3 year from Diagnosis

I got my official diagnosis three years ago today on my cell phone going through Boise, Idaho for my family reunion. This was just a month ofter my husband was diagnosed with bi-lateral kidney cancer. Stage III, grade 3b I think. Surgery two weeks after my husband had a kidney removed; then I did 18 chemos and 3 bracha radiation treatments. I think time stood still for a long while when we felt like this journey would never end. Chemo was brutal but doable and now here it is three years later. I have my six month exam in a week or so and have no reason to suspect anything except good news. I know I will never be my old self but we talk about the new normal. I like to call it abbynormal. No, that is not a typo.


Life marches on - my daughter was diagnosed in Oct 2014 with breast cancer and got the full deal except radiation. My brother was also diagnosed that same month with Non Hodgins Lymphoma and died in April, 2015. Since that time I had shoulder surgery and then fell on it and broke the humurus and just last week my husband dropped a hugh piece of log on his foot and fractured three toes. Got really pretty camoflouge cast today. I'm only listing this to show how resiliant our bodies can be. Even through all this Gary and I feel lucky to be basically healthy at this point. I'm not saying we didn't have our pity parties (i probably had more of them) but each day we got up and put one foot in front of the other. People say "I don't know how you did it". "You were so brave"!! hogwash - we wanted to live and did what we had to do.

For all you newbies and those going through treatment right now; just hang in there. We never thought treatment would end either. Now we are getting ready for another family reunion here in SW Washington with my 96 year old aunt and 99 year old uncle. I want to be them some day. 

I don't post too often and there are some wonderful women on this site offering great advise. I just wish I could post that my neuropathy went away. It hasnt. I use gabapentin and stubbed my toes yesterday and fell down. Pain, pain, pain for about 15 minutes but just mostly hurt my pride.

My prayes and best thoughts to each and every one of us on this journey




  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    You are a ROCK STAR, Joanne!!

    You are a ROCK STAR, Joanne!!!  You keep kickin' it girl!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Joanne, Thanks so much for

    Joanne, Thanks so much for the great post. What an inspiration for all of us. I especially love your comment on being brave versus wanting to live. So much truth in that.  We do what we have to do to live. Although, I do think there is some bravery involved to overcome the doubts and learn to live a full life after all of the stuff we put our bodies through is finished. Sorry that you still have the neuropathy.

    My hope is that someday soon there is a cure for all cancers and one that doesn't tax our bodies so much.

    Love and Hugs,


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I love to hear the good news,

    I love to hear the good news, Joanne!!  You and your husband have been through so much, yet you're still optimistic.  Sorry about the neuropathy though.  I have it too and wonder if, with time, it will get better?  But if not, like you, I feel lucky to be healthy at this point.  Please keep us updated with your continued good health reports.  It gives us all hope!!



  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited June 2016 #5

    You told it like it is...  Life does go on, and we deal with whatever comes, in whatever way we can.  Thank you for posting and enjoy this and many more reunions!


  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    You are an inspiration!

    Joanne, you are an inspiration! You will definitely make it to 100 with your optimistic attitude. Thank you so much for posting this good news. I think it's the best medicine around. Congratulations! Kim

  • CindylovesMike
    CindylovesMike Member Posts: 50
    there are things

     this awful cancer teaches us is, we are stronger than we think we are, we can go through things we never thought we could, how important it is yo love the ones God gives you and never take a day for granted. Thank you Joanne for sharing so happy for you to be dancing with ned, he is a pretty good dancer I think:)


  • Charissa
    Charissa Member Posts: 129 Member
    edited July 2016 #8
    Wow, three years NED. That is

    Wow, three years NED. That is amazing! I hope your results continued in your favor. Thank you, for sharing. Us newbies love hearing uplifting stories of those who are still enjoying life and making the best of the new abbynormal. :)

  • Beachrose
    Beachrose Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2016 #9
    Very inspiring post Joanne,

    Very inspiring post Joanne, thank you for sharing your story. It gives me hope and encouragement to hear stories like yours and I hope you continue to have many healthy years.  I have neuropathy also and am hoping it will go away, some days it seems better than others. Have not yet tried gabapentin. What you said about doing what we have to do is so true!! Best wishes on your upocoming exam!

  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member
    Me too!

    Congratulations Joanne! I also was diagnosed three years ago this month and just had my 6 month checkup Friday! And still NED! I agree with you Joanne, the journey has been hard but the goal was worth it. I was diagnosed with UPSC stage 2 grade3. Surgery, 6 treatments of chemo and then internal radiation. I also had a lot of trouble with neuropathy, and generally felt pretty awful during chemo. But... my CA125 kept falling and now, 2 ½ years after completing treatment I am still cancer free and enjoying life! Sure there are lasting effects and my life has changed, but there it is, my life is ongoing and I am so happy to still be here! Lots of love, Sandy

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Sandy3185 said:

    Me too!

    Congratulations Joanne! I also was diagnosed three years ago this month and just had my 6 month checkup Friday! And still NED! I agree with you Joanne, the journey has been hard but the goal was worth it. I was diagnosed with UPSC stage 2 grade3. Surgery, 6 treatments of chemo and then internal radiation. I also had a lot of trouble with neuropathy, and generally felt pretty awful during chemo. But... my CA125 kept falling and now, 2 ½ years after completing treatment I am still cancer free and enjoying life! Sure there are lasting effects and my life has changed, but there it is, my life is ongoing and I am so happy to still be here! Lots of love, Sandy

    Congrats Sandy!!!!  That is

    Congrats Sandy!!!!  That is great news. I love Mr. Ned. May you continue to dance with him forever! :-)

    Love and Hugs,


  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    Congratulations on 3 years

    Congratulations on 3 years and doing great and moving on.  Wishing you many more years of good things.  I have always said that it is your attitude that you develop as you go through this journey.  Keep it positive and that is not saying you can do it all the time (pity parties are good as long as you do not stay there).  I had my share of them (pity party) but I always bounced back pulled up my big girl panties and kept moving forward and upwards.  I wish you many more years of NED for you and your family members.  May the good news keep coming.  trish

  • DrienneB
    DrienneB Member Posts: 182
    Yay Joanne!

    I loved to read your post and celebrate WITH you. I am also 3 years out from the diagnosis of uterine cancer, stage IIIb, grade 3.Mine dating from one month before you, May 2013. You have been through so much and I am inspired by your joy, and yes, resilence!


  • Diya
    Diya Member Posts: 93
    Joanne, thankyou for your

    Joanne, thankyou for your honest message. There is so much inspiration in what you have written. I think we all live in some kind of fantasy that bad things dont happen to us and when they do that they will go away. But in the meantime forget to live the good stuff we still have. It is easier said than done. But you have shown us it can be done! I wish you all the best. Love and cuddles.