Breast changes after treatment

twnkltoz Member Posts: 169 Member

Last year, I had 8 rounds of chemo (AC/T) for my TN IDC, followed by a UM and the path report showed no remaining cancer cells. I then had radiation on that side only. My mammo that led to that diagnosis showed micro calcifications in the other breast, but they couldn't get to them to biopsy so said they'd watch it.

I just had my annual mammogram, and it says:

 Calcifications in the posterior third left outer upper   
breast are questionably increased. Asymmetry is also now seen in   
the middle to posterior third medial upper breast. Additional   

asymmetries are stable. No suspicious architectural distortion. 

Questionable increase in left breast calcifications   
for which further evaluation with magnification views is again   
recommended. Left breast asymmetry for which further evaluation   
to include spot CC, spot MLO, and full lateral view with possible   
ultrasound is also recommended. 

I'm trying not to freak out, but I'm freaking out. I know the odds are it's nothing, but I already beat the odds by having TN cancer. Has anyone had this happen? One friend did tell me she went through this and it was nothing, so that is a little reassuring. I go in for my follow up on Friday. They said they are only planning to do additional imaging, not a biopsy at this time.


  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    edited July 2016 #2
    No biopsy

    I think that no immediate biopsy is a positive sign. I'm sure your MO would contact you with anything that required immediate attention. I would ask him/her to explain it in plain language.

    I'm having my first repeat mammogram and a sonogram on 7/28. I'll definately be taking a Xanax that morning.

  • twnkltoz
    twnkltoz Member Posts: 169 Member
    peony said:

    No biopsy

    I think that no immediate biopsy is a positive sign. I'm sure your MO would contact you with anything that required immediate attention. I would ask him/her to explain it in plain language.

    I'm having my first repeat mammogram and a sonogram on 7/28. I'll definately be taking a Xanax that morning.

    Sending you positive thoughts

    Sending you positive thoughts for an uneventful day!

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    edited July 2016 #4
    I feel a little differently

    After going thru all of this for so long, and so many things, if you are nit comfortable with waiting and doing nothing, ask for the biopsy.  You need to be comfortable in what decisions are made, we love in our bodies and heads.  If you are good with oncos explwnation, then go with it.  

    I have just learned that my gut instincts have worked for me.  The times they have gone along with me kink of like ok, but not necessary, unfortunately, we're big issues that required immediate treatment.  Always be your own advicste!


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Good luck tomorrow

    I tend to agree with Carol, but the repeat views are the first step and that's happening quickly.  You should be able to talk with the radiologist immediately following.  Be sure to ask to get immediate results.  They will know you're nervous.  And then, be sure to contact your oncologist regardless of the results and discuss her thoughts and be sure to tell her your fears and need for reassurance.  Ultrasound?  Breast MRI?  Biopsy? What does she think?  Sometimes I don't think communication between specialists is what it should be, so take the bull by its horns and YOU make sure your oncologist knows about your mammogram results. 

    I had an abnormal mammogram at 5 years.  Some new asymmetry was seen in the breast that had cancer.  I had repeat enhanced mammo that confirmed that whatever was seen initially was not seen subsequently, and the radiologist went over my films with me and explained why she felt it was fine - and I acted like I could see what she was talking about and pointing out.  I accepted this only BECAUSE I knew I was scheduled for a breast MRI in 6 months and because I had an upcoming oncology appointment soon and I felt I had my bases covered.  I also had a gut feeling that it really was ok, but I did have my ducks in order just in case.  My MRI was beautiful as was my 6 year mammogram, just last week.  Hope yours is.


  • twnkltoz
    twnkltoz Member Posts: 169 Member
    Thank you so much. I have a

    Thank you so much. I have a follow up with my MO in a couple weeks, so even if this seems to be nothing tomorrow, I'll definitely talk about it. I'll post tomorrow when I have news.

  • twnkltoz
    twnkltoz Member Posts: 169 Member
    edited July 2016 #7
    So, we ended up doing the

    So, we ended up doing the biopsy. The calcifications have not only increased since last year, they are clustered which is a bad sign. The radiologist said about 75% of these are benign, but with my high risk level, a biopsy was recommended. He didn't think it was urgent, but to me it was so we did it while I was there. They'll send results to my MO and I'll hopefully hear back Tuesday.

  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    twnkltoz said:

    So, we ended up doing the

    So, we ended up doing the biopsy. The calcifications have not only increased since last year, they are clustered which is a bad sign. The radiologist said about 75% of these are benign, but with my high risk level, a biopsy was recommended. He didn't think it was urgent, but to me it was so we did it while I was there. They'll send results to my MO and I'll hopefully hear back Tuesday.

    Glad for you

    I am glad that the biopsy was done.  As  we come out from treatment there are many concerns.  Even the slightest little bump is a worry.  I am glad that your team agreed with you and is checking it out.  Now the hard part - waiting.  Sending good thoughts and prayers!


  • twnkltoz
    twnkltoz Member Posts: 169 Member
    There are no cancer cells. It

    There are no cancer cells. It's a mucusoidal lesion (i think that's what he said), which is basically pre-cancerous. I need to have it removed, which is an outpatient procedure. WOOT!

  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697
    edited July 2016 #10
    Great news!

    I know the feeling of relief.  Pre sounds manageable.  So glad you had that biopsy right away and didn't wait. We have to stay ahead  the game. Hugs, Linda

  • twnkltoz
    twnkltoz Member Posts: 169 Member
    edited July 2016 #11
    lintx said:

    Great news!

    I know the feeling of relief.  Pre sounds manageable.  So glad you had that biopsy right away and didn't wait. We have to stay ahead  the game. Hugs, Linda

    Me too! Thank you!

    Me too! Thank you!