My first day here

In December 2015 I got the news.  I have colon cancer, stage 3.

Slated for chemo and radiation in January but a total blockage required an emergency colostomy.  I was able to talk the Dr into only a week delay to begin treatment.  I completed the planned chemo and radiation March 11.  Surgery scheduled for 6 weeks later to remove the tumor. 

Two weeks after chemo and radiation end I have a follow up appt to make sure I am on track for surgery. I started to feel like my pre-chemo self.   I told Dr. about a lump in my throat and he ordered a CT.  I have now had a biopsy and another CT.  I get results tomorrow but all indications are that my surgery will be cancelled and I will go back on chemo as Dr. believes I am now stage 4 with cancer in lymph nodes and liver.

I am hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.  I had not joined any groups or organizations to talk about this until today. 

I have read many of your posts and feel like this is a good place to start.




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    You have made a wise choice

    as this is a good place to start. 

    I have read your posts and you sound like you have the right outlook on this new part of your life. That will take you a very, very long way, all the way to being NED (no evidence of disease) and living a long and happy life. 

    I welcome you to the forum that nobody wants to be a part of; and look forward to getting to know you, and walking with you on this interesting patth. 

    I will pray for good results tomorrow, but know that if it is not so, then we are here to help you face the next step. 


  • Ilovetotravel
    Ilovetotravel Member Posts: 18 Member
    Sorry you are here. I do hope

    Sorry you are here. I do hope you find some comfort online. 

    I bounce between three online groups. There all very good and I have even made a few friends. 

    Another great group is called "thecolonclub" All people with colon cancers with lots of talks on colon cancers.

    my third group is "mayoclinicconnect" this is staffed by mayo experts offering support on any questions..

    check them all out. 

    i wish you best..God Bless..


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Welcome and sorry you're

    Welcome and sorry you're here. You did come to the right place. There are several stage 4 survivors who were diagnosed a number of years ago. They are my heroes. I hope you get good news. Best of luck!

  • fingerprinto
    fingerprinto Member Posts: 11
    Officially Stage 4

    There will be no surgery at this time. I start chemo Wednesday.  Uncertain about the liver spot but lymph node biopsy was positive for colon cancer.

    And away we go!   FOLFOX and Avastin is my next stop.

  • vtspa6
    vtspa6 Member Posts: 172 Member
    Don't you hate it when the

    Don't you hate it when the plans have to change?  Sounds like they caught it early.  I am sure chemo will shrink it and will disappear.  My husband had a colostomy prior to starting chemo.  He will get his second scan this Fri.  His first scan showed the chemo has been working.  The tumor in his rectum GONE, in his lymph nodes GONE and has shrunk the spots in his lungs.  So I am hopeful that the scan scheduled will show him NED.  So hang in there, take all these chemicals treatments and good luck!

  • Jaggi
    Jaggi Member Posts: 6
    Stay hopeful

    I hope you received the report for additional scans. Do not loose hope. There are great advancement in treatment of cancer helping us survive. You may want to look around research based center and seek a 2nd opinion. We need to fight this battle and not loose it without fight. I wish you all my best!

  • fingerprinto
    fingerprinto Member Posts: 11
    Was hoping to get into a

    Was hoping to get into a clinical trial at the Moffitt Cancer Center.  Not eligible.  "Disease is pretty extensive outside of liver."  I guess it is good not to have MET to liver that we know of yet, but was hoping to have the Moffitt in my corner.