That time again!
Still here. Dignosted in
Still here. Dignosted in April 2011, surgery in April 2011, 6 rounds of Carbo/Taxol in 2011 Stage 3c Grade 3 carsonomasarcoma uterine cancer. Still clear.
Wishing everyone the best. trish
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Thanks Connie!ConnieSW said:Oh, Kathy,
I can't imagine how you are coping with everything. I wish you the best. I met a lady last week who is an 11 year pancreatic cancer survivor. She's 70 years old and was painting my neighbor's kitchen. She said the Whipple was hard but she did it. Good luck to your husband.
Thanks Connie!
Thats good to hear. We go to his surgeon tomorrow. They will do a CT scan in the morning and then we meet with the doc to see if the tumor has shrunk enough to do surgery. Just imagine though my husband is a bear if he has a cold! He even jokes about it. But he is mentally doing fine so far. I will let you know. Thanks for the wishes.
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Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVED seeingbrissance said:Introduction to Group
New to this site and this world... you guys are the first breath of fresh air and I thank you. I was diagnosed in Dec, hysto in Feb. DX was Stage 1A/grade 3 UPCS (hope I said that reasonably intelligently). I have had 2 chemos.. sort of. I was suppose to to have platinum and taxol. I was hypersensitive to taxol and only had platinum for first two. I was suppose to have Platinum and Taxotere last week but white count down so will try again this week. Sure hope no hypersensitvity on this go. When I finish this chemo I have several weeks then go thru 25 external radiation treatment and the 3 day of the internal one... then 3 more chemos. I am feeling great and have a tremendous faith that all will turn out as it should and I will be able to deal with the future and enjoy the path as I go along it.. (sounds corny... but I am going to give it one heck of a try!)
Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVED seeing your Peppermint Patty!! Made me smile. THANKS!!
I hit my 3 year anniversary (since diagnosis/surgery) yesterday. Was stage 3B, carcinosarcoma (grade 3 like yours).Glad you are enjoying the good things along the way as you walk through treatment, etc.!!
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Hang in there...Avastin is working for meLou Ann M said:I am still here
serous papillary endometreial andocarcinoma stage IV high grade diagnosed Aug 2012 radical hysterictomy October 2012. 6 rounds of Taxol/Carbo, 28 external radiation 2 brachtherapy, 7 months NED. Metastized along my lymphattic system one in my neck 2 on my liver and several in my abdomaen. 5 more Taxol/Carbo. Stopped early because of damage to my blood . 4 Months of NED metastis near my heart and beten my intestines. 4 more Taxol/Carbo when I had reactions to the Carbo. Tried Taxol by itself that didn't work. Switched to Doxil after 7 of the those I ended up with a bowel blockage sea tumor grew intwined itself between my small intestines. Surgery to,remove tumor and 42 cm of intestines. Went back to the taxol/Carbo with a desencitizing program for the Carbo worked for 7 rounds when I,had a reaction to the the Carbo again. Tried two rounds of Topotecan, but stopped because it wasn't working at all. My doctor was able to get approval for me for Avastin and we are just starting that. I have had one round of that. So for the side effects seem to me minimal and it will be several months before q know if it is working. I know my story may sound discouraging, but I have had many more good days than bad. I have learned to enjoy my days and I look forward to many more. I have been blessed in many ways. I have found out what a wonderful family I have, great friends, and the best medical care. Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann
Hey Lou Ann, I was UPSC Stage IV in Jan. 2014. Surgery, chemo (carboplatin-paclitaxel), radiation. 5 months NED and then recurrence in lymph nodes before my hair came back. Bummer! Went on Doxil and had a HORRIBLE reaction. Lost so much skin I couldn't walk, or wear much in the way of clothes. Had to heal and then they wanted me to go on doxirubicon. I said no, and requested Avastin as a single agent. Also added a naturopathic oncologist who put me on supplements and mistletoe injections. Have been on Avastin for over a year, last three scans have been good. The one last week basically NED. I am going to stay on Avastin, but stretching the infusion cycle to 4 weeks for the next 3 months. They are going to treat me as tho I have a "chronic disease", which is more cautious than going off everything for now. It's been a trek but I feel like I'm getting there. Hoping the same for you! - Helen
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Take care of you! I haveAWK said:Hi ladies! I am still in the fight!
Dx April 2013 stage IIIC UPSC. Second and third opinions have me at IVB. I have never been NED and am currently being treated with Opdivo under a compassionate approval. This is an immunotherapy. I have been pretty quiet lately due to ongoing complications related to anemia, then ended up in the hospital for ten days with DVTs in both legs and my abdomen. God bless blood and plasma donors as I have lost track of how many transfusions I have had. I am working on getting my strength back in my legs; no more horseback riding for me due to my blood issues. I have missed you all!
Stay strong and thrive! Anne
Take care of you! I have been looking for posts from you wondering how you were doing. Sending healing thougts ytour way. Hope you are feeling stronger soon! Hugs! - Helen
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Anne!AWK said:Hi ladies! I am still in the fight!
Dx April 2013 stage IIIC UPSC. Second and third opinions have me at IVB. I have never been NED and am currently being treated with Opdivo under a compassionate approval. This is an immunotherapy. I have been pretty quiet lately due to ongoing complications related to anemia, then ended up in the hospital for ten days with DVTs in both legs and my abdomen. God bless blood and plasma donors as I have lost track of how many transfusions I have had. I am working on getting my strength back in my legs; no more horseback riding for me due to my blood issues. I have missed you all!
Stay strong and thrive! Anne
Good to hear from you and better yet to hear you are still soldiering on. Here's hoping the Opdivo works for you and the others who are undergoing treatment with it.
Hugs to you!
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Your hands are more than fullKaleena said:Still here!
After several bouts of pancreatitis and a surgery for ureter reimplantation in December, I am hanging in there - except for this pancreatitis thing. Also my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is on chemo. We see his surgeon on Wednesday to see if it can be resected. He is doing well. Hence the reason I haven't been on much and the fact that my mom has Stage 4 breast cancer. It was too overwhelming for me and I took a second job and just too tired to post at times, but I think of you ladies often and wish the best for each and everyone of you.
Your hands are more than full right now, and I'm so sorry you are dealng with all of that. I, too, don't know how you are managing to work at two jobs. Peace and strength to you and your family.
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I'm here
Diagnosed in June 2015, total hysterectomy in July, pathology in August: Stage IIIC2 uterine carcinosarcoma or UPSC, depending on which pathologist. 6 rounds of carbo/taxol completed December 2015, 3 rounds brachytherapy completed February 2016. First post-treatment PET scan scheduled for this Saturday, 5/14.
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CathyK also says she is six
CathyK also says she is six years NED. I found her when I was reading some older posts and wondered how she was doing. She said she might even stop by sometime to say hi. I think a lot of women who posted here when they were going through active treatment have tended to drift away - cause who woud WANT to think about cancer if they didn't have to????
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You have your hands fullKaleena said:Thanks for all the well wishes
Dear Debra, Eldri, Kathy, Lou Ann and Cathy, Thank you for all the well wishes, hugs and prayers. It is much appreciated! Hopefully I will be getting back into the swing of stuff. You all are a blessing to me and I appreciate it very much!
You are so right, Cathy, it is always something! But it does keep us going.
Thanks again!
So sorry to read about all the things going on in your life. What's the plan for your husband? And how is your sister doing? And, good grief, you have TWO jobs? Really? Please find some time to take care of yourself instead of everyone else.
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I'm very much still here
Diagnosed in 2010 with both breast and endometrial cancers. My endo cancer was Stage 1a, grade 1 and my only treatment for that was surgery and followup exams. I have been kicked to the curb a year ago by my gyn oncologist. Happy to go there. I still like to know what's going on with everyone here, so you'll probably have a difficult time not hearing from me from time to time.
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still Ned
Hi all! I don't come here as often as I used to.......guess I'm moving away from the fear of cancer and hoping to stay that way! I'll be celebrating my 5th year since my hysterectomy for UPSC stage 1, on June 17! Woo-Hooooooo! Still working as a teacher which greatly contributes to the fact I don't come here much anymore. But do check in from time to time and am thrilled to see so many sisters doing so well!
Hugs to all.......and I'm willing to share my partner, Ned, to anyone who wants him!
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Sunflash!sunflash said:still Ned
Hi all! I don't come here as often as I used to.......guess I'm moving away from the fear of cancer and hoping to stay that way! I'll be celebrating my 5th year since my hysterectomy for UPSC stage 1, on June 17! Woo-Hooooooo! Still working as a teacher which greatly contributes to the fact I don't come here much anymore. But do check in from time to time and am thrilled to see so many sisters doing so well!
Hugs to all.......and I'm willing to share my partner, Ned, to anyone who wants him!
So very glad to see you posting! You and I came on board about the same time and I was wondering how you are(I'm UPSC 1a). I got the all clear in Oct of 15(really May of 15, but they like to go five months out after five years to say completely cancer free). Thank you for checking in and letting us know your busy schedule! Best, Debra(Jo)
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Glad to hear you're doingdebrajo said:Sunflash!
So very glad to see you posting! You and I came on board about the same time and I was wondering how you are(I'm UPSC 1a). I got the all clear in Oct of 15(really May of 15, but they like to go five months out after five years to say completely cancer free). Thank you for checking in and letting us know your busy schedule! Best, Debra(Jo)
Glad to hear you're doing well, Debrajo! And thanks for checking in and keeping this group informed of each other's status. Every success story gives hope to all of us! BTW, does anyone else remember evertheoptimist? I often wonder how she's doing. She was so knowledgeable of this disease and I always enjoyed and learned a lot from reading her posts. She belonged to another group (Inspire) that I'm a part of but seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Very worrisome.
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Dear, dear Kathy, I just
Dear, dear Kathy, I just read through all these posts and had no idea of the struggles you've had. I hope you feel everyone's love and support. I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this.......please keep us informed, if possible, how things are going for you. Sometimes working can be a welcome reprieve from your troubles, but don't forget to take care of YOU!! Let others know how they can help....
Sending bushels of love and prayers for strength, comfort and healing your way!!
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I do remember!
Funny how the mind works(or in my case, hardly at all!). I do remember evertheoptimist very well. The last she checked in here was Jan. 27, 2013. If you remember that was when several dropped off due to some difference of opinons and I guess I thought it was due to that or that she just dropped off. I haven't heard a thing...wish I did! Would love to hear how she is. Thats one reason I like to keep a roll about every six months or so. Come back and visit everyday if you can! Best, Debra(jo)
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Hello Sunfish!sunflash said:still Ned
Hi all! I don't come here as often as I used to.......guess I'm moving away from the fear of cancer and hoping to stay that way! I'll be celebrating my 5th year since my hysterectomy for UPSC stage 1, on June 17! Woo-Hooooooo! Still working as a teacher which greatly contributes to the fact I don't come here much anymore. But do check in from time to time and am thrilled to see so many sisters doing so well!
Hugs to all.......and I'm willing to share my partner, Ned, to anyone who wants him!
Nice hearing from you! So glad that you are enjoying NED! Great that you are still working as a teacher. My son just graduated and will begin teaching in the fall. I'm hanging in there, but life is sure interesting isnt it?
Hugs and smiles coming your way.
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Thanks again Debradebrajo said:I do remember!
Funny how the mind works(or in my case, hardly at all!). I do remember evertheoptimist very well. The last she checked in here was Jan. 27, 2013. If you remember that was when several dropped off due to some difference of opinons and I guess I thought it was due to that or that she just dropped off. I haven't heard a thing...wish I did! Would love to hear how she is. Thats one reason I like to keep a roll about every six months or so. Come back and visit everyday if you can! Best, Debra(jo)
Thanks Debra for keeping this site so active and checking in with everyone!
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You ladies
inspire and encourage me with your strength and courage. Sending hope and prayers to all of you.
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Fantastic to Hear from You, Anne!AWK said:Hi ladies! I am still in the fight!
Dx April 2013 stage IIIC UPSC. Second and third opinions have me at IVB. I have never been NED and am currently being treated with Opdivo under a compassionate approval. This is an immunotherapy. I have been pretty quiet lately due to ongoing complications related to anemia, then ended up in the hospital for ten days with DVTs in both legs and my abdomen. God bless blood and plasma donors as I have lost track of how many transfusions I have had. I am working on getting my strength back in my legs; no more horseback riding for me due to my blood issues. I have missed you all!
Stay strong and thrive! Anne
Glad you are doing what you need to do and grateful. It's encouraging to all of us - even some us stalkers!
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