Another scan on Monday- UPDATE- CLEAR!!

swopoe Member Posts: 492
edited May 2016 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

UPDATE- scan is clear! So happy. Appt with the ENT for follow up on Monday. Thank you for the good thoughts.



This will be the second scan since my husband completed treatment for tongue cancer in January. He got the NED at his first scan on February 23rd. 

My husband is feeling great. Just dealing with limited saliva, although it has improved in the past few weeks, and some spicy and sweet foods (namely chocolate) don't really do it for him anymore. But other than that, things are a new normal.

All of that said, we are still nervous. I was supposed to call a painter this week about getting some rooms in our house painted, but I keep putting it off. What if the scan is bad? Can I plan for painting? We want to take a family vacation in June, but I am afraid to plan. Is this normal? I am just afraid to put things on the calendar, always afraid we won't be able to do them. Is this the new normal? I have always been such a planner, but I feel paralyzed.

i just want everything to be ok. Please spare any good thoughts if you can.


  • the_wife
    the_wife Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2016 #2
    Live, love, laugh

    Hi swopoe,

    I know this is an unsettling time and it feels like you are living in between appointments. Your hubby is just out of the gate as a new survivor. My hubby doesn't get scans, but he gets checkups every 3 months. I've learned that the key to all of this is to assume that he will be okay until you hear otherwise. The biggest way to beat this isn't about having clear scans. It's going on with your life and doing everything you have planned and then some. Don't put your life on hold. Plan that vacation. Paint that room. Fill your calendar with fun times. Enjoy your family. There was so much that was taken away from us. Our time, our energy, our sense of security, our trust. Nothing is for certain anymore. But the the biggest triumph is living your life anyway. Even with the threat of "it" hanging over our heads. The key is to show cancer that you haven't been beaten. This is your life. Take it back. Yes, this is really hard to do because the fear always creeps in. I've been trying to learn how not to live in fear ever since my diagnosis 3 years ago, and I'm still learning how to do this after my hubby's diagnosis. You win every time that you enjoy the simple pleasures when for a moment you don't have a care, and laugh in the face of "what ifs." I wish you many moments like this!!!

    Good luck to you! 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,722 Member
    that's life




    Nervousness, afraid, paralyzed all a part of the “new normal”.


    Calm, bravery, thankfulness all part of the “new normal”.


    Dry mouth, water bottles, failing thyroid all part of the “new normal”.


    Acceptance, H&N friends, happiness all part of the “new normal”.


    Plan ahead and live life to its fullest, we each have a finite amount of time.


    Tick tock,




  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member


    We all worry no matter how long it was from the last scan; just human nature I guess. Keep your faith up no matter what way it goes; that is all we can do sometimes.




    Will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers Monday




  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    edited April 2016 #5

    You know there is a word for how many of us feel in the days before a scan. This whole cancer thing seems to put life in a series of time warps. Make your plans, get your painting done, and live your life. I will be praying for peace and calm for your family this weekend.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    I think that is normal for most.

    I think it is normal to have these feelings before having a scan. Just focus on he is feeling great and the first one was NED. I expect this to be no different  NED

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    I agree with everything

    the other posters said. My husband said its like an inspection sticker for your car. He's good for the next three months! Definitely plan ahead- you can always change plans if you must, but I think you want to live your lives and not let the what-ifs paralyze you. Remember when I was afraid to plan that cruise a year away and then it turned out the agent booking it was an 8 year H&N survivor? That told me that you have to keep moving and not let the worry control you.

    Many prayers for clean scan!


  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    edited April 2016 #8
    Thanks everyone. I know you

    Thanks everyone. I know you are all right. We do live our daily lives- working, school, having fun with the kids (going to the park, local museums, etc). It is the bigger, more time consuming events that have me stuck. I just need to get over it and do what it is we want to do. I really want to paint. Like so bad. I should just make the call.

    I will keep you posted on the scan results as soon as we hear. Going to try and enjoy the weekend.