Expressions - - - They are gone!! They're BACK

wmc Member Posts: 1,804
edited May 2016 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I know many of us have done the "Expressions" and have spent hours on them and over the years with all the dates and times of our journey. They help tell our story and have photos and videos even. They are all gone. I wrote CSN and waiting for a reply. You might want to send them a message also.




  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member


    Hi Bill: you are right, I just check mine and everything I had there for the last 6 years is gone by by, I hope that is just a mistake and they are working to correct it.


    Thanks for letting us know




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    How uncool!

    How uncool!


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    They are trying........

    I got an email and they are trying to recover them. I let them know that when they did the last update everyone lost expressions.  I hope they can. 


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    I don't know why ACS does not provide better support for the forums. Losing data is simply unacceptable. ACS receives MILLIONS of dollars a year - they need to hear from us they must improve the quality of service here. It was not that long ago when the site was dead and crawing for months. And there was data loss back then as well. Can't remember the exact content but it was lost just the same.

    Whoever is responsible for supporting this website should be fired, plain and simple.

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Maybe there was maintenance performed that took the content offline and it will be recovered. If that was the case, the admins should provide an announcement of these events.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Mine are back...Without the photos

    I got all the writing back just no photos, and I will have to check to order of it.


  • CSN_Hillary
    CSN_Hillary admin Posts: 17
    edited May 2016 #8
    Expressions Disappearing


    I'm happy to say that we were able to retrieve all of the Expressions writings. We are still working on the photos, so please let us know if you notice any other issues. Donfoo, you are exactly right! We did have to take content offline for an update. Despite extensive testing, we had several unexpected issues as a result. We do post on the Technical Issues board any time there is going to be an outage. We really appreciate your patience and participation on CSN.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Thank you CSN

    It is always nice knowing you have our backs and keep on top of everything.



  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member

    Thank You Hillary for helping to keep this site up and running.  So many of us have benefited from CSN and had a lot less worry because of it.


    Also, seeing you're a dog person makes you a special hero!

