Only 9 treatments So far

LiseA Member Posts: 266

And I was stunned to see how irritated my gums were on the side that's being treated. I have a canker sore in upper mouth back where the molars are, the front part of my lower lips, and the gums already look blood red and swollen. Dentist said it's the beginning of mucositis :-(

I'm trying to be positive and not get down about this, but I just had a moment of despair as my mouth began to hurt and burn after eating.  I used the water pick, but even that made it hurt more.  I'm not taking any Meds yet. Haven't started MuGuard, but wanted to know if this is a sign that things will get worse, or will it just be sore for remainder of treatment? I'm even seeing a bit more of receding gum line. I did have a little before radiation, but it's changed already. 

I am using the soda rinse. What exactly is Glutamine supposed to do? can I use one then alternate with the other? 


  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626

    is an amino acid. You can purchase it in health food stores in a powder form. Then you can add a teaspoon or two to water and use it to swish and spit or even swallow. My husband's mucositis was extremely severe and for a while, that's all he could tolerate. The "magic mouthwash" didn't do a thing for him. We also tried a product called GelClair that was helpful. Lastly - he continues to drink water with some kiwi strawberry aloe juice added. We get it from amazon - it is aloe juice, not gel. He says it makes the water "slipperier".


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    9 going on 10




    My doctor said my “mouth was ablaze”.  For throat, tongue and mouth discomfort I used Magic Mouth Wash very successfully.  I went through 6 bottles swished and swallowed every drop of it.


    The soda rinse was constant.


    I also had Lidocine HCL OS 2% for sore spots.


    Just take it one day at a  time, keep your  team informed on all changes (they have ways to help).  Don’t be afraid of pain meds, this is tough enough.




  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    edited June 2016 #4
    Lisa, you've read about my

    Lisa, you've read about my experience, so far. I am 19 treatments in and the worse part is the feel and taste of food. I'm looking forward to this week just to get the treatments out of the way.

    Sores have been manageable even though my mouth is filled with them. I can chew and swallow fine. Keep rinsing. That seems to be helping me. I'm doing L'Glutamine, saline water, and taking Gabapentin. We will get through this.

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    I'll try to remember the "one

    I'll try to remember the "one day at a time" as I go along. I can't imagine what sort of treatment was used 20 years ago!

    Steve, it's been so helpful following you.  I hope that I can also be there for those unfortunate enough to be going through cancer treatment to head & neck.

    This group has been a Godsend.  Thanks all for your continued feedback and support. Means the world to me.

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    I am following you, Lise and

    I am following you, Lise and Steve!  My radiation treatment will start June 27.  I am so thankful for this group!!



  • cardoza33
    cardoza33 Member Posts: 81
    edited June 2016 #7
    LiseA said:

    I'll try to remember the "one

    I'll try to remember the "one day at a time" as I go along. I can't imagine what sort of treatment was used 20 years ago!

    Steve, it's been so helpful following you.  I hope that I can also be there for those unfortunate enough to be going through cancer treatment to head & neck.

    This group has been a Godsend.  Thanks all for your continued feedback and support. Means the world to me.

    my experience

    Right around where you are at now, my mouth blew up.  I had burns on my tongue and mouth filled with sores.  I had trouble eating and swallowing from the early stages.  Get magic mouthwash.  Also, get the pain meds even if you don't use them.  They are always nice to have when you do need them.  My problems always seemed to get worse on the weekend when you can't reach the doctors.  I wish I could say its gets better but that is not always the case.  Mine got bad early and pretty much stayed the same throughout and after the treatment.  Its manageable, but just talk to your nurses they will give you the appropriate guildance.  Good luck and hang in there.  I am 5 months out of treatment and feel great.  This will end.  Hang in there.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Hang in Lisa........

    It is a rough journey but you're doi g good. Just one day at a time.  

  • Raddude
    Raddude Member Posts: 84

    I have no idea if this will help in anyway. Glutamine was very helpful for me. I would also swish and spit immediatly after radiation some tumeric juice. When I was entering my 4th week I had times when I would start weeping with tears coming down my cheeks. Not the "why me" type just a quiet sadness that made my heart ache. During the day when I had a schedule it was "groundhog day". Juicing, radiation, juicing, formula, supplements, juicing, rest, juice, and throw in the occasional chemo treatment. That kept my mind occupied, it was at night (I live by myself) that it would creep up on me. It would only last a short time and I would feel a sense of relief after. No matter how positive you are or how much you say the acclamations you will have moments and its ok. It did seem like it wouldn't end and that my every waking moment was devoted to cancer, researching for answers and wondering if this is going to work. I have been done for 3 months and it seems so distant now. But I will never forget and I continue to do many if not all of the things I did while go through treatment just not on such a high level. It will pass but it may not seem like it now.



  • SusanUES
    SusanUES Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2016 #10
    Raddude said it all...

    Beautifully and eloquently.  A year later, all that pain and the numbing monotony of those treatment days has faded into a bad memory for me.  Now it's onward and upward with the process of healing and adjusment to the "New Normal" (which ain't half bad!).  Just like AA, day at a time and feel free to punch a pillow, scream in the shower or just let it out here.  We're all pulling for you!

  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    Thank you all for sharing

    I don't live alone and I cannot imagine. Have had plenty of those moments where tears rolled down my cheeks because of too much time to think. Thank you for sharing raddude. Like I said before it does help to know you all are here. 

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2016 #12
    Joseph, how are you doing?

    Joseph, how are you doing?  Are you done with radiation now? I remember you had some difficulty coming to the End.

    Today was day one of my third week. I got the magic mouthwash (from MDA pharmacy) but it cost a whopping $93. Insurance said it's compound Meds so they won't cover it!  Wondering if I gave them the ingredients list if that would help?  It has Lidocaine and I'm not sure if that's a prescription drug.  Can't say that it was overly helpful. Seems okay when I'm eating but shortly after the pain returns.  Ill

    keep using it, though. However, I'm a believer of Glutamine! My mouth feels way better than when I use the soda. Thanks to all who mentioned glutamine. Plus it makes sense Why it would work.  My neck now feels a bit like that first suntan, but not really painful.

    My days are so busy that I don't have time to be down or cry...not yet anyway.  It might come later on. I have PTA, OT, acupuncture, then radiation, and sometimes meet with the nurse or doctor, and then I visit the chaplain, or spend time in the hospitality room before coming back to the apt.  My husband's birthday was today and the radiation staff all sang happy birthday for him!

    I'm hoping that my health holds up, and my wacky sense of humor, because I'm planning to turn up in some sort of glowing costume for the final treatment, lol 

  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2016 #13
    Weight has leveled off

    I am doing much better than before. I was admitted for the last two days of treatment and the weekend because I was losing too much weight, vomitting, and pain. From the second week on it got progressively worse for me. The IV fluid along with pain meds helped. 


    I can't say enough, keep eating as much as you can through radiation. I'm vegetarian and my intake, due to the pain of swallowing and burning from my tongue, obviously wasn't enough.


    I am still on liquids but the mucosis has gotten better and that nearly two weeks out of radiation and I'm holding just under 70 kg down from 90. 

    The process has been a challenge but finally I'm flying home this Saturday morning and will be in Maryland soon. I do miss home.


    Thank you so much for asking!


    Take care everyone. 

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    So glad to hear you're doing

    So glad to hear you're doing better, Joseph and coming home! How wonderful.  Hope the flight isn't going to be challenge. How many hours flying from India?  

  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2016 #15
    U.S.A. Here I come

    16 hours mumbai to New Jersey but I have a layover in Frankfurt. I am worried about trip but I have my dry oatmeal to save the day.   


    After going through the surgery and radiation I can handle anything. Ha ha



  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Good luck with your travels,

    Good luck with your travels, Joseph. Maryland is my home land too. Enjoy it for the both of us!

  • SusanUES
    SusanUES Member Posts: 125
    Bon Voyage, Joseph!

    So glad to hear that you are coming home.  You are doing great on holding the line at weight loss, too.  I think being home will make a world of difference mentally...really will pick you up.  Let us know how the flight and your return goes.  Blessings.

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    Joseph. You're so right about

    Joseph. You're so right about surgery and radiation, and handling anything. I'm beginning to feel that's going to me as well.

    Day 12!  I have a sore throat on left side and bleeding gum and cheek area.  My ear is feeling weird like when I have a cold. Will mention to the doc tomorrow. Can't wait to be halfway there.