Desperately need advice, think I might have cancer

Ktea Member Posts: 1
edited July 2016 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello everyone, I am posting here because no one in my family will listen to my concerns. First about me; I'm a 23 year old female, don't smoke/or drink. The troubles in my mouth started earlier this April when I came down with a sore throat but only on the right side. I also had one swollen bleeding tonsil and horrible ear pain, all on the right. My mom took me to urgent care and the doctor there barely glanced at my throat and said I had pharyngitis and prescribed me Amoxcillin. I took the antibiotics for 10 days and my sore throat went away. But here is where the cancer scare comes in.. A few days later I was eating crackers and I felt a sudden pain on the right side of my tongue. The morning after I woke up with a sore tongue that hurt me to talk. I looked in the mirror and was horrified to see several red inflamed raised bumps all over the right side of my tongue! In the middle of one of these red bumps is a tiny white spot. I wanted to go to a doctor again but my mom said its just irritated tastebuds, you must've bitten your tongue, they'll go away, etc. Now it is three months later and the bumps are still there, but they no longer hurt. They haven't gotten bigger, or ulcerated.  So i went on with my life as usual. The next strange symptom I found was a pain in my right side of my neck when swallowing. I felt my lower neck and found a hard movable lump near my jugular. It is on the area where your shoulder joins your neck, if that makes sense. I can also feel lumps on the left side in the same spot. I also have this red painful lump on my soft palate, in the back near my wisdom tooth on the right. Today I felt a hard non movable lump on my upper neck, under my jaw near my ear, on my right. My right ear also throbs and hurts occasionally when I swallow but I attributed that to my TMJ. But now since I've read that ear pain is a symptom of oral cancer I am scared to death. And all of my symptoms are on the right side of me, isn't that suspicious of cancer?  I'm trying to get an appointment to see an ENT but they're all full and not accepting new patients until August. I really don't know what to do. I am in fear every day and my anxiety is making me a depressed miserable mess! I can't even bring myself to walk my dog anymore.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    First of all

    It is not cancer until they say it is.

    Go back to your family doctor. It is where you start. He can order tests and get you in with an ENT if it is required.

    Do follow through with this.

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    edited July 2016 #3
    First of all, take a deep

    First of all, take a deep breath and try to compose yourself. Getting yourself sick over this will only impede your efforts to help yourself.

    Symptoms of cancer can be a host of different issues. Saying that, I would not wait to get an ENT appointment. Never wait when it comes to your health! You are your own best health advocate, beyond the experience and education of any doctor. If one ENT is booked, find another one and insist on biopsies. That is the only way to know if cells are cancerous. Make more phone calls and insist on not waiting more than 1 week for an appointment.

    I had tongue cancer. One day, a tumor suddenly appeared under my tongue on the left side. I felt it rubbing against my bottom teeth and it was quite painful.

    Cancer does not stop growing. Any cancer tumor will grow and change in composition. You will not see a cancer tumor go away on its own, or suddenly stop growing. When I saw my tumor, I was 99% sure it was cancer because I had never seen that type of lesion. And, more importantly, it kept growing. I had it biopsied within 3 weeks of first seeing it.

    Your concerns are real and legitimate. Stay away from urgent care places if cancer is on your mind. But please don't wait any longer to see a specialist.

    A little anecdote on why you need to be your own health advocate...

    I had my first biospy done by an oral surgeon who said he would call me in 2 weeks for the results. Like clockwork, he called and confirmed it was not cancer.

    However, my tumor was not healing, it kept changing in size and composition, and getting larger. I quickly rescheduled a second biopsy, with the same calling card of 2 weeks.

    Two weeks came and went. I assumed it was negative again and let it go. Four days later, I still didn't hear back from the surgeon. So I called. The clerk recommended coming back in 2 weeks to discuss the results. Still thinking it was not cancer, I scheduled.

    I called my girlfriend about this and she said,"NO WAY! Call them back and insist on getting the results now, especially if they have them!"

    I called back and insisted on the results over the phone. The clerk then had to fax them over to the surgeon, as he was the only person who could discuss them with me.

    Three hours later, the surgeon called. His first words were, "It's a good thing we did a 2nd biopsy..."

    And with those words, I knew.

    If my girlfriend hadn't insisted I call, I would've lost an additional 2 weeks. Bad enough the 2nd biopsy cost me about a month's time.

    From the time I first noticed the tumor, until surgery, nearly 4 months had passed. Still in Stage 1, but enough time to allow metastasis to one lymph node in my neck.

    I wish you all the best. Please keep us updated. There is a great chance you don't have cancer. Just don't wait to find out.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum Happy 4th of July!

    I had stage IVa, scc, bot, 1 lymph node, hpv+ (suregery, rads & Erbitux).  I had 1 lump on the left side of neck, but NO pain.  I got right in to an ENT and following a scope to find an ulceration at the base of tongue I had a biopsy to confirm cancer.

    You need to have cancer confirmed positive!  A number of visitors to the H&N forum are fortunate enough to find out they DO NOT have cancer.  I hope you are one of those who do not.

    If you are able, tell your perspective ENT  that you can come in any time.  People cancel appointments all the  time.


  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    I agree, get it checked out

    I agree, get it checked out ASAP.  I lost 5 months because an idiotic periodontist said it was paranoia when I told him my gum was ulcerated and not healing.  He kept seeing me every two weeks but said it's not cancer and to use salt water rinses.  I had not ever met anyone with H&N cancer so thought it was beginning of gum disease as the periodontist has said.  BUT, there was that strange feeling inside that a lymph node below the area of ulceration in gum was more than gum disease. I finally got two other opinions and both advised biopsy. It was cancer and I lost so much time. 

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    edited July 2016 #6
    What is cancer?

    Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. 

    I had a sinus infection with swollen nodes. It persisted so off to the doctor for meds. The meds reduced the swelling but one node remained. Hard, unmovable and painless. And it grew!  2nd round of antibiotics... nothing. Then as many here have gone through, ENT, biopsy etc. Cancer.  I had no other symptoms. 

    As we all say, "It's not cancer until they say it is". For your own reassurance, get it checked out,. I'm 100% confident you'll be fine. After you get the all clear, speak to your doctor about treating your anxiety/HA. We have/had something that could put us 6 feet under. Living with anxiety/HA and fear is akin to doing that above ground. 

    Positive thoughts and prayers



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Ktea


    Welcome to the family here on CSN H&N, I agree with the others don’t get all worked up until you see the ENT and they do some testing. There are a lot of things that can cause redness and bumps in your mouth. Take care and try to stay calm and focus for now, that is the best thing you can do until you see your ENT




  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Welcome to H&N group

    Welcome, and take slowly take a deep breath. Ear pain is or can be a symptom of many different things. To get to an ENT is about 4 to 5 weeks wait. As far as the glands, when they do their job they will often get larger that is just what they do. The lymphatic system removes junk your body should not have. They are filters and can get clogged up.  I had one that did that when I was 14, and they just removed it. The body has thousands. You can get inflamed taste buds and with you worrying you could even have bitten it.

    Now wanting to have it checked is smart. You can get into your primary doctor faster and have him look. If he thinks it is something that needs further checking he can order a CT scan and get you into an ENT to look at it and also scope your tongue and throat as well. It is hard not to think it might be, but I'm no doctor and have had a neck dissection on both sides to remove a total of 86 lymph glands as a precaution for me as I had surgery to remove a tumor that was cancer. As most all have said it doesn't really seem like cancer. Yes, I had an ear ache but not until mine tumor was a good size [the end of your thumb, or very large grape] and I had other symptoms that were very severe. In the early stages and even all the way to stage 4, there is often no pain. You can gargle with salt water and that will help heal your tongue and all other areas in the mouth.

    When you do get to your doctor I hope and will assume you get the all clear.


  • Ktwoods
    Ktwoods Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2016 #9
    No diagnosis yet

    Hello, not sure if I belong here and hoping in the long run I don't! I've been feeling sick since about February. My General practitioner chalked it up to simply stress, fatigue and getting older. I'm 52. i was having drenching night sweats, extreme fatigue, which is so unlike me, as I'm an avid runner and gym goer since my teens. The last two and a half months, I've experienced severe headaches at the back and base of my skull, as well as various aches and pains widespread. During this, a Dr visit revealed I had just gotten over mono, although it wasn't active any longer. Rest and good nutrition was the prescribed remedy. So, I've done nothing but my desk job and rested at home, in spite of my urge to move around more. I haven't had the energy to do much of anything at all! Same Dr visit, she found a strange lump in my throat. Hard, painless and immobile. Said it was no biggie even though I was still having the night sweats and neck glands swollen. Referred to ENT who only swabbed around it for culture and drew complete blood work, sent me home with anti biotics, only to discover no obvious infection. I had taken the full 4 days of Zithromax. Advised to come back in a month to see if any changes. That will be July 18th. It is now July 6 and I've been progressively worse the last week. Been home in bed for a full 5 days and have more swollen glands in my neck and under chin and the lump in my throat has company. Still no pain with it but some discomfort deeper in my throat. As I type, I'm waiting to see if this ENT can fit me in somewhere today even though he's booked solid and won't be back in his office the rest of this week. I'm really scared. Of course, like everyone else in my situation, I've researched all my symptoms and everything points to some sort of head and neck cancer or lymphoma. Did any of you experience similar? Is it THIS hard to get a diagnosis of whatever is wrong, whether harmless or not? Should I wait for my actual scheduled ENT visit in the next two weeks or ask to be referred to another in the meantime? I feel lame asking all of you, who are going through your own treatments while supporting one another, when I don't even know WHAT my diagnosis could be. Just wondered if my symptoms sound familiar with any of you. Am I over reacting? Well wishes for all of you!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited July 2016 #10
    Ktwoods said:

    No diagnosis yet

    Hello, not sure if I belong here and hoping in the long run I don't! I've been feeling sick since about February. My General practitioner chalked it up to simply stress, fatigue and getting older. I'm 52. i was having drenching night sweats, extreme fatigue, which is so unlike me, as I'm an avid runner and gym goer since my teens. The last two and a half months, I've experienced severe headaches at the back and base of my skull, as well as various aches and pains widespread. During this, a Dr visit revealed I had just gotten over mono, although it wasn't active any longer. Rest and good nutrition was the prescribed remedy. So, I've done nothing but my desk job and rested at home, in spite of my urge to move around more. I haven't had the energy to do much of anything at all! Same Dr visit, she found a strange lump in my throat. Hard, painless and immobile. Said it was no biggie even though I was still having the night sweats and neck glands swollen. Referred to ENT who only swabbed around it for culture and drew complete blood work, sent me home with anti biotics, only to discover no obvious infection. I had taken the full 4 days of Zithromax. Advised to come back in a month to see if any changes. That will be July 18th. It is now July 6 and I've been progressively worse the last week. Been home in bed for a full 5 days and have more swollen glands in my neck and under chin and the lump in my throat has company. Still no pain with it but some discomfort deeper in my throat. As I type, I'm waiting to see if this ENT can fit me in somewhere today even though he's booked solid and won't be back in his office the rest of this week. I'm really scared. Of course, like everyone else in my situation, I've researched all my symptoms and everything points to some sort of head and neck cancer or lymphoma. Did any of you experience similar? Is it THIS hard to get a diagnosis of whatever is wrong, whether harmless or not? Should I wait for my actual scheduled ENT visit in the next two weeks or ask to be referred to another in the meantime? I feel lame asking all of you, who are going through your own treatments while supporting one another, when I don't even know WHAT my diagnosis could be. Just wondered if my symptoms sound familiar with any of you. Am I over reacting? Well wishes for all of you!



    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry you feel poorly, but I hope you are without cancer.

    Just because you get in to see an ENT does not mean they will instantly give you a diagnosis.

    With an initial ENT visit they will generally do a feel, a look, and maybe a scope and needle biopsy.  The first visit just sets the stage for additional testing, scans and wait and see.

    I believe getting in the sooner the better, but in all honesty do not think a week or two will be detrimental to your overall health.  That does not count your mental health as waiting can be a real head game.

     I had stage IVa, scc, bot, 1 lymph node, hpv+ (surgery, rads & Erbitux) and had no pain just a lump on my neck.

    If you want a greater response, please start a new thread.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Ktwoods said:

    No diagnosis yet

    Hello, not sure if I belong here and hoping in the long run I don't! I've been feeling sick since about February. My General practitioner chalked it up to simply stress, fatigue and getting older. I'm 52. i was having drenching night sweats, extreme fatigue, which is so unlike me, as I'm an avid runner and gym goer since my teens. The last two and a half months, I've experienced severe headaches at the back and base of my skull, as well as various aches and pains widespread. During this, a Dr visit revealed I had just gotten over mono, although it wasn't active any longer. Rest and good nutrition was the prescribed remedy. So, I've done nothing but my desk job and rested at home, in spite of my urge to move around more. I haven't had the energy to do much of anything at all! Same Dr visit, she found a strange lump in my throat. Hard, painless and immobile. Said it was no biggie even though I was still having the night sweats and neck glands swollen. Referred to ENT who only swabbed around it for culture and drew complete blood work, sent me home with anti biotics, only to discover no obvious infection. I had taken the full 4 days of Zithromax. Advised to come back in a month to see if any changes. That will be July 18th. It is now July 6 and I've been progressively worse the last week. Been home in bed for a full 5 days and have more swollen glands in my neck and under chin and the lump in my throat has company. Still no pain with it but some discomfort deeper in my throat. As I type, I'm waiting to see if this ENT can fit me in somewhere today even though he's booked solid and won't be back in his office the rest of this week. I'm really scared. Of course, like everyone else in my situation, I've researched all my symptoms and everything points to some sort of head and neck cancer or lymphoma. Did any of you experience similar? Is it THIS hard to get a diagnosis of whatever is wrong, whether harmless or not? Should I wait for my actual scheduled ENT visit in the next two weeks or ask to be referred to another in the meantime? I feel lame asking all of you, who are going through your own treatments while supporting one another, when I don't even know WHAT my diagnosis could be. Just wondered if my symptoms sound familiar with any of you. Am I over reacting? Well wishes for all of you!

    Welcome, KT....

    I agree with Matt on both points....doing the footwork to get into an ENT sooner, and if you can't 2 weeks isn't going to change much except for your anxiety levels.  Like you, I didn't feel good from October 2011 to December 2011.  At the end of Dec, a tiny node popped up on my neck....I went to Urgent Care the beginning of January, 2012 and they put me on antibiotics for two weeks.  When that didn't change the lump, they made an appointment with my Primary Care Dr.  Took 3 weeks to get in there.  He took one feel and referred me to an ENT.  By the time I saw him it was March, and the lump had grown.  He did a biopsy, and it was cancer.  It still took until the middle of April to get started on treatments...and I'm here to tell the talke.

    The most anxiety felt in this whole diagnosis/treatment timeline is the waiting in the beginning....we want it out NOW!  I'd tell you to breathe and relax a little if I thought it would do any good....When you do see the ENT, be it this week or the 18th....tell him you want a want him to look down there with his own eyes. 


  • slk2015
    slk2015 Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2016 #12
    Ktea:  My story is a bit

    Ktea:  My story is a bit different and I am hoping not to scare you with it.  I had a lump on my tongue for most of 2 years.  It was biopsied twice, several months apart, and both were negative.  The lump suddenly nearly doubled in size—I was afraid that it would adversely affect my eating.  So I went in for a partial glossectomy.  It was an outpatient procedure and I was told there were no problems and sent home.  Four days later, I received a call that there were cancer cells and they did not get all of them.  I guess you have to freeze the tumor and section it to be sure, which is why it takes time.  25 days later, I had a second glossectomy and partial neck dissection.  I was very fortunate—it was Stage 2 due to the size of the tumor and had not spread to the lymph nodes, so radiation was not necessary.  


    I also have migraines on the right side, had many dental problems and oral lichen planus that caused pain on the right side only.  It is very hard to separate things sometimes.  The lump never hurt.



    This being said, the most important thing that happened in all of this was when my cancer ENT told me I had done everything I could have.  This was no one’s fault.  So you do what you can.  If you think there’s a problem, keep asking.  You can only do so much.  In all of this, up to the second glossectomy, I had never even considered that I might have tongue cancer.  I guess I missed the fear and worry because I had no idea—I was just doing what was prudent and that was enough.

  • shirley58
    shirley58 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am a 66 year old woman who was just informed that I have a birad 5 spiculated lesion 2 mm on my mammogram. I probably have cancer. How do I cope?

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Shirley, hello, sorry to hear you have something showing on your mammogram.

    I want to let you know you are on the head and neck cancer section of this forum, not the Breast cancer section.

    If you put your pointer on or tap the words "Discussion Boards" at the top of the page you will see many types of cancer listed, just click on Breast cancer.

    Also here is a link for the Breast cancer discussion board...

    I hope and pray that what is showing on your mammogram is nothing serious after all is said and done.

    Wishing You The Best

    Take Care, God Bless
