Anyone found a good remedy for constipation due to chemo after a colon resection?

ade7682 Member Posts: 31
We're trying Senokot S and a a Dulcolax stool softener, but have only had a little success, and I'm worried about the constipation impacting his colon resection. He had a resection of his transverse colon on 7/16/11 when they removed a tumor that was obstructing it.


  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    Drs Said
    miralax for my husband, tasteless , i use it sometimes too it works for me

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    Drs Said
    miralax for my husband, tasteless , i use it sometimes too it works for me


    When it got bad, I used kids
    When it got bad, I used kids suppositories, and duculax and the first sign of no bowel movement. Being proactive is good, because it hurts like heck!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I found avoidance is the best...thru diet!
    Keeping VERY hydrated....I'm usually near a glass or cup of something liquid all of the time. It makes a HUGE difference for me!!!!

    And finding the things that make me go/make me stop really helped, as well...

    GO: Fresh fruit. Most kinds. A small amount of milk (I'm lactose intollerant, so a little makes things happen).

    STOP: Cheese (Sheep or goat...lactose intollerant). Bananas. Chocolate (dark).

    Hugs, Kathi
  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi Ade
    I'm nearly 14 yrs post ca now but as I was before ca I still suffer irritable bowel and the constant war between constipation and diahorreah. I agree with kathi ,drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit and veg . Prunes are good and I eat only rolled oats for breakfast. I don't like the full on laxitives and the best I have found so far. I buy a pack of 100 gell capsules and fill them with epsom salts. It is natural and non-addictive(yes even laxatives can become addictive). I use them as necc and have a rest from them when I am functioning ok. Drink extra fluid as epsom works by osmosis and you need to stay hydrated. Good luck.Ron.
  • biz
    biz Member Posts: 60 Member
    Pear juice
    Try pear juice. I think it tastes better and works better than prune juice.
  • Christy66
    Christy66 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2016 #7
    ron50 said:

    Hi Ade
    I'm nearly 14 yrs post ca now but as I was before ca I still suffer irritable bowel and the constant war between constipation and diahorreah. I agree with kathi ,drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit and veg . Prunes are good and I eat only rolled oats for breakfast. I don't like the full on laxitives and the best I have found so far. I buy a pack of 100 gell capsules and fill them with epsom salts. It is natural and non-addictive(yes even laxatives can become addictive). I use them as necc and have a rest from them when I am functioning ok. Drink extra fluid as epsom works by osmosis and you need to stay hydrated. Good luck.Ron.

    Colon cancer issues

    HI .. Curious to know if your body functions improved?  : ) I had my colon cancer surgery 7/2014 and my bag reversed 5/2015.. And I have had constipation, blockage issues, etc ever since.. Tried all OTC meds, lax, miralax lactaluse, etc.. stopped the opioids, that causes a lot of constipation,  but if I'm having a lot of pain I will take something so I can get thru the day .. About a month ago I tried the Epsom salt laxative with warm water each morning and it absolutely helped, I was so happy and now the last couple of days it just stopped working. Did that happen to you. Thanks for any advice. 

  • henkie
    henkie Member Posts: 2
    Christy66 said:

    Colon cancer issues

    HI .. Curious to know if your body functions improved?  : ) I had my colon cancer surgery 7/2014 and my bag reversed 5/2015.. And I have had constipation, blockage issues, etc ever since.. Tried all OTC meds, lax, miralax lactaluse, etc.. stopped the opioids, that causes a lot of constipation,  but if I'm having a lot of pain I will take something so I can get thru the day .. About a month ago I tried the Epsom salt laxative with warm water each morning and it absolutely helped, I was so happy and now the last couple of days it just stopped working. Did that happen to you. Thanks for any advice. 

    Hi Chrisy

    Hi Chrisy

    I had most of my colon removed and i am now on Chemo and going for my third dose next week. I am constantly between a hard and very soft stool range.

    I started eating 3-4 dried prunes with a half litre of water before bed at night and i repeat in the morning. For me this works.

    Hope i could help more



  • Godismydeliverer
    Godismydeliverer Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2016 #9
    Docusate Sodium

    I have my husband on docusate sodium 100mg. You can get it at the pharmacy and is affordable. He has stage 4 colon cancer and has a colostomy. Depending on his needs he takes it as little as once every other day to twice daily. It has been a huge help in keeping him "regular".  It is used frequently by patients on meds that cause constipation.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member

    Docusate Sodium

    I have my husband on docusate sodium 100mg. You can get it at the pharmacy and is affordable. He has stage 4 colon cancer and has a colostomy. Depending on his needs he takes it as little as once every other day to twice daily. It has been a huge help in keeping him "regular".  It is used frequently by patients on meds that cause constipation.

    This is a really old post=)  

    This is a really old post=)