Mucous from anus after folfox

After Folfox treatment -  mucous comes from anus with some blood. Onc. coud not specify exactly why. 

Anyone have same reaction?  I have no other reactions fom the Folfox except for some fatigue and loss of apetit. 


  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Anal Discharge

    Anal Discharge

    Could be a coincidence. Mucous discharge is normal even with light blood, after colon surgery. The mucous keeps the intestine lubricated. The blood could be from irritation of the colon; it does bleed easily.

    If your physician hasn't given you a reason that you're happy with, seek another opinion from another physician that isn't of the same group or association as your present one. You are entitled to get other opinions! A colorectal surgeon would be your best choice, not an oncologist.

    Good luck and better health!



  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Blood and mucous are normal

    Blood and mucous are normal at any time. The colon produces mucous to help move things along. I've found that times I've been ill and was in bed a lot it was worse. Also, my surgeon said that being on antibiotics can make it worse.


  • sashinka
    sashinka Member Posts: 13

    Thanks for the comments. i have not had surgery...yet and am not on any antibiotics. 

    I have had no other significant side effects to the Folfox ( 2 treatments).

    Guess I  should be thankful.  

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    sashinka said:


    Thanks for the comments. i have not had surgery...yet and am not on any antibiotics. 

    I have had no other significant side effects to the Folfox ( 2 treatments).

    Guess I  should be thankful.  

    Being thankful......?

    Being thankful......

    Being thankful is ok, but not if you're not sure if you should be thankful.

    My Gastroenterologist insisted I did not need a sigmoidoscopy (like a colonoscopy); that the discharge I was having was normal for a degrading rectal stump. She was wrong, it was a tumor inside the rectal stump, and it could have been found with a sigmoidoscopy. That tumor can very well (and probably will) kill me. It's already invaded the bladder and more.

    So you should demand a colonoscopy. Why take a chance? Blood is an indication of a problem. If the physician can not identify the problem, find another physician that can.

    Your life may depend on it. Don't be complacent to a physician you "think" you can trust. It's your life; you only have it once.


    Be well,
