Recurrence + Checking In

Hi all, 

Thought I would say hi plus give an update. Prior to my 3 year scans in March I was suffering back pain and signs of just being unwell. My oncologist booked me in for a PET scan and unfortunately I lit up like a Christmas Tree. Tumours were identified in my spine, lumps in my lungs and kidneys plus a mass on my right femor. While not ideal the view was we got it early so I'm in the midst of weekly chemo infusions ( Carboplatin ) We'll scan again next week and this will determine next steps treatment wise. The view is this is a recurrence from my original SCC of the tongue in 2013. 

While at stage 4 I'll beat this so onwards! For those commencing or undergoing treatment you can do it! 




  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    I am so sorry. Your great

    I am so sorry. Your great attitude will carry you through. My husband is 4 months out from SCC tongue cancer treatment. Taking it day by day. Best of luck to you.

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626

    I'm so sorry you are making a return trip down cancer lane. Hopefully you have caught round two early and the carboplatin will do its job. You probably know already that we stand behind you with prayers and support on this forum. We've had a few recurrences lately here with good let's add you to that group. Go get 'em!


  • Star57
    Star57 Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2016 #4
    Tongue cancer

    i too just went through a second major surgery with cancer On May this time all scans showed nothing had spread but another large portion of my tongue was taken along with a molor and more of that area...I was not so devastated until I looked and saw what it looks like inside there..I woke up with a feeding tube as they were not sure of my capabilities. The day after I had to prove I could get something down before they could get the tube out. I was in the hospital for 24 hours and trying to work out what food works At home. I give so much credit to  those of you who have the strength to kick this horrible disease..I'm in the pitty party stage yet or should I say again. One day at a time. Best wishes and prayers to all going through this.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited May 2016 #5




    I went back and reread my old response to you and I never did send you the H&N manual I told you about.  Oh well, I am probably full of it.


    I am sorry about your update, but you caught it early and that counts for a lot.


    In your corner!




  • armana
    armana Member Posts: 97 Member

    I am sorry about the recurrence. Your case is unusual since most recurrence for SCC happens the 1st two years post treatment.

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Well...this is the pits....

    I am so sorry to hear that the beast has made a return.  But....they caught it early.....and that's ALWAYS good!!  My cancer also made a return visit....I finished treatment in Feb. and my PET scan this month was clear.....aside from two very small spots in my lungs, which we're in the watch mode on. 

    Hope you keep in closer contact with us here.  You know we're great at bucking one another up.
