Hair Today.....maybe Gone Tomorrow

Hi again,  

Before I started this journey I made a decision to cut my longer/short haircut shorter so I would be prepared in case I did lose my hair due to chemo.  If it didn't, it would grow back,....... except it's NOT growing longer.  In 2 1/2 months besides turning salt and pepper grey and losing my back hairline from the rads, the rest of my hair has done nothing, not an inch.  Has anyone else run into this problem?  I also feel a difference in texture though that might be due to no longer coloring my hair and allowing the grey to creep in.  Also, any woman's opinion on coloring?  Thank for any help answering these questions.


  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member
    edited May 2016 #2
    I was told that I would not

    I was told that I would not lose hair (tonsil tx rads / chemo) except at rad site, small spot. I lost hair on the back of my neck, a spot the size of a half dollar. The major hair (bald head) lose we associate with ca tx occurs in breast ca tx - so I was told...

  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    edited May 2016 #3
    hair loss

    I  was told it would come out with the first round of induction (5 days on high dose chemo - taxotere, cisplatin and then 3 days of 5 FU)  It took a long time to start coming back in and the texture and type was very much different than it had been.  I have usually straight hair that will develop waves when I let it get too long, but it grew back with tighter waves, curls and cowlicks.  They didn't last though, and it was back to normal after about a year. 

    I still have no hair around my neck from the rads, makes shaving easier in the morning!  Silver linings abound in the black clouds that are this disease

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Maybe Misunderstood

    I think I may have phrased my question wrong.  I have finished my treatments and no real hair loss (maybe a tad bit thinner in front) and entire back lower hairline gone.  My question should have been......why has it not grown at all since I cut it going on 3 months ago?  Before treatment I had to cut my hair every 4-5 wks.  It has not grown at all.  Has anyone run into this?

  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    edited May 2016 #5

    My hair thinned after the cisplatin, and the straight hair became curly - for a few months only.

    It did eventually come back straight and think.  I didn't start coloring mine until after the treatment.   The hair I lost completely due to rads came back strong as well.


    Lorna 2007 & 2014

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    It took a while

    For my husband's bald spot to grow back after the radiation...and when it came in it was really soft and fine like baby hair at first. Gradually it seemed to be more like his other hair. He is somewhat grayer after treatment...but we don't sweat the small stuff any longer.

    Barb K.

  • SusanUES
    SusanUES Member Posts: 125
    I did not have chemo but I

    I did not have chemo but I lost a lot of hair in the back from rads.  My hair is long so it took me awhile to notice and when I finally did I was too miserable to care much.  Hair began to grow back after three months, so you may have to be patient awhile longer.  It's now ten months since regrowth began with and it's fine, probably about five or six inches of new hair.  I would advise daily Biotin...I take Natrol Biotin 10,000 mcg Maximum Strength Tablets (very inexpensive on Amazon).  I don't know your age but most women (myself included) lose about 30% of hair after menopause.  There are a lot of suggestions re alternative treatments.  If you google New York Post, More Stressed Out Women are Losing Their Hair, it will take you right to the article.  The idea of blood plasma injections in bald areas was pretty amazing, actually.  Regarding coloring, I got my first white hairs in my late twenties and began coloring my hair in my early for me it's a very natural thing.  I visit my salon once every five or six weeks for a root touchup, takes only an hour.  So that's all I've got for you...patience, Biotin and do a little research on treatments which might work for you.  Good luck and God bless.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Why did mine grow their?

    This is somewhat crazy. I never had chemo, but I did have my hair cut short so if I had to have chemo they say it is harder with long hair. I had a 9" ponytail for 15 years. I didn't even have radiation, just some major surgery. I was cut from ear to ear and they removed my larynx and 86 lymph glands. I now breathe through a hole in my neck called a stoma, and the darn thing has hair growing at the opening. It's nuts as it is below where a beard would be and way above chest hair. So I have to pluck the hair that is growing all around the opening. I wear an adhesive baseplate 24/7 and it holds an HME [filter] and when I have to change it every two days it can pull the hair and I can't take the chance the hair could fall into my lungs.  I did ask my Doctor and he said it just does, and no one knows why, and smiled.


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    All of the hair at the back of my head grew back within a year. It used to grow very quickly, but a dermatologist told me it would probably grow slowly and never get very long. I used to have long, straight blonde hair, but what came in was frizzy and, well, let's just say I have no idea what color it is!  At 19 months since treatment ended, it is just beginning to grow a bit faster and look more like my old hair. I have been taking biotin also. You're body is just beginning to recover, so give it a little time.

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Hair Help

    Thanks everyone for your input.  Will order some Biotin today.  Guess I will have to make sure not to let anyone near my hair with scissors.  Got to keep what I have.  Just wish they would have told me not to cut my hair when I mentioned it since they knew I would not lose all my hair.  Oh well, another lesson learned.

  • kdot2003
    kdot2003 Member Posts: 143

    Maybe Misunderstood

    I think I may have phrased my question wrong.  I have finished my treatments and no real hair loss (maybe a tad bit thinner in front) and entire back lower hairline gone.  My question should have been......why has it not grown at all since I cut it going on 3 months ago?  Before treatment I had to cut my hair every 4-5 wks.  It has not grown at all.  Has anyone run into this?

    No havent had that problem.

    No havent had that problem.  I had cisplatin.  My back hairline is barely growing but the rest of it grows normally.  No change in it...just a little grayer.

  • squiggyrn
    squiggyrn Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2016 #12
    I did not lose any more of

    I did not lose any more of the hair on my head (male pattern baldness) but woke up one morning during radiation and my beard on the on side had fallen out in my sleep. Now that sucked LOL

  • DarcyS
    DarcyS Member Posts: 81 Member
    Hair loss

    My husband lost all of his hair during chemo and radiation.  The drs said he wouldn't but the nurses said he would, and he did.  I believe they said it was the Taxol that caused the hair loss.  His hair grew back after treatment except for a small area in back and spots on his face.   It came back the same way it was before treatment.