Colonoscopy and results

Jeff1 Member Posts: 15

I had a coloscopy back on April 4 and got a call from the doctor yesterday with results.  2 polyps were removed and one showed pre-cancer while the other showed actual cancer cells on the "tip" of the polyp.  My doctor called it intermucosal carcinoma and believes that all was removed successfully.  I had blood in my stool off and on for a while and in hindsight I should have had the colonoscopy a year ago.  I am 47.  I have not seen any noticeable blood in my stools since the colonscopy and have been feeling better.  The news from yesterday has me on edge a bit as I overanalyze every little thing that I feel in my body.  It's all a bit complicated by the fact that I was diagnosed with Lyme a little over a year ago.  The GI doctor said that protocol is another colonscopy in 1 year.  In a way I wish that it was sooner but I guess that this stuff is pretty slow growing if it returns.  If all clear then a colonscopy every 5 years......again that seems like a long time for someone that was actually diagnosed.  

I feel very lucky that they caught this so early.  I assume that many times blood in stool might indicate a more advanced stage, but the doctor indicated that the tip of the polyp looked very red and had been bleeding.  

Am I freaking out too much?  I know that there are many on here that are going through much more than I am.  Any others on here that can provide their own experience at this stage or maybe offer advice on what to keep an eye on?




  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    The blood in my stool did

    The blood in my stool did lead to an advanced cancer IIIb, but while they moniter my liver for any reoccurance, my colon is on the five year check interval. Click my name if you want the whole story, but to answer your question, nervous concern is a pretty reasonable response to what you've been through. A colonoscopy in a year seems safe to me. If any polyps form by then, they may extend the scoping to yearly checks, but otherwise you should feel very fortunate, you dodged a big bullet, and now they're keeping an eye on things, so you're in a better position then the average guy/gal out there who may have this crappy stuff and not know, until it gets bad. Congrats on getting it early........................................Dave

  • Jeff1
    Jeff1 Member Posts: 15

    The blood in my stool did

    The blood in my stool did lead to an advanced cancer IIIb, but while they moniter my liver for any reoccurance, my colon is on the five year check interval. Click my name if you want the whole story, but to answer your question, nervous concern is a pretty reasonable response to what you've been through. A colonoscopy in a year seems safe to me. If any polyps form by then, they may extend the scoping to yearly checks, but otherwise you should feel very fortunate, you dodged a big bullet, and now they're keeping an eye on things, so you're in a better position then the average guy/gal out there who may have this crappy stuff and not know, until it gets bad. Congrats on getting it early........................................Dave

    First off, thanks for sharing

    First off, thanks for sharing your story Dave and sorry for your loss.

    I feel VERY fortunate for catching it early (knock on wood).  No matter how minor or major a diagnosis changes you and the way that you think about things.  


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Good for you Jeff! If only it

    Good for you Jeff! If only it was that way for everybody. I made my husband go and get some tests done a few months ago because we only need one of the two of us to have health issues. He had a bunch of tests done on his lungs and heart and had a colonoscopy. They took out two polyps and one was pre-cancerous. I'm so glad he got it done. As to the irony of him beng a smoker who loves processed meats and crap food and me being the one who got the colon cancer, that's another story.


  • Jeff1
    Jeff1 Member Posts: 15
    JanJan63 said:

    Good for you Jeff! If only it

    Good for you Jeff! If only it was that way for everybody. I made my husband go and get some tests done a few months ago because we only need one of the two of us to have health issues. He had a bunch of tests done on his lungs and heart and had a colonoscopy. They took out two polyps and one was pre-cancerous. I'm so glad he got it done. As to the irony of him beng a smoker who loves processed meats and crap food and me being the one who got the colon cancer, that's another story.


    Thanks Jan.  Just read your

    Thanks Jan.  Just read your profile and sorry that you have been through so much.

    I went to get my medical records today and also scheduled my next colonoscopy which is now 6 months out instead of 1 year.  It looks like the senior GI doctor reviewed my case and moved the timeframe up.  I also have an appointment with a GI doctor on May 18th to discuss the results and the next procedure.  I don't know if I should be nervous or happy that I am having another one so soon.  Any thoughts from anyone on this?

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Jeff1 said:

    Thanks Jan.  Just read your

    Thanks Jan.  Just read your profile and sorry that you have been through so much.

    I went to get my medical records today and also scheduled my next colonoscopy which is now 6 months out instead of 1 year.  It looks like the senior GI doctor reviewed my case and moved the timeframe up.  I also have an appointment with a GI doctor on May 18th to discuss the results and the next procedure.  I don't know if I should be nervous or happy that I am having another one so soon.  Any thoughts from anyone on this?

    Jeff, that's funny, I just

    Jeff, that's funny, I just went back to my profile which I've never added to since I started on here and added a bunch of stuff. What I had on there was tame. I had no idea how it would get so much worse. Oh well, I've been through the fire, as we all have, and have made it through. We're a tough bunch of cookies! I think most people are pretty tough but the difference is they never have to find out how tough they are. We know we're tough! We rock!!!

    Your next colonoscopy? It's good they're keeping on top of it. But they're never a thing to look forward to. One mistake I'll never make again is being awake during one but I know most people do. 

    All the best Jeff!
