Colon cancer in lungs

SERRIN Member Posts: 14

Has anyone been given an all clear then had cancer spots found in lungs? I had stage 4 colon cancer in 2008. I had 18" of colon removed and several lymph nodes. I took the required chemo. Now it has come back in my lungs and a cluster of lymph nodes in my stomach. I am currently ding chemo again. this is not operable. Would like to talk to someone with same symptoms.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I didn't get the all clear

    I didn't get the all clear but I did have spots in my lungs found last fall after having the colon cancer surgery one year before. I had no symptoms. They did very localized, precise radiation to get rid of them. They can't do surgery on me because I've had a life threatening blood clot and am on blood thinners for life. I have one more spot in one lung that they say isn't cancerous, at least the PET scan said it isn't, but they're keeping an eye on it. I'll have a CT scan later this month to see what's happening with it. It's very close to the aorta so they can't do anything with it.

    Sorry, not much help.


    SERRIN Member Posts: 14
    JanJan63 said:

    I didn't get the all clear

    I didn't get the all clear but I did have spots in my lungs found last fall after having the colon cancer surgery one year before. I had no symptoms. They did very localized, precise radiation to get rid of them. They can't do surgery on me because I've had a life threatening blood clot and am on blood thinners for life. I have one more spot in one lung that they say isn't cancerous, at least the PET scan said it isn't, but they're keeping an eye on it. I'll have a CT scan later this month to see what's happening with it. It's very close to the aorta so they can't do anything with it.

    Sorry, not much help.


    Colon Cancer in Lungs

    I wish you the best of luck Thank you for your reply.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    SERRIN said:

    Colon Cancer in Lungs

    I wish you the best of luck Thank you for your reply.

    Best of luck to you that the

    Best of luck to you that the chemo works. What chemo is it? It's unfortunate that what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another so there's no saying what works and what doesn't. I hope yours gives you the best results possible.


    SERRIN Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2016 #5
    JanJan63 said:

    Best of luck to you that the

    Best of luck to you that the chemo works. What chemo is it? It's unfortunate that what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another so there's no saying what works and what doesn't. I hope yours gives you the best results possible.


    I took the one that makes you

    I took the one that makes you hyper sensitive to cold in 08 but after 1 treatment of it now the doctor changed to Avastin. I have had 5 treatments of Avastin and 1 of the other. It was fine at first but now I have pain in my shoulder and throat with fever at times. It is really wearing me down. They did an x-ray of the port and said it is working fine. The doctor said it could not be infection since it would go away the second week out. Has anyone ever had this problem?

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited August 2016 #6

    I am sorry that your Cancer returned. It has to be awful to get so far out from diagnosis, and then find out its back. 

    It sounds like you had Oxaliplatin your first go around, which is what I had also.  I do not recognise your symptoms, and hope someone comes on who can give you a little advice.  It is frustrating when the Doctor's can't figure out whats going on. 

    Good luck! 


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    I'm sorry this has come back

    I'm sorry this has come back on you, those nodes must have been away from your colon to get a stage four diagnosis. Still it's disturbing [frightening for you] that they can remove the tumors/nodes, give you Folfox [I presume] and you're clear for the better part of eight years, and now it pops up in your lungs. Another thread details a man who was clear for nine years after the same treatment for IIIc CC, and now faces reoccurance. I'm understanding now, more than ever, that nothing with this disease is guaranteed. Life has no guarantees, and I accept that, but I'll certainly celebrate the day they can finally stop this stuff with certainty. There are those who have traveled similar paths here, one should be able to share their experience. I'm a IIIb who has dealt with reoccurance twice in the liver, at around the two year mark, give or take a few months. I'm nearly at the two year mark, again, with good test numbers, but as you remind us, nothing's a given. I hope you read what you need to hear/know, and your treatment, I'm guessing pinpoint radiation at some point, is a total success.............................Dave

    SERRIN Member Posts: 14

    I'm sorry this has come back

    I'm sorry this has come back on you, those nodes must have been away from your colon to get a stage four diagnosis. Still it's disturbing [frightening for you] that they can remove the tumors/nodes, give you Folfox [I presume] and you're clear for the better part of eight years, and now it pops up in your lungs. Another thread details a man who was clear for nine years after the same treatment for IIIc CC, and now faces reoccurance. I'm understanding now, more than ever, that nothing with this disease is guaranteed. Life has no guarantees, and I accept that, but I'll certainly celebrate the day they can finally stop this stuff with certainty. There are those who have traveled similar paths here, one should be able to share their experience. I'm a IIIb who has dealt with reoccurance twice in the liver, at around the two year mark, give or take a few months. I'm nearly at the two year mark, again, with good test numbers, but as you remind us, nothing's a given. I hope you read what you need to hear/know, and your treatment, I'm guessing pinpoint radiation at some point, is a total success.............................Dave

    There are 12 to 14 nodes

    There are 12 to 14 nodes through out my lungs and radiation does not seem to be in the equation for now. i will do 12 rounds of chemo and then test again. Thanks for your kind words,

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member

    Recurrence blues

    People forget that there is no cure for cancer. It doesn't matter if it's a stage one or stage four, if your body is susceptible to cancer, you will eventually see a return after treatment of any kind. But hey... it could be years later, and you could possibly die of something else before you see the return, right?

    The body (immune system/T cells) normally removes a dead or dying cell automatically. If it neglects to do so, that defective cell can begin survival by the fermentation process. The body, in it's normal healing and growing process, generates the dead/dying cells. The immune system takes out the trash.

    Once that is fully understood, you can see that you can't "eliminate" every cancer generating product, because your own body is a major contributor; if your body isn't doing what it should, you will be susceptible to a rogue cell called "cancer". It really is that simple.

    I never did chemo or radiation. I did something totally different to anyone on this board. The millions upon millions of others that use the modality I used do not subscribe to these type venues, so you'll likely never hear their stories. You can check the various Asian Journals of Medicine and learn much that way. In fact, for any medical research, reading the various Journals of Medicine of you own country will reveal more than any "forum" or "dot com" (commercial) website. You would be amazed (and saddened) of what you can read at any of the Oncologist's Journals.

    Recurrences happen. There are many ways to slow down or stop the progression of cancer, or even reverse the progression, but you can not prevent a recurrence.

    I was diagnosed in 2006 with Colon cancer. They left a small section of colon inside me, stapled shut (called a "rectal stump". They refused to provide chemo in 2006 due to the surgical wound not healing. They said that if chemo isn't started within a month (or two) post-op, the chances of it working would be very weak. (My wound did not heal for over 9 months). I used an entirely different modality (medical science) than what is presently being used in the USA. All the locations of what they said were cancer (lungs, kidneys, liver, etc etc) began to clear up after I started my "own" treatments. I used the treatments from 2006 until 2008/9, and stopped using it since all scans were continually clean.

    In November 2015 after complaining for nearly a year regarding anal discharge (w/blood) and being told it was nothing to worry about; no colonoscopy needed, I went into the ER with some sort of urinary blockage. The blockage turned out to be a tumor that grew inside the rectal stump and had invaded the bladder.

    Biopsy determined it was signet cell cancer; very rapid growing. they said a very major operation (total pelvic exentoration) was required, and referred me to an Orlando hospital. New scans indicated the tumor grew considerably, but a total exentoration was not needed. Then the specialist took ill, and remained out until a month ago (of this typing). I decided to use the modality I had used in 2006, but instead of my "formula" I asked my practitioner for his "formula" and have been taking it for the past two months. My surgeon has returned. New scans indicated no change for the worse, with a notation that the rectal area of the rectal stump indicates some good change, "probably due to treatment". The radiologist does not know I am not on chemo or radiation; he does not know my "treatment".

    Recurrences happen. There is no cure for cancer.

    But there are many ways to fight and control cancer without using toxic chemicals and radioactivity.

    I may (probably will) die of cancer, but I am very thankful that I never had to endure the horrible treatment regime that so many others have used and are continuing use.

    There -are- better ways.

    Please be well.



  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    i had 4 recurrances in the

    i had 4 recurrances in the lung and had 4 operations to remove them all at Stanford. 3 were wedge resections and the other was a lobectomy. I am doing well and it has been 4 years since the last surgery as NED. I still surf, ski and work but slower. The surgeries were all easy to come back from compared to liver resection. I did not have chemo. If it recurs, I may have to use RFA as I do not have that much lung tissue left. All my best.


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Just Got The Call

    I may have mets to lungs.  Going to go through testing.  Out about 18 months from surgery

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited August 2016 #12
    NewHere said:

    Just Got The Call

    I may have mets to lungs.  Going to go through testing.  Out about 18 months from surgery

    May is just not a month in the year

    Lets hold on to the MAY and hope that all tests are clear. 


  • Takemeom
    Takemeom Member Posts: 14
    i had colorectal cancer with

    i had colorectal cancer with lymph involvement in 2012

    now i have lesions in my lungs, and they inadvertently found i have interstitual infiltrate

    i am not symptomatic, which is common, but i am supposed to start vectibix on wedneday, as i have negative kras, or wild kras, 

    which was misdiagnosed ( they looked at the wrong tumor slide)

    so we have the samething!! lets talk


  • Takemeom
    Takemeom Member Posts: 14
    John23 said:

    Recurrence blues

    People forget that there is no cure for cancer. It doesn't matter if it's a stage one or stage four, if your body is susceptible to cancer, you will eventually see a return after treatment of any kind. But hey... it could be years later, and you could possibly die of something else before you see the return, right?

    The body (immune system/T cells) normally removes a dead or dying cell automatically. If it neglects to do so, that defective cell can begin survival by the fermentation process. The body, in it's normal healing and growing process, generates the dead/dying cells. The immune system takes out the trash.

    Once that is fully understood, you can see that you can't "eliminate" every cancer generating product, because your own body is a major contributor; if your body isn't doing what it should, you will be susceptible to a rogue cell called "cancer". It really is that simple.

    I never did chemo or radiation. I did something totally different to anyone on this board. The millions upon millions of others that use the modality I used do not subscribe to these type venues, so you'll likely never hear their stories. You can check the various Asian Journals of Medicine and learn much that way. In fact, for any medical research, reading the various Journals of Medicine of you own country will reveal more than any "forum" or "dot com" (commercial) website. You would be amazed (and saddened) of what you can read at any of the Oncologist's Journals.

    Recurrences happen. There are many ways to slow down or stop the progression of cancer, or even reverse the progression, but you can not prevent a recurrence.

    I was diagnosed in 2006 with Colon cancer. They left a small section of colon inside me, stapled shut (called a "rectal stump". They refused to provide chemo in 2006 due to the surgical wound not healing. They said that if chemo isn't started within a month (or two) post-op, the chances of it working would be very weak. (My wound did not heal for over 9 months). I used an entirely different modality (medical science) than what is presently being used in the USA. All the locations of what they said were cancer (lungs, kidneys, liver, etc etc) began to clear up after I started my "own" treatments. I used the treatments from 2006 until 2008/9, and stopped using it since all scans were continually clean.

    In November 2015 after complaining for nearly a year regarding anal discharge (w/blood) and being told it was nothing to worry about; no colonoscopy needed, I went into the ER with some sort of urinary blockage. The blockage turned out to be a tumor that grew inside the rectal stump and had invaded the bladder.

    Biopsy determined it was signet cell cancer; very rapid growing. they said a very major operation (total pelvic exentoration) was required, and referred me to an Orlando hospital. New scans indicated the tumor grew considerably, but a total exentoration was not needed. Then the specialist took ill, and remained out until a month ago (of this typing). I decided to use the modality I had used in 2006, but instead of my "formula" I asked my practitioner for his "formula" and have been taking it for the past two months. My surgeon has returned. New scans indicated no change for the worse, with a notation that the rectal area of the rectal stump indicates some good change, "probably due to treatment". The radiologist does not know I am not on chemo or radiation; he does not know my "treatment".

    Recurrences happen. There is no cure for cancer.

    But there are many ways to fight and control cancer without using toxic chemicals and radioactivity.

    I may (probably will) die of cancer, but I am very thankful that I never had to endure the horrible treatment regime that so many others have used and are continuing use.

    There -are- better ways.

    Please be well.



    i agree, i am too mentally weak to refuse vectibix

    i wish i knew if it works as not a cure, but as a serious life extender, 

    i would like to talk to anyone who is  survivor over 5 years, i had surgery 2012,

    i had chemo, acupuncture, wheat grass and massage, i don't think i am sick but they tell me i am, 

    mets in lungs, via lymph


  • Takemeom
    Takemeom Member Posts: 14

    i had 4 recurrances in the

    i had 4 recurrances in the lung and had 4 operations to remove them all at Stanford. 3 were wedge resections and the other was a lobectomy. I am doing well and it has been 4 years since the last surgery as NED. I still surf, ski and work but slower. The surgeries were all easy to come back from compared to liver resection. I did not have chemo. If it recurs, I may have to use RFA as I do not have that much lung tissue left. All my best.


    lung surgery

    your mets were not in the lymph?

  • vtspa6
    vtspa6 Member Posts: 172 Member
    SERRIN said:

    There are 12 to 14 nodes

    There are 12 to 14 nodes through out my lungs and radiation does not seem to be in the equation for now. i will do 12 rounds of chemo and then test again. Thanks for your kind words,

    My husband is in the same

    My husband is in the same boat you are in.  His mets shot right to the lungs and skipped the liver.  Before chemo he had 30 nodes throughout his lungs.  He has been taking Folfiri lately (was on Folfox) just finished round #24 and so far he just has 4 (5-8 mm spots).  There is no new growth but these spots just don't seem to want to go away.  Surgery is not an option for him either, chemo for life is the only thing he can do.

    SERRIN Member Posts: 14
    Foreign language

    I live in a small town and do not have access to major cancer centers. I guess I need to do a lot of research on my own because I am not familiar with a lot of the terms being used. I have several cancer nodules in my lungs that came from colon cancer that was removed in 08. I also have a cluster of lymph nodes in my stomach adjacent to my pancreas but not pancreatic cancer. My treatment is chemo alone. I also take the Essiac 4herb tea with Montana yew tips. I recently had a cat scan that showed a decrease in size of the lung nodules but no change in the stomach area. I plan to continue chemo as long as I can and also the teas. All advice would be welcome and I wish for all of you to be well and healthy.

  • funshine
    funshine Member Posts: 26
    SERRIN said:

    I took the one that makes you

    I took the one that makes you hyper sensitive to cold in 08 but after 1 treatment of it now the doctor changed to Avastin. I have had 5 treatments of Avastin and 1 of the other. It was fine at first but now I have pain in my shoulder and throat with fever at times. It is really wearing me down. They did an x-ray of the port and said it is working fine. The doctor said it could not be infection since it would go away the second week out. Has anyone ever had this problem?

    pain in shoulder

    Its been years since I have been on avastin, it caused pain in my shoulder. My port did get infected, they treated it with antibiotics and it went away. I eventually needed to get a new port because it was always giving the nurses problems and it always hurt. I think it was put in wrong from the beginning. My newest port works so much better. If it still hurts insist they do something.

  • funshine
    funshine Member Posts: 26
    edited August 2016 #19
    SERRIN said:

    Foreign language

    I live in a small town and do not have access to major cancer centers. I guess I need to do a lot of research on my own because I am not familiar with a lot of the terms being used. I have several cancer nodules in my lungs that came from colon cancer that was removed in 08. I also have a cluster of lymph nodes in my stomach adjacent to my pancreas but not pancreatic cancer. My treatment is chemo alone. I also take the Essiac 4herb tea with Montana yew tips. I recently had a cat scan that showed a decrease in size of the lung nodules but no change in the stomach area. I plan to continue chemo as long as I can and also the teas. All advice would be welcome and I wish for all of you to be well and healthy.


    You will learn all you need to fast enough. I have been fighting this battle since 2010. Everyone on here can relate to learning the lingo. I have stage IV colon cancer, which spread or metastisized to my liver and both lungs. I had resections to both my lungs and more spots appeared within 6 months. I have been on 4 different chemo therapies. I refused to go on more. Since then my doctor asked me if I would consider immune therapy, which I have been on for eight months. I know I cannot be cured but I have to say the immune therapy allows me more ability to function and live better than chemo. Its not approved for colon cancer but it has done so well with other cancers they offered to allow me to use it under compassionate care. It seems to be keeping the cancer at bay for now.

    Keep hope and know others are here for you through this jorney. We are here to help you keep going when no one else knows what your really going through. My thoughts are with you, message me if you have more questions.

  • Ms. Vic
    Ms. Vic Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2016 #20
    John23 said:

    Recurrence blues

    People forget that there is no cure for cancer. It doesn't matter if it's a stage one or stage four, if your body is susceptible to cancer, you will eventually see a return after treatment of any kind. But hey... it could be years later, and you could possibly die of something else before you see the return, right?

    The body (immune system/T cells) normally removes a dead or dying cell automatically. If it neglects to do so, that defective cell can begin survival by the fermentation process. The body, in it's normal healing and growing process, generates the dead/dying cells. The immune system takes out the trash.

    Once that is fully understood, you can see that you can't "eliminate" every cancer generating product, because your own body is a major contributor; if your body isn't doing what it should, you will be susceptible to a rogue cell called "cancer". It really is that simple.

    I never did chemo or radiation. I did something totally different to anyone on this board. The millions upon millions of others that use the modality I used do not subscribe to these type venues, so you'll likely never hear their stories. You can check the various Asian Journals of Medicine and learn much that way. In fact, for any medical research, reading the various Journals of Medicine of you own country will reveal more than any "forum" or "dot com" (commercial) website. You would be amazed (and saddened) of what you can read at any of the Oncologist's Journals.

    Recurrences happen. There are many ways to slow down or stop the progression of cancer, or even reverse the progression, but you can not prevent a recurrence.

    I was diagnosed in 2006 with Colon cancer. They left a small section of colon inside me, stapled shut (called a "rectal stump". They refused to provide chemo in 2006 due to the surgical wound not healing. They said that if chemo isn't started within a month (or two) post-op, the chances of it working would be very weak. (My wound did not heal for over 9 months). I used an entirely different modality (medical science) than what is presently being used in the USA. All the locations of what they said were cancer (lungs, kidneys, liver, etc etc) began to clear up after I started my "own" treatments. I used the treatments from 2006 until 2008/9, and stopped using it since all scans were continually clean.

    In November 2015 after complaining for nearly a year regarding anal discharge (w/blood) and being told it was nothing to worry about; no colonoscopy needed, I went into the ER with some sort of urinary blockage. The blockage turned out to be a tumor that grew inside the rectal stump and had invaded the bladder.

    Biopsy determined it was signet cell cancer; very rapid growing. they said a very major operation (total pelvic exentoration) was required, and referred me to an Orlando hospital. New scans indicated the tumor grew considerably, but a total exentoration was not needed. Then the specialist took ill, and remained out until a month ago (of this typing). I decided to use the modality I had used in 2006, but instead of my "formula" I asked my practitioner for his "formula" and have been taking it for the past two months. My surgeon has returned. New scans indicated no change for the worse, with a notation that the rectal area of the rectal stump indicates some good change, "probably due to treatment". The radiologist does not know I am not on chemo or radiation; he does not know my "treatment".

    Recurrences happen. There is no cure for cancer.

    But there are many ways to fight and control cancer without using toxic chemicals and radioactivity.

    I may (probably will) die of cancer, but I am very thankful that I never had to endure the horrible treatment regime that so many others have used and are continuing use.

    There -are- better ways.

    Please be well.



    John are you willing to share your alternative treatment methods.  I am very ready to try something besides the chemo  I recently started for my colon cancer.  Look forward to hearing from you