Platelets keep dropping?


Does anyone know what this might mean?  I haven't heard from the doctors yet, but my blood test this morning shows platelets fell from 73 to 64, also WBC is now almost too low to get chemo.  I can't imagine why they dropped instead of rose.  I also imagine this isn't exactly good news.  I guess I won't get chemo again tomorrow.  Bummer!  Hugs Nancy


  • bluehyacinth
    bluehyacinth Member Posts: 54 Member
    Sorry to hear that. Platelets

    Sorry to hear that. Platelets move a lot, mine went from 82 to 164 in one week so I only had to postpone the last chemo round one week, but the last concurrent chemo I had to skip altogether as I was too emaciated. Mine went from 129 to 82 in one month and another month they barely moved. Since I had concurrent chemo and rads I dont know which made the platelets go down, but they went down slowly during those 28 rads and weekly chemo. I also started my chemo only rounds only two weeks after rads so my numbers never recovered much (UPSC with mixed tumors so they wanted me not to wait since my numbers were stil acceptable). I suppose it would drop quicker if one had some injury that needed healing. Good luck I hope your platelets decide to go up substantially. It sure is depressing when having to postpone treatment.

  • Sorry to hear that. Platelets

    Sorry to hear that. Platelets move a lot, mine went from 82 to 164 in one week so I only had to postpone the last chemo round one week, but the last concurrent chemo I had to skip altogether as I was too emaciated. Mine went from 129 to 82 in one month and another month they barely moved. Since I had concurrent chemo and rads I dont know which made the platelets go down, but they went down slowly during those 28 rads and weekly chemo. I also started my chemo only rounds only two weeks after rads so my numbers never recovered much (UPSC with mixed tumors so they wanted me not to wait since my numbers were stil acceptable). I suppose it would drop quicker if one had some injury that needed healing. Good luck I hope your platelets decide to go up substantially. It sure is depressing when having to postpone treatment.

    Chemo #6 is officially off

    Chemo #6 is officially off for this week again.  The nurse just called and said we would try one more time for next Thursday.  After that, my doctor said if I don't recover enough, then I'm through with chemo.  She said it's the carbo that brings down the platelets, so I asked her if I could still have one more taxol, she was going to ask the doctor.  So far I've only managed 3 full maximum chemos, one full but lowered dose, skipped one taxol and now this delay again.  I sure hope the cancer cells are gone because if they're only hibernating, It's gong to get interesting after I stop.  Hugs Nancy

  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    Hugs to Nancy!

    Skipping or putting off chemo treatments is scary! I had to put off one and only got portions of my last three due to allergic reacations to both Taxol and Carboplatin.  I try to tell myself that my body had it's limit and that limit is good enough!  I hope the same for you!

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,482 Member
    unknown said:

    Chemo #6 is officially off

    Chemo #6 is officially off for this week again.  The nurse just called and said we would try one more time for next Thursday.  After that, my doctor said if I don't recover enough, then I'm through with chemo.  She said it's the carbo that brings down the platelets, so I asked her if I could still have one more taxol, she was going to ask the doctor.  So far I've only managed 3 full maximum chemos, one full but lowered dose, skipped one taxol and now this delay again.  I sure hope the cancer cells are gone because if they're only hibernating, It's gong to get interesting after I stop.  Hugs Nancy

    Red Corvette said his wife's oncologist cut back her chemo from six to four and she has UPSC.  If your body is "revolting" against that last chemo maybe you're better off without it.  I know you're worried and I TOTALLY understand that with only being able to tolerate three full chemos myself - I also wonder "Was it enough?".  



  • Red Corvette
    Red Corvette Member Posts: 114 Member
    Carbo Is Crazy Nuts On Platelets

    Hi Nancy,

    The lovely ladies here are correct (as usual!) The carbo/platin is totally hard on platelets. My wife's 2nd and 3rd chemos were delayed by a week to 10 days each because platelet count was too low. They won't allow chemo if the platelet count is below 100. Hers were as low as 55 but one week later it went back up to 217. On her 3rd chemo last Tuesday her gyne/onc lowered  the carbo dose a smidge to hopefully lower the platelet drop off. Supposedly there is nothing out there to help build up or protect platelets like taking supplements or meds. White and red blood cell counts can be built up and supported with supplements and meds (neulasta, transfusions, etc) so that can be handled but the platelet thing is tough.

    Every body is different when it comes to this stuff. I don't know but my thought is wait until your platelet count comes back up even if it takes a few weeks and then try another round. Just my opinion for what it's worth.

    Hang in there! If today you're not sick, not feeling bad, able to move around, and have some friends (you certainly  do here!) and some family around, you're doing fine.

    Red Corvette

  • Carbo Is Crazy Nuts On Platelets

    Hi Nancy,

    The lovely ladies here are correct (as usual!) The carbo/platin is totally hard on platelets. My wife's 2nd and 3rd chemos were delayed by a week to 10 days each because platelet count was too low. They won't allow chemo if the platelet count is below 100. Hers were as low as 55 but one week later it went back up to 217. On her 3rd chemo last Tuesday her gyne/onc lowered  the carbo dose a smidge to hopefully lower the platelet drop off. Supposedly there is nothing out there to help build up or protect platelets like taking supplements or meds. White and red blood cell counts can be built up and supported with supplements and meds (neulasta, transfusions, etc) so that can be handled but the platelet thing is tough.

    Every body is different when it comes to this stuff. I don't know but my thought is wait until your platelet count comes back up even if it takes a few weeks and then try another round. Just my opinion for what it's worth.

    Hang in there! If today you're not sick, not feeling bad, able to move around, and have some friends (you certainly  do here!) and some family around, you're doing fine.

    Red Corvette


    Yes, today I worked 11 hours in a fairly stressful (tax return) work enviornment, actually putting in 63.5 hours this week.  My nurse said there was nothing I could do except good nutrition (I don't do) and activity (I do have).  I don't have an appetite, but I don't feel bad.  And after work my friends insist on keeping me company, whether we go out for supper, or just for a craft beer.  My family is hundreds of miles away, but were close this weekend, but I begged off.  I have long ago given up control of my life to my doctor and to my God, so I'm not worried.  They will do the best they can, and what will be will be.  Thanks to my friends here, Hugs Nancy

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    unknown said:


    Yes, today I worked 11 hours in a fairly stressful (tax return) work enviornment, actually putting in 63.5 hours this week.  My nurse said there was nothing I could do except good nutrition (I don't do) and activity (I do have).  I don't have an appetite, but I don't feel bad.  And after work my friends insist on keeping me company, whether we go out for supper, or just for a craft beer.  My family is hundreds of miles away, but were close this weekend, but I begged off.  I have long ago given up control of my life to my doctor and to my God, so I'm not worried.  They will do the best they can, and what will be will be.  Thanks to my friends here, Hugs Nancy

    Great attitude!

    Nancy, you have a great attitude and an immense internal strength! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    unknown said:


    Yes, today I worked 11 hours in a fairly stressful (tax return) work enviornment, actually putting in 63.5 hours this week.  My nurse said there was nothing I could do except good nutrition (I don't do) and activity (I do have).  I don't have an appetite, but I don't feel bad.  And after work my friends insist on keeping me company, whether we go out for supper, or just for a craft beer.  My family is hundreds of miles away, but were close this weekend, but I begged off.  I have long ago given up control of my life to my doctor and to my God, so I'm not worried.  They will do the best they can, and what will be will be.  Thanks to my friends here, Hugs Nancy

    My nutritionists recommended

    My nutritionists recommended using Vega One smoothies to boost my nutrition on days when I didn't feel like eating.  It is so much better for you than Boost or Ensure, which both have lots of sugar!  I purchase the Vega One is little packets at my local Whole Foods so I can get a variety of flavors but you can also get it in a canister (there are two sizes) if you prefer.  One serving has 20g of protein, 6 servings of greens, 50% of daily vitamins and minerals, 25% daily fiber intake, 1.5g Omega 3's, 1 billion probotics, and antioxidants.

    During periods that I just didn't feel like eating I'd force myself to drink at least one of these a day.  I mix mine with either coconut water or almond milk.  The color is a bit off putting, since it contains so much greens it is definately a green to dark grey color, depending on the flavor - so I try not to look at the color and just drink :):):) 

    My bloodcounts got very close to the bottom tolerances low during chemo but never low enough to stop a treatment.  Not sure if the Vega One helped with this or if I am just one of the lucky ones who's blood level never went down the drain.  Maybe it's worth a try though... here is a link to the Vega One site where you can get nutrional info: