 90; 115/72 Pulse 91; 113/68 Pulse 91; 110/61

    12:40 – Heparin to flush the port

    12:45 - finished

    Hope this helps as you discuss your options with your onconologist.  I feel real good about the two days.  They explained the two days prevents a lot of the side effects and they give the drugs over a longer period of time just to make sure I will not have negative reactions during infusion and fewer side effects.

    Let me know how you are doing.

    :) Kathy

  • Iris_G
    Iris_G Member Posts: 50 Member
    HER2+ here

    I was diagnosed as ER+/PR+/HER2+ last July 2015.  Had my surgery on 8/25/2015 (2 cm lump & sentinel node with 3 lymph nodes removed) and started chemo in October 2015.  I was first told that I wasn't going to have to do chemo until my lump came back HER2+.  So...I started taxotere/carboplatin/herceptin.  I had my treatments every 3 weeks for 6 treatments, but had a few bumps along the way due to my platelet counts.  I ended up on daily steroids for a couple of months to help my counts, which ended up putting 40 lbs back on me!  Finally had my last taxotere/carboplatin treatment on 2/24/2016.  Had 30 radiation treatments in April & May 2016.  I'll have to do herceptin until the end of October 2016 (coming up fast)!

    I'll admit the days between treatments 2, 3 & 4 were a little tough, but I did continue to work through my surgery and treatments.  It's the only way I could continue to feel "normal".  It's normal to be scared, but just remember how much you've come through already!  You got this...you'll do great!

  • CoastalMom
    CoastalMom Member Posts: 38
    My Treatment for Her2+

    I was diagnosed with Her2+ Double negative Stage 1A last July 2015.  This was my treatment,  taxotere, carboplatin, perjecta, and Herceptin every 3 weeks for 6 for cycles.  Then continued with Herceptin, lumptectomy, (4 lymph nodes removed and axillary bx) and 33 treatments of radiation therapy. Yes it was very,  very ROUGH!!  No denying that but I am happy to say I finished my last Herceptin treatment 2 weeks ago!!!!  I am doing great and you will too!