Daylady Checking In


Hi Ladies!  I have been checking in periodically but also trying to make it through a summer that included moving our office to a new 7000 square foot space, celebrating 25 years in business, and announcing the sale of the company to my daughter and son-in-law...all in the last month.  Had my most recent CT scan this week, results yesterday, and slightly bummed.  It was almost identical to my scan in May (NED) with the exception of one small (1.8 cm) nodule on my liver that is "suspicious", but too small to identify.  Both my oncologist and my naturopath are wanting me to take a complete break from chemo.  If the nodule actually turns out to be something, then the Avastin is no longer working, but even if it is benign there is concern about staying on it for so long.  It has been causing HBP and the drug for that has been causing HBS so a bit of chemical maneuvering has been going on to get it all to line up right.  Both say I am in perfect health otherwise, and letting my body rest, and taking a "watchful waiting" approach makes sense for now.  They will do another scan in 3 months.  If it has grown, we will consider other options at that point.  I am leaning towards surgical removal, because it is only one small nodule, and isolated.  Surgical removal would carry the highest chance of success. Chemo, at this point, would be 4th line chemo and I am apparently resistant.  I will stick with the mistletoe injections and the low dose naltrexone, and my naturopath has changed my supplements to focus on my liver and immune system.  Anyone have liver nodules that turned out NOT to be cancer??  I had one show up last year but it disappeared again 2 scans later.  I'm determined to just enjoy this rest as much as I can.  Leaving on a solo road trip next week to go visit my grandchildren while my husband is at a convention in Oklahoma (decided he could do Oklahoma in August, by himself!  Heehee!!).  Hoping all is well with all of you.  I send prayers daily.  Hugs.  - Helen


  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited August 2016 #2
    You Amaze Me!

    Hoping for the very best for you. Enjoy you time with the grandchildren. 

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Praying that all will work

    Praying that all will work out for you. Have a good visit with your grandchildren!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,812 Member
    Helen, So glad you checked in

    Helen, So glad you checked in! Sending you lots of positive vibes that the spot is NOTHING!

    It sounds like you are having a wonderful time though.  Congrats on the retirement! I am assuming that selling the company to your daughter and son-in-law means you get to have lots of personal time? :-)

    Enjoy your visit with the grandkids.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    Wishing you the best.  I hope

    Wishing you the best.  I hope the spot turns out to be nothing.   Break from chemo would be good.  I was on Avastin for,two,rounds when it caused a heart attack. Sadly it was working and I can't go back to it. I am now on immunotherapy .  Have a good visit with the grandkids with lots of hugs.  Nothing heals better than a hug fro a child.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Enjoy the rest of the summer,

    Enjoy the rest of the summer, Helen.  You've had an eventful one so far, so you deserve a break.  Hoping that little nodule will disappear just like the one last year did.  And yeah, I think you got the better part of the deal visiting grandkids instead of OK in August!

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited August 2016 #7
    Busy Summer!

    Helen, sounds like you have had one heck of a busy summer! Congrats on the sale of your business. Hopefully it has paid off handsomely so you can visit those grandchildren as much as you'd like. Wishing you all the best on your next 3-month scan. Kim