My radiation journey - Week 5

Well, the **** has hit the fan. As I expected, the dark side of treatments is rearing its ugly head.

According to my doctor, I'm doing exceptionally well at this point. May be. But this week started getting difficult.

My ferocious appetite has waned. The sores in my mouth coupled with the terrible taste of many foods, is making me nauseated. I haven't vomited yet, but when I think about eating, my stomach turns a little.

The neck burns hardly bother me. The sores in my mouth are tolerable and I can swallow, with a slight discomfort. But the thought of eating is so uninviting I just know I will lose some weight.

When they weighed me today, I was still maintaining. I had 3 pancakes for breakfast, 3 McDonalds hamburgers for lunch, and watermelon for dinner. For some reason, I craved the burgers and tolerated all 3 for 750 calories. The day before, I struggled to eat a cup of tuna for lunch. It tasted awful.

This evening, I experimented with a piece of broccoli from a Chinese dinner. The most awful thing I ever ate! I think the brown, salty garlic sauce is the problem. Same goes for BBQ sauce. Most awful foods to eat during radiotherapy.

Still not drinking the Liquid Oxy sitting in my kitchen. The discomfort is a welcome sacrifice to the additional side effects of opiods. Glad it's here should I need it.

Two more weeks, 9 treatments left. Then, I recover. Still working half days but thinking of taking the full week off at the end of this nightmare.

Happy Fathers Day to all the hard working dads out here!




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    you are doing great (it soundss like)




    At this point (as you know) do whatever it takes to get finished.  Remember, you can always drink your calories.  The taste no-taste, awful feel and texture put me in touch with liquids.  Keep drinking water and swallowing.




  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    I think you are doing great!

    By this time I was found it much more difficult to eat anything other than oatmeal, soft egg, and light broth.  Hang in there it did get worse for me on the final week but you seem to be doing so well.  Good luck man!

  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106
    You are so close!

    Sounds like you are nearing the finish line.  Hang in there and I hope to do this well as I approach the end. As Lise said, eating that many hamburgers at one sitting is pretty amazing to me at this stage.


  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2016 #5
    Oh dear Steven, I was hoping

    Oh dear Steven, I was hoping things wouldn't  get worse. Scared of my fourth week beginning next Tuesday, because 4-6 sonda damn awful. Are you getting more sores, or are these the old ones?  Are you able to use the fluoride carriers?  I think the fluoride gel is causing me more stinging and discomfort.

    How on earth were you able to eat so many burgers? Bread is difficult for me because it's so dry. And the meat would be a chore to chew.  

  • Kenny-
    Kenny- Member Posts: 99 Member
    edited June 2016 #6


    You're doing super great. If I recalled correctly, I was on a full liquid diet starting from week 5 onwards. You can still munch down 3 hamburgers! that really rocks, keep it going! Only thing I suggest is going easy on the acidic stuff (e.g. BBQ sauce) as it quickly makes things worse (as I found out). 

    If you need to transition to liquid diet, I went heavy on pasteurized eggs on soft boil. since they're pasteurized, it minimizes the risk of bacteria and you can eat them soft boiled. 

    2 more weeks and you'll get a break, and it'll still go downhill for 1-2 more weeks before it starts to plauteu and recovering!

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    Ugh. I hate pureed foods. Bad

    Ugh. I hate pureed foods. Bad enough the shakes taste terrible. Eating the burgers wasn't too difficult. What used to take 5 minutes took 20. I can swallow ok but I used water to assist with swallowing. My diet largely consists of pancakes, scrambled eggs, pasta with butter or olive oil, noodles, macaroni and cheese. Tomorrow I will try chicken for my Father's Day BBQ. And no sauces!

    I am not using flouride trays. I have prescription toothpaste and a flouride rinse. I hope I can keep my teeth moving forward.

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    Well, I've made it official

    Well, I've made it official today. No more solid foods for me. They've become too difficult after this weekend. Until things improve, my diet will consist of shakes made of Ensure, Boost, protein powder, and ice cream. Three or 4 a day should maintain my weight. Sunday was tough. Developed slight fever and rested most of the day. The struggle to eat is simply not worth the effort, at this point.

    The last couple of weeks are definitely the toughest.

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2016 #9
    Steven I had so hoped you'd

    Steven I had so hoped you'd be able to do those burgers to the end!

    You're almost there. Whenever you feel despondent, please think of me and how I depend so much on your experience and strength to help me through this. No pressure, lol

    Seriously, you've inspired me so much to deal with everything, and I thank you kindly.  

    Mmy ear is still hurting and feeling like big bubble in it. Sudafed isn't doing much. Plus I have an annoying cough which might be due to sinus drainage. All started in my third week. God bless, Steven.  By the way, are you watching the Euro 2016 games?  

  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    Ice cream? You are doing well



    Lucky you. Ice cream was,a no no for me early on. The temp and taste just didn't sit well with my tongue. I thnk I've said it before I think you are doing great. Beware this final week and a few weeks after posed the biggest challenges for me. I do feel like the worst is over now but getting here was not fun. Keep eating, taking your vitamins, brushing, gargling, and anything else the doctor suggested and stay hydrated. I wouldn't push continuing a variety of foods unless you are absolutely sure it wont  hurt. As I look back I thnk there were times my mouth was too numb and I suspect some foods may have added or caused the blistering on my tongue. Also working and keeping too busy can cause lapses with the meds. Stay on top of things and you will be there before you know it. 


    Have they said anythng about phase 1 or phase 2 radiation?

    This was "the straw that broke my back." Being vegetarian probably had something to do with my difficulties. 

  • cardoza33
    cardoza33 Member Posts: 81

    Well, I've made it official

    Well, I've made it official today. No more solid foods for me. They've become too difficult after this weekend. Until things improve, my diet will consist of shakes made of Ensure, Boost, protein powder, and ice cream. Three or 4 a day should maintain my weight. Sunday was tough. Developed slight fever and rested most of the day. The struggle to eat is simply not worth the effort, at this point.

    The last couple of weeks are definitely the toughest.

    Steven, You are handling this

    Steven, You are handling this like a champ.  I am 4.5 months out of treatment.  I can barely eat one McDonalds hamburger now....I just tried one last week.  I just want to give you one mental health warning. I was super mentally tough through treatment, focused on my completion date and then declaring myself in the "recovery" mode.  Somehow, in my mind, I though things would immediately get easier in the weeks following treatment.  They did not.  My discomfort continued to increase for a few weeks after treatment, stay the same for several weeks, then ever so slowly start to decline.  I feel great now, but was mentally discouraged in the "recovery" stage.  keep up the mental toughness, knowing it may get harder for a while even in recovery.  However, your experience has been different than mine, so you may sail through it, but I just wanted to share my experience.  Keep it up.

  • Bart T
    Bart T Member Posts: 62 Member
    Keep on keeping on!

    Hang tough. Those of us who’ve been through it know how tough it is. By about week 5 or so I was strictly on a liquid diet. My appetite was so poor, were it not for my wife making my shakes (Ensure, vanilla ice cream, powdered milk, and sometimes honey), I wouldn’t have the energy to even bother trying to eat anything. I also remember at least a few times where I would struggle for about a half hour to get the shake down, only to have it come up minutes later in a violent and unpredictable eruption.

    At about week five or so, I had started on the narcotic pain killers. I’m all in favor of anything that works, so if they work for you, go for it. For me the pain killers didn’t work out well at all. Within a week or so of starting, one or two oxy tabs every six hours escalated to six every six hours. I wouldn’t mind if they killed the pain and put me into a stupor, but they didn’t kill the pain, and made me paranoid. Not only that, but despite laxatives and stool softeners, about once every three or four days, I would go through labor and give birth to a bowling ball. To make matters worse, things from the waist down stopped working.

    My doctors kept telling me how good I was doing, and although that was intended to be comforting, that only got me annoyed. I felt the only way I would ever meet the patients that were doing worse was to visit the morgue.

    I hope your doctors have been honest with you in terms of your expectations, but it was at least a few weeks after the radiation finished before I felt I turned the corner and started getting better. My recovery was not as quick as I expected, and it did not follow a straight line. There were peaks and valleys along the way.

    My radiation finished on July 30, I was in decent shape for one daughter’s wedding on September 8, but that pretty much wiped me out. I had started eating soft foods about two weeks prior and was able to have some of the food at the weeding (but couldn’t get the cake down). The next day while attending the birth of a new grandson from a different daughter, the only thing I could focus on was how miserable I felt and how much pain I was in. Later that week, I saw a pain management doctor who wanted to put me on methadone, so I decided to stop all the pain meds and just tough it out. It was about late September before I was able to return to a regular work schedule and had enough confidence in my speech and appearance to meet with clients.

    I really wish you all the best, and hope your recovery is both swift and full. Despite how annoying it might sound, you really are doing well, so keep on keeping on. Just don’t take your eye off the prize. In time you will be cancer free, resume all your prior activities, and fully enjoy your life (even if there might be some enduing side effects). 

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    edited June 2016 #13
    LiseA said:

    Steven I had so hoped you'd

    Steven I had so hoped you'd be able to do those burgers to the end!

    You're almost there. Whenever you feel despondent, please think of me and how I depend so much on your experience and strength to help me through this. No pressure, lol

    Seriously, you've inspired me so much to deal with everything, and I thank you kindly.  

    Mmy ear is still hurting and feeling like big bubble in it. Sudafed isn't doing much. Plus I have an annoying cough which might be due to sinus drainage. All started in my third week. God bless, Steven.  By the way, are you watching the Euro 2016 games?  

    Hi Lisa, sorry you're having

    Hi Lisa, sorry you're having some issues along the way. Saw my nurse today and she suggested taking thr Liquid Oxy before meals. I'm actually doing that now and feel I can eat a nice bowl of pasta with lentils, one of my favorites dishes.

    I'm happy to bring you some inspiration, if it can help you in the least. We will get through this one day at a time. I wish you continued good health and hope your journey is peaceful for you.

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    Josephwc said:

    Ice cream? You are doing well



    Lucky you. Ice cream was,a no no for me early on. The temp and taste just didn't sit well with my tongue. I thnk I've said it before I think you are doing great. Beware this final week and a few weeks after posed the biggest challenges for me. I do feel like the worst is over now but getting here was not fun. Keep eating, taking your vitamins, brushing, gargling, and anything else the doctor suggested and stay hydrated. I wouldn't push continuing a variety of foods unless you are absolutely sure it wont  hurt. As I look back I thnk there were times my mouth was too numb and I suspect some foods may have added or caused the blistering on my tongue. Also working and keeping too busy can cause lapses with the meds. Stay on top of things and you will be there before you know it. 


    Have they said anythng about phase 1 or phase 2 radiation?

    This was "the straw that broke my back." Being vegetarian probably had something to do with my difficulties. 

    Hey Joe, I can't imagine what

    Hey Joe, I can't imagine what this would be like as a vegetarian. How did that work out for you? Did you have to break your diet to get through this?

    I'm lucky in the sense that the foods I gravitated towards were foods I already ate regularly.

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    Thanks for the kind words and

    Thanks for the kind words and advice, Bart. My docs were very upfront about everything. Nothing is coming as a surprise. In fact, they warned me the side effects would begin around week 2, so I'm lucky they didn't really hit me until week 5. But tonight, I'm taking my Liquid Oxy to try to eat dinner. Here goes nothing!

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    Good to know about the liquid

    Good to know about the liquid Oxy.  Is this a swish and swallow?  

    My doc said it's easy. He knew I was already iffy about treatment.  Everything I learned about side effects, I learned from the experts here!  Doctors aren't going through this, so they tell you whatever they want.  I want to see a Head & Neck Doctor/cancer patient, then we can talk!

    Enjoy your past and lentils. I used to love Italian food before I had to give it up because of Celiac disease.  Sure there are gluten free options, but they don't taste authentic!


  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    edited June 2016 #17
    LiseA said:

    Good to know about the liquid

    Good to know about the liquid Oxy.  Is this a swish and swallow?  

    My doc said it's easy. He knew I was already iffy about treatment.  Everything I learned about side effects, I learned from the experts here!  Doctors aren't going through this, so they tell you whatever they want.  I want to see a Head & Neck Doctor/cancer patient, then we can talk!

    Enjoy your past and lentils. I used to love Italian food before I had to give it up because of Celiac disease.  Sure there are gluten free options, but they don't taste authentic!


    No swishing, just swallow.

    No swishing, just swallow. Cherry flavored so it goes down easy. It worked well this evening, allowing me to eat. I will probably continue having shakes for breakfast and lunch, then the Oxy and soft food for dinner. This should help me maintain my weight.

    Are you being treated at a cancer center? My docs are very upfront about everything concerning side effects. You may want to get a prescription for pain killers, if you don't have one already.

  • Gypsy28
    Gypsy28 Member Posts: 69
    Thanks Steve

    I am very much in appreciation for your documentation of your radiation journey.My first day is tomorrow and although everyone is different your blog is so very helpful.If i have the strength I'll write about my experience. Thanks again.

  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    Vegetarian hosoital

    I've been a vegetarian for some time (1991) so no I've never changed my diet. The hospital in India was a vegetarian hospital so it has been easy to maintain my usual eating habits. 

    I don't think I will make a good Santa this year but I'm hoping my white beard grows back sooner rather then later.


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    edited June 2016 #20

    I used to eat scrambled eggs, shakes, smoothies, and milk toast. Butter toast and pour hot milk on it with some pepper for taste. I am surpridsed you could eat beef so far into treatments I lost my taste for meat about 2 weeks in. I bought  a blender that also heated the content so I made alot of soups with freesh vegetables also. You are doing well fight on the finish line is in sight.


  • SusanUES
    SusanUES Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2016 #21
    Yup, the shite has hit the fan...

    When you posted "I hope the [issues] have plateaued..." I was shaking my head and thinking no no no, the worst is yet to come.  But here it is and you're chugging along and it's fourth down and goal to go so a curse on those rad beams, you will prevail!  I found that putting the ice cream in the fridge section (not the freezer) got it nice and melty so it blended well with the Ensure, Scandi and almond milk.  Even that got tough at Week 6 and after...sometimes I would just look at the shake and want to cry because the sores and my throat were on fire.  Just keep slamming, Steven, light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view.

    Lisa, Gypsy and are riding shotgun so best to you guys, too!