Whole body rash/itching following breast radiation

I had a lumpectomy in December followed by radiation which finished up at the end of February. In mid-April my "boost" site started to itch like crazy and then it spread out from there--you could see the exact outline of the whole breast radiation. Then the rash traveled to my arms, legs, and back. I've stayed away from the sun. Miserable! I have been to the radiologist, oncologist and dermatologist and have been on high dose steroids, which I hate! I will begin testing for new allergies/sensitivities this week. I  know it is "just a rash" but it is the most intense itching I've ever known. I can't wear a regular bra and can only do a soft sports bra with soft cotton t-shirts...not great for my job!  I am trying an anti-inflammatory diet to see if that helps. Certainly I'm not the only one who has been through something like this...I know many get a radiation rash at the site, but has anyone had it all over? I do have sensitive skin.    


  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    The week before my boost I

    The week before my boost I started itching on the radiation site.  The nurses treated me with medicated cloths like a burn victim and soon after, my skin started peeling in that area. ait was very painful. So I wore the medicated cloths and A&D ointment (all of which was very greasy).  that went on for 3 weeks. I can't say I had a rash and it didn't extend to the rest of my body.  Everybody's experience is different.

  • Iris_G
    Iris_G Member Posts: 50 Member
    More like pins & needles!

    Grandmakath...I'm having the same issue!  The only way I could describe it to my onco was I felt like it was a very intense itching feeling, but more like I was being stuck with needles all over my arms and abdomen.  It started exactly 2 weeks to the day of my radiation.  He looked at me like I was crazy and said that should've happened while I was on chemo, not 2 months after my last chemo.  He's scheduled me with a dermatologist to see if I've developed any allergies from chemo, but from what I've been told and read, it's neuropathy of the nerves in my body.  Usually Gabapentin is prescribed for this.  I'll wait and see the dematologist, but from what I've read, I really should see a neurologist for this problem.  I'll keep you posted!

  • grandmakath
    grandmakath Member Posts: 4
    Hi Iris...thanks for

    Hi Iris...thanks for responding! I'm having patch testing done next week to see if I've developed new allergies. I doubt it though! I have really sensitive skin and have always produced too much histamine. Question...do you have inflammed skin? Rash? Is it at the site or all over? Sorry you have been through so much. I am researching like crazy trying to find more information. I can't continue on high dose steroids! Keep me posted.

  • Iris_G
    Iris_G Member Posts: 50 Member
    No rash yet....

    Hi Grandma...Lol...I had a rash only one time!  It happened July 4th weekend!  It had been a year since I had had a drink.  It was hot here in GA that weekend and my husband was drinking a beer, which looked wonderful!  So, I grabbed me one and about 5 minutes later my husband looked at me and asked if I was ok.  I told him I felt like I was on fire.  He said I was bright red, and about 5 minutes later, my arms were all splotchy wherever I've had the "itching" problem. It was just my arms and only that one time.   



  • grandmakath
    grandmakath Member Posts: 4

    Well...your picture says it all. I recognize that rash! Today it is on my neck, chest, upper arms and thighs. Lovely. You probably developed a new sensitivity post treatment. Well, hoping they find something next week with patch testing, though I'm a little skeptical. Scratch. Scratch. ick.