Hello dear ones!

debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

I am, for good or worse, back!   Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers and Moli's hug!  It was a rough one, coupled with my heart getting wonky again.  So far they are going to treat it with meds and hope to keep it stable til I turn 65 in Dec. to get the problem really diagnosed.  They seem to think the aortic valve is doing ok and that the problem maybe the hole I have in between the two chambers or the blood clot in my heart is getting bigger.  So the meds may get me back on tract and I might not have to have that third open heart surgery.  It will take me a few days to get cought up on all the posts I missed.  For the last three days, I couldn't get onto the boards due to some tec problems.  At any rate, I.m back and can't tell you all how much I have missed yougirls and boys!  Thank you all for caring!  It ment the world to me!  Love, Debrajo


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    So glad to hear from you. You

    So glad to hear from you. You were missed Debrajo!

    I hope things stabalize for you and the meds take care of your precious heart.

    Love and Hugs,


  • I was thinking about you.

    Yes, glad you're back.  You are such a friendly voice to new and old.  Hugs Nancy

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Prayers for you and your

    Prayers for you and your heart! I somehow missed out on why you hadn't been on the board.

  • ncg007
    ncg007 Member Posts: 138 Member
    Welcome back

    Welcome back, you were missed!  Prayers that your heart remains stable.


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Welcome back!

    I've been thinking about you and I was so glad to see you back on here.  You have been missed, dear girl, and it's good to have you back.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm glad you made it back!!

    I'm glad you made it back!!  We all missed you, Debra!



  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member

    I'm glad you made it back!!

    I'm glad you made it back!!  We all missed you, Debra!



    Hello, dear one, right back at you!


    A woman with such a big heart that carries such concern and empathy for others couldn't possibly have a hole in it! Welcome back- I missed you!

  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    edited April 2016 #9
    Welcome back. Many prayers

    Welcome back. Many prayers that your heart issues remain stable and present no troubles!

  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514
    edited April 2016 #10
    Welcome back my sister friend

    Missed you, missed you, missed you  much, there are more hugs where those came from.
    I hope the heart problems will be sorted out soon my friend, really do, so hang in there 'till the sun comes out. It will ,except sometimes we get so blinded and bended  with the heavy loads that we don't recognize the sun,Keep looking up my sister.

    Moli -hugging thee as usual.


  • cheerful
    cheerful Member Posts: 261 Member

    Hi Debra Jo:

      It is good to see your post on the board.  I was diagnosed in February of 2011 as I had Stage 1 of UPSC and just reached my 5 year mark as I saw my oncologist 2 weeks ago. I have a separate post that I created and a number of women responded.  I am very blessed and fortunate that I reached my 5 year mark with No reoccurrence and made it through Disease Free. My oncologist still wants me to have my Final Cat Scan, and blood work which I will have done in a couple of months.  I am turning 65 in early July as I will go on Medicare and will have the Cat Scan done after I turn 65.  I have other medical bills I am paying on right now so my oncologist mentioned waiting a couple of months would not matter as I had recent gallbladder surgery in February and I have since lost close to 70 lbs over this past year as I had a Transient Ischemic Stroke in May of 2015 so that will be a year in a couple of weeks.  I am doing much better now, am a lot stronger and have a lot more energy as I have lost a few sizes in clothing as I took walks for a few months and I cannot have the normal amount of sodium the average person would have in a day so I can only have 1,500 of milligrams of sodium in a day, but do feel much stronger and healthier on a daily basis. The average person can have anywhere from 2,000 to 2,500 milligrams of sodium in a day's time so with having had the stroke or if a person has a heart attack, your sodium is now down to 1,500 milligrams on sodium in a day.

      I am glad to hear that you are doing better also. I wish you all the best with your heart. I do have high cholesterol so I am on cholesterol medication for my heart.  I also have been diaganosed with atrial fibrilation from having had the stroke from last year and am on medication for the "afib" and my stroke as I had cartoid artery surgery last May as my artery in my neck was 90% blocked and I had surgery that was nearly 3 hours long.  It took me many months to recover and to feel better from the stroke and the afib.  I will be seeing my neurologist in another month and I saw him last fall so he may discharge me after I see him next month.

     I feel very fortunate that I did so well with my having had the Ischemic Stroke from last May as I got to the hospital right away so I have NO residual effects from the stroke as I was given a blood clotting drug for disolving the clot in my brain as I live outside of the Phila., PA area and then I went to another large hospital and well known in Phila. as I spent 11 days in the hospital.  It took me all summer and most of the fall to feel better and to get stronger.

      I wish you the best and I am Very Grateful, Thankful and Blessed as I feel I was given a 3rd chance in life with having gone through cancer and also the stroke within the last 5 years and did very well in recovering from both of these life threatening issues.

    Warm Wishes,


    a/k/a Jane

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    edited April 2016 #12
    Hey all, thanks for the

    Hey all, thanks for the welcome back and kind words!  
    To Eldri and Moli...my email on csn is not(I think!) working.  Sent you emails, but not sure they went through since the "green box" didn't appear!

    Cheerful, so very glad you hit your five year mark!  I reached mine last Oct,  All my heart problems were from birth defects no one caught til the damage was done!  We sound like quite the pair don't we!  Lol!  It's not enough to have this da$m cancer, but the heart, afib, holes, strokes is just the icing on the cake.  I was on Eliquist, which was doing quite well, but since I lost insurance and wont be elligable for Medicare til this Dec. @ 65, so they have put me on Wayrarin...great, rat poisin!  Yea!!!  Hope you continue to do well!

     Missed all of you so much, Abby, Connie, Moli, Eldri, just all of you  If I don't post it will be because I am having tec problems.  I will keep trying to get in someway til my boy can work his magic!  Love to all, and to all who have changed your profile pictures, you all look great!  Love Debra


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    edited April 2016 #13
    debrajo said:

    Hey all, thanks for the

    Hey all, thanks for the welcome back and kind words!  
    To Eldri and Moli...my email on csn is not(I think!) working.  Sent you emails, but not sure they went through since the "green box" didn't appear!

    Cheerful, so very glad you hit your five year mark!  I reached mine last Oct,  All my heart problems were from birth defects no one caught til the damage was done!  We sound like quite the pair don't we!  Lol!  It's not enough to have this da$m cancer, but the heart, afib, holes, strokes is just the icing on the cake.  I was on Eliquist, which was doing quite well, but since I lost insurance and wont be elligable for Medicare til this Dec. @ 65, so they have put me on Wayrarin...great, rat poisin!  Yea!!!  Hope you continue to do well!

     Missed all of you so much, Abby, Connie, Moli, Eldri, just all of you  If I don't post it will be because I am having tec problems.  I will keep trying to get in someway til my boy can work his magic!  Love to all, and to all who have changed your profile pictures, you all look great!  Love Debra


    Good to "see" you back

    Hope  everything has fallen into place for you a little better now and you'll be here to keep everyone in check.
