New here hope someone can help

My husband was diagnosed with stage 2 high risk colon cancer, high risk because the tumor was the size of a grapefruit and it's a fast spreading cancer. After he was diagnosed I started to noticed an odor, then I realized it was coming from him. It's almost like a urine. I'd how to explain the smell. I am now sleeping in the spare room be cause of the odor in the room and on the sheets. Can anyone help me to understand  this odor? I've not said anything to his doctor be cause he is very sensitive and I don't want to upset him.

Thank you


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Welcome to the forum.  Sorry about the circumstance that brings you here. 

    Is your husband getting Chemo? The chemicals in the chemo cocktail can cause an odor, especially the heavy metals. 

    I don't remember smelling, but I do remember tasting the chemicals; and maybe nobody telling me that I had an odor. 


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    I''ve never heard of this

    I''ve never heard of this particular issue, maybe if you spelled out his treatment plan, someone here might recognize the problem. Best to figure something out, before people "out there" start hurting his feelings.....................................Dave

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member


    "I've not said anything to his doctor be cause he is very sensitive and I don't want to upset him."

    Oh, I don't think it'll upset his doctor at all.

    (Ok. I had to throw that's been getting too serious around here lately)

    Rule of thumb: Any change in the patient's behavior, disposition, looks, weight, odor, etc are important. Any change from the normal should be brought to the attention of the physician(s) involved.

    Something as simple as an odor can be indicative of a more serious medical problem. Any delay with reporting the change could be very damaging; why wait?

    If the reason for not reporting this problem is to avoid upsetting your husband, that would be the least of your problems. And..... If you've resorted to sleeping apart due to this heavy odor of urine, he does indeed have a problem and it should be addressed as soon as possible!

    We all have our unique scent, just as all animals and living things do. If he's always smelled like a urinal, OK. But when it's a new odor, it's not OK.

    Call his physician as soon as you can and explain what's happening. If it ends up with you saving your guys life, I think it'll make both your days better.

    He may even tell you where he's hidden all the money.

    You guys stay well, willya'?

    Oh.... magic word for the day: Fabreeze


  • Sandralb
    Sandralb Member Posts: 6
    Trubrit said:


    Welcome to the forum.  Sorry about the circumstance that brings you here. 

    Is your husband getting Chemo? The chemicals in the chemo cocktail can cause an odor, especially the heavy metals. 

    I don't remember smelling, but I do remember tasting the chemicals; and maybe nobody telling me that I had an odor. 


    I didn't notice the odor

    I didn't notice the odor until after the tumor was removed, he just completed his 25 days of radiation/ chemo and is on a 3 week break. On the 21st he will start the bi weekly chemo  folfox that will be in a pump that runs 48 hours, this is a 5 month treatment.

  • Sandralb
    Sandralb Member Posts: 6
    John23 said:



    "I've not said anything to his doctor be cause he is very sensitive and I don't want to upset him."

    Oh, I don't think it'll upset his doctor at all.

    (Ok. I had to throw that's been getting too serious around here lately)

    Rule of thumb: Any change in the patient's behavior, disposition, looks, weight, odor, etc are important. Any change from the normal should be brought to the attention of the physician(s) involved.

    Something as simple as an odor can be indicative of a more serious medical problem. Any delay with reporting the change could be very damaging; why wait?

    If the reason for not reporting this problem is to avoid upsetting your husband, that would be the least of your problems. And..... If you've resorted to sleeping apart due to this heavy odor of urine, he does indeed have a problem and it should be addressed as soon as possible!

    We all have our unique scent, just as all animals and living things do. If he's always smelled like a urinal, OK. But when it's a new odor, it's not OK.

    Call his physician as soon as you can and explain what's happening. If it ends up with you saving your guys life, I think it'll make both your days better.

    He may even tell you where he's hidden all the money.

    You guys stay well, willya'?

    Oh.... magic word for the day: Fabreeze


    I have a friend that works

    I have a friend that works with cancer patience and she had said it's pare for the course, I let it go but since it's not going away I want answers. I  am calling his doctor but wanted to see if any I e else had experienced this..