Mum has Stage IV

SvenH Member Posts: 2

Hi everybody,

glad that I found this Forum. I'm from Germany and we just found out that my mum has stage 4 CRC with many metastases spread diffusely on the liver and a T3-t4 rectal tumor. Today we will receive the histological results. I know the statistics are very disencouraging but is there any hope? Are there any members here that had a similar diagnosis and survived? I'm so sad...




  • SvenH
    SvenH Member Posts: 2
    On additional information:

    On additional information: she had extremely highg LDH values (more than 2000) which increased within one week (now more than 4000).

    The onc said that the chemo should start immediately and could imply problems due to potentially rapid death of cancer cells. I'm confused, on the one hand rapid death of cancer cell sounds engouraging but on the other hand I read that high LDH values are a good predictor of mortality??? Unfortunately the onc does not provide any useful information on anybody informed on the meaning of this LDH values??


    Many many thanks!!

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    LDH is affected by many

    LDH is affected by many things including infections and abcesses.  "LDH" itself is the sum of five isoforms, tetramers built with 2 components, yielding  LDH1, LDH2,...LDH5. LDH2 is the most comon LDH for healthy people. Certain organ failures will increase LDH1.  A nasty, anaerobic cancer will be spewing out lots of LDH5, also.  All measured together in LDH. Assuming the 4000 is almost all the cancer, not other problems, this is very high and reflects both tumor load and CRC cell type.  A healthy person would be typically be 100-180, less healthy up to 250 but could be cancerous too.  4000 is really high (units?).   

    There are several  blood work panels that are important clues to the initial condition, how urgent or critical the situation is, what you're mom and any doctors are really dealing with.  CBC (complete blood count) with differentials and platelets; ESR and CRP, the inflammation markers; CEA and CA199 cancer markers; albumin levels (from Total Protein); bilirubin, PT/INR; and the common liver panels SGPT, SGOT, ALP.  

    Typically metastatic CRC is treated with chemo first in conventional medicine, non metastatic cases with radiation or surgery first.  Some of us have used nutritional and alternative methods too.  Our first two days, I was busy arranging large scale nutrients and cimetidine to restore and prepare my wife's depleted body for surgery and chemo.  

    The more tumor dieoff that occurs, the more toxicity the liver has to neutralize and excrete. If patient's physical condition is poor, or liver is largely replaced by tumor, the trickier the situation is to bring an initial raging condition under control.   You've given us only one less common clue to compare profiles and our treatment histories on "back from the brink". But yes, sometimes there are amazing turnarounds and "luck" can be "helped" extra.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I'm so sorry about your mom's

    I'm so sorry about your mom's diagnosis. I have no stories or information to help. I just hope that she'll battle this and live a long life. Some people live with cancer. They never have it gone but its kept under control and get a number of years despite it. Good luck to her.
