CT results

Airie Member Posts: 45

Appt went well!! Scan showed decrease in lower lung left lobe tumor from 1.2 cm to .7cm with Sutent. . Oncologist brought up surgery to remove it. All blood work was great! Any thoughts on this surgery from those who have gone through it??

All prayers, positive thoughts and good wishes were so appreciated!



  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    Thats just excellent

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited June 2016 #3
    Great news

    So happy you shared this great news!  Not sure how to respond to the potential surgery.  Questions that come to mind are if the Sutent had that effect, will it continue to shrink the tumor and possibly avoid a surgical procedure?  If they must do surgery, will they just remove the tumor or do they have to do a lobectomy? (remove a section of the lung)

    I will continue praying for you.  Best wishes,


  • Bellweather
    Bellweather Member Posts: 102
    I would have to give it a go

    My lung mets are bilateral with the largest in the left lung at 1cm.  If the large one was the only one, I would likely opt to have it removed.  There are articles and personal accounts online regarding good results for single lung nods being removed.  There is also some literature on RFA, radio frequency abalation as well as freezing the nodule, not sure of the term for that.  Ask your doctor about all of them and get a second opinion from a RCC specialist at a research hospital, that would be my strategy.  Wishing you the best and look forward to hearing about your success!!


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Great news about the blood

    Great news about the blood test results and the decrease in tumor size. Can't help with the surgery question but to me it would seem to make sense to get rid of it altogether. Agree with Bellweather on getting a second opinion, however. All the best!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    AIRIE HUGS! Glad to hear some

    AIRIE HUGS! Glad to hear some improvement. Great news! Thanks for sharing.

    Cannot help with surgery suggestions, but get as much advice/opinions as needed.

    Just wanted you to know I am here for you !

    Sending you healing thoughts and prayers.


  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    That is good news.  I did have a lung met removed for a biopsy I am not sure if it is the same thing but the surgery was pretty easy and not to hard on the body.


  • Airie
    Airie Member Posts: 45
    I leave Illinois 6/18. Road

    I leave Illinois 6/18. Road trip to Calif with my daughter to stay 6  no with her and her family. Taking northern route and stopping in Vegas! Looking forward to it! (Yes I will take wet ones Footstomper:)

    I have a consult at UCLA on 7/16. Will continue on Sutent until I get 2nd opinion from them. Thanks for all the good wishes and positive reinforcement. My thanks to all of you who share. This site has become a daily ritual for me. I don't always respond to posts but please know I follow everyone. So grateful for each of you!

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Stage 4 is not a sentence for?

    It's an opportunity to live life with a different attitude  And you are on the right path...with the attitude you have.

    D'xd at Stage 4 ten years ago, the same time as a friend of mine.  Mine had spead to liver and nodes with an extensive surgery to get it all, and recurred in single lymph nodes two times.  After the neph, hers went into her lungs.  She had a couple of nodes removed, and then an entire lobe, and about 6 years ago, IL2.  We are both OK and still out there getting into trouble with the world.

    We've both been involved with a local Hospice Cancer Survivors' Support Group and Relay for Life and make an effort to work with those who have cancer.

    Take care of yourself and enjoy your trip to our side of the country (Oregon).



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    I can see that you are stabilizing and that is awesome. It allows time in planning drugs and procedures to persue. Enjoy your family time and let UCLA take a fresh look at your case. Until then, enjoy life.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

    I would have to give it a go

    My lung mets are bilateral with the largest in the left lung at 1cm.  If the large one was the only one, I would likely opt to have it removed.  There are articles and personal accounts online regarding good results for single lung nods being removed.  There is also some literature on RFA, radio frequency abalation as well as freezing the nodule, not sure of the term for that.  Ask your doctor about all of them and get a second opinion from a RCC specialist at a research hospital, that would be my strategy.  Wishing you the best and look forward to hearing about your success!!



    I think they call it cryoblation or something like that. Cryoablation?


  • Airie
    Airie Member Posts: 45
    Thanks for all the responses!

    Thanks for all the responses! So appreciate your input. I will ask Drs at UCLA if Cyroablation or RFA are an option. Either would be much less invasive than traditional lung surgery. 

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    edited June 2016 #13
    Airie said:

    Thanks for all the responses!

    Thanks for all the responses! So appreciate your input. I will ask Drs at UCLA if Cyroablation or RFA are an option. Either would be much less invasive than traditional lung surgery. 

    Cyber Knife Radiation on Lung Mets

    I heard a talk by a radiologist/oncologist at Cedars about using radiation on lung tumors. They had seen some benefits to this on other cancers/other tumors as if somehow it helped the immune system to kick start (treating a tumor in one place and they noticed a decrease in tumor sizes in other places in the body). He specifically mentioned a patient of his with RCC that had 2 lung mets that wanted to buy time before starting a drug and they were going to treat those tumors with radiation.

    This radiation/oncologist worked with Dr. Figlin at Cedars Sinai. If you're near UCLA, you're near there. I think Dr. Figlin is the top specialist in Los Angeles for RCC. He used to head up the program at UCLA and left for Cedars (actually he spent some time at City of Hope in between). It might be worth a consultation. When I went for a consult they got me in very quickly.

