Feeling drained

MAliceR Member Posts: 98

Hi all. Tomorrow is the service for my long time friend who passed away from cancer a little over a week ago. Today I said my final goodbye to my best friend. She is losing her battle with ALS and will be gone in a day if not hours. I won't see her on this earth again.

My own surgery is a week from Saturday. I am emotionally gutted. I know it is important to go into my surgery physically and emotionally strong but in the face of so much loss of people I love in the last couple of weeks I am having a hard time finding my fight and my strength. I know there is nothing any of you can do but thank you for letting me share my grief. 



  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    OMG you have so much going on

    OMG you have so much going on right now. How awful. I hope you'll get through all of it emotionally okay and then continue on. Hugs to you.


  • phuckcancer
    phuckcancer Member Posts: 63 Member
    Ohhh MAlice, my heart hurts

    Ohhh MAlice, my heart hurts for what you are going through! I wish I had some words that couold help but we know that they wouldn't. (((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • fingerprinto
    fingerprinto Member Posts: 11
    Thinking of you.  Hope you

    Thinking of you.  Hope you can dig deep and be strong for yourself during this time of grief.

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    Everybody's life and

    Everybody's life and experience is unique, as are their feelings and reactions to hard times. Having said all that, I know much of how you feel. April 30 will be one year after losing Cindy, and four months after losing my dad. Along with other issues, the emotional load I carry sometimes overwhelms, but oddly enough, I've been down so long, that I find hope and energy creeping into my psyche. I hope time moves quickly for you, and you can feel better about yourself and the friends you've lost, in the meanwhile, I wish you what comfort and peace you can find in such a trying time.........................................Dave