Treatment Update - ding ding, round 2

A little overdue but thought I'd share an update with you all. Deep into treatment now which consists of weekly infusions of Carboplatin. Fair to say this is not so much fun and I have 6 more to go. The main complaint I have is one of fatigue. I'm more or less wasted after chemo for 5 days. Nausea also comes and goes but this is controlled by meds. Any ideas on how to counter fatigue welcomed. 

I'm also doing weekly vitamin C infusions and feel they are helping with regards to the chemo. Then plan is to get through these 6 chemos then do a PET scan and see what we're dealing with. To put this into context I had a recent scan which showed Lung / Kidney tumours shrinking. One in Liver gone and tumours in spine / pelvis no change / stable. So something is working! 

Finally, as mentioned the above is a recuurrence from stage 3, SCC tongue in 2013 where I underwent surgery, chemo and radiation here in Singapore. Unfortunately the view is that the above has metastasised and is now stage 4 head and neck cancer. Them the breaks so the fight continues! 





  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    I wish you well.  Hate

    I wish you well.  Hate hearing about recurrence. Is this very common?  

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626

    Hoping for the best for you. Any thought to try acupuncture to help with the fatigue? I know my husband was also wiped out after chemo...but he only received infusions 2x during the 25 rads in six weeks. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited June 2016 #4


    One day at a time.

    Best always,


  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    Stay positive

    Keep fighting. 

  • NelsonOng
    NelsonOng Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2016 #6

    Hi, I had my surgery, radiation and chemo also done in Singapore in 2013. I'm stage 4 and tumour found in left lower gum which ate some of my jaw bone. To cut the story short, I am 3 years out NED and doing pretty well besides some side effects of tingling ears and dry mouth. Fitness wise in tip too condition as I ran a few marathons so far. 

    You may want to try and make ginger soup and please use old ginger. Start with light and slowly make it thicker when your body can take it. Also, you may want to know more about Origin Point Medicine also known as Yuan Shi Dian by Dr Chang. You may want to learn or ask more, go to Facebook to know more. It certainly helps. Keep on fighting  never gives up. No harm, start drinking warm Ginger soup.

    God Bless You.


  • SusanUES
    SusanUES Member Posts: 125
    Blessings to you, DudeInTech...

    Keep fighting the good fight and keep posting...we are here to listen and are pulling for you!

  • kdot2003
    kdot2003 Member Posts: 143
    I'm at a loss for words

    I'm so sorry.  You have a great attitude.  I can only pray I would have the same outlook but I'm sure there are days.  Mets is the monster always out there lurking.  I feel like a ticking time bomb sometimes.  Praying for better days and alot more of them for you!