Pretty Happy

Have now met with a new member of my team, my cardiologist.  He is wonderful.  Pretty lucky, I am.  Do have a small hole in heart but that is congenital.  They could fix it if it becomes a problem.  (I have no symptoms but fatigue and is that from chemo, external exray or brachy.. no telling)  Not sure about the afib.  I had ekg, echo gram last Feb and A-OK.  Been in hospital 4 times with continual ekg, had ekg during each chemo yet at no time did Afib show up.  There is nothing going on now.  When I was at 166 I converted with one shot of the magic juice and it didn't come back. so he thinks it was reaction to the chemo.  Good news is heart is strong and Afib won't hurt me and asprin reduces blood clot issues.  So he will discuss chemo with my Oncologist (another sweetie) and I should be back being poisoned next week.  3 more chemos to go. More good news they have looked at nearly all of me with either xray, catscan or echocardio....  no signs of any new tumors...  thats gotta be good

So at present fat dumb and happy.  Have quit coffee and sodas.  Going on a more sensible and healthy diet.  Going to start exercising and by this time next year, Ned will be dancing with one hot mamma!  

prayers for all of us.   Luv Patty


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Happy for you

    And the fact that you have two doctors that you really like and have faith in is great.  That can make all the difference in the world.  I wanna see that dancing hot mama next year!!!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited July 2016 #3
    Wow Patty - Such great news

    Wow Patty - Such great news all the way around. So happy to hear this!

    I agree with Chris... having doctors you trust is such a gift.

    Good luck on your healthier eating! And, getting through the rest of your treatments too!

    Love and Hugs,


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited July 2016 #4
    That is great news, Patty!!!

    That is great news, Patty!!!  You are so lucky to have such caring doctors too.  As far as being fat, dumb and happy - that describes me to a tee!!  Ha ha!!!



  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    edited July 2016 #5
    So Happy for you!

    Especially that you like and confident with your doctors. I'm currently at risk of losing mine because his group is dropping our insurance. We do have the option to switch to another insurance that costs more and only covers 80% with higher co-pays and deductibles, but he's mulling his options, too, because a lot of his patients have the same insurance. I'm sure hoping this works out because the current insurance is leaving us with only 2 other gyn oncologists to transfer to and both of them are not board certified or with many years of experience that my current doctor has. Just when I thought everything was going so well and a plan for after treatment in place. Sigh. My current doctor was the brightest spot in all of this mess! I get to keep him till the end of the year, but wish I could keep him at least another 5 years until we're on Medicare and move to our retirement home in MA. I need your prayers for this! Thanks!

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192

    You just don't need those worries when you are up to your elbows in gators.  Have faith, the physician is also losing a large part of his practice/livelihood so he will try to keep his patients as zealously as you want to stay. I also would not be above of making some waves myself before the end of the year to include contacting the board of Insurance for your state, the media and even the Feds to not only show your financial concerns but your honest health issues.  Trust in your docs is so crucial.  Before I made these contacts I would speak to the doctor regarding your intent.  He may have suggestions but he will probably just remove himself from your endeavors (even if he is supportive).  Do something and we will all support you.  

    Good luck on keeping that doctor. 

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    Patty, that is really good news!

    Patty, that is really good news! You are one strong, smart and determined person. Love the attitude and keep up the hard work. It will pay off! Kim

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192

    You guys are so totally cool, I appreciate each of you.

    All is still well but my appetite, I am always starving. Trying to convince myself that celery taste better than sherbet or nachos with limited success but will keep on trying.  I think my weight is my biggest enemy but it is a love hate relationship with food and I am weak in character.  Chemo is next week and even with sick stomach I am still trying to feed the nausea away.  I am wondering if I could replace food with "marital relations" and be satisfied,,,,  nah at my age I still want nachos.

    Again, thank you so much for your encouragement.  You are awesome