Now I have a game plan

MAliceR Member Posts: 98
edited March 2016 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hi all,

I saw my surgeon this morning. He had some interesting things to say. Not sure it is better or worse but at least I have a game plan now.

1. The spot that showed up on the scans, while it did light up was apparently very low levels and on someone without my history would probably be handled with a wait and rescan approach. That said, with my history no one wants to risk that.

2. Because of the low light (non technical term), the location and the similarity to the 1st and 2nd tumors he is convinced this is a left over from my first very agressive and nasty tumor that took over my abdomen 4 1/2 years ago.

3. It is obviously resistant to chemo, but since it is not spreading out of the same area as the original tumor, surgery is the best way forward. Both he and my oncologist agree unless pathology shows the tumor has changed cellular structure chemo may not be the next step after surgery.

4. Radiation. My surgeon advised that after the surgery and some recovery I should see a radiologist that specialises in colon and abdominal cancer. He is thinking that if what we are seeing are drop cells that might be a better option than more chemo. I know nothing about radiation. Not sure if that experience is better or worse than the agressive chemo I had last time.

So on April 21st I get surgery. It will be a full on "gutted like a trout" adventure. If the little devil is not attached to the outside of the colon wall he won't need to cut into the colon. If it is, he will and figures then he will take 4-5 inches out. Only once I am open will he know. 

So. As I said. Not sure this is good news for the furure or not, but we have a starting point and a plan. Maybe after 3 weeks of worry and just plain being scared stiff I will be able to sleep more than 2 hours tonight.  




  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    The surgery sounds nasty. I

    The surgery sounds nasty. I hope it isn't as bad as it sounds. As for the other options, I'd take radiation over chemo any day. My latest chemo last month for my lung mets wasn't bad at all. I worked through it and was just lacking energy and liked sleep more than usual. I also had naps which I never do. The onc that set me up with it said he thinks this will be the treatment in the future instead of surgery. The radiation was very localized, though, not like when I had it for my tumour.

    It must feel good to at least be heading towards something even if it is going to be tough. I find the not knowing part of all of this to be the worst part.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    Always good to have a plan in

    Always good to have a plan in place, Definitely easier on the mind. I hope you sleep well, MAliceR................................Dave

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    They took several 6 inch sections of my colon

    in both the transverse and sigmoid colon.  I was reconnected perfectly and function better than before!  So while the surgery is no fun, even if they do a resection, healing can be complete.

    Wishing you all the best.


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    Glad you have a game plan

    Personally, I think opening you up and really looking around in there, especially since it's been 4 1/2 years is a good thing.  I had my initial surgery in 2007, HIPEC in 2009 and a smaller surgery in 2012 that did not look at everything.  I was back in 2014 and they got everything they could see.  I've been in remission ever since, and that's with no post-surgery chemo in 2014.  I've not had any radiation, but I know others have.  Good luck to you, Traci

  • MAliceR
    MAliceR Member Posts: 98
    traci43 said:

    Glad you have a game plan

    Personally, I think opening you up and really looking around in there, especially since it's been 4 1/2 years is a good thing.  I had my initial surgery in 2007, HIPEC in 2009 and a smaller surgery in 2012 that did not look at everything.  I was back in 2014 and they got everything they could see.  I've been in remission ever since, and that's with no post-surgery chemo in 2014.  I've not had any radiation, but I know others have.  Good luck to you, Traci


    Hi all. Thanks for your support. This is not my first rodeo. In October 2011 I had the original monster tumor removed. My surgeon told me at my recent appointment it was one of the nastiest he had seen. He had never told me that before. Kind of wish he hadn't now. But it explains why I keep getting what he calls leftovers. Not new tumors but drop cells from the first one. Anyway they took 8 1/2 inches of colon out then as well as my appendice and a bunch of lymph nodes. Then in December 2014 they went in again to remove a little half inch grape hanging out in my abdominal wall in the area of the first tumor. They took all my "lady parts" then too. They weren't impacted but it was a precaution. Heck at 58 I wasn't using them. I told him to take anything out I didn't need. So now here we are in  April 2016. Getting opened up again. I am becoming a champ at surgery recovery I guess. I told my surgeon if I was going to be gutted like a trout every few years maybe he should put a zipper in. 

    So yesterday was pre op. You will be glad to hear my heart is beating, I am breathing and have been cleared for surgery.

    So, on Tuesday we are taking off for a few days. Heading to our Oregon coast. Going to walk on the beach, read, relax and find some peace while we wait for the 21st to arrive. 

    I know I can get through recovery. I have done it before. I am grateful there is a treatment plan. Still not sure I understand the whole possible radiation option. I have heard horror stories about radiation but also stories from people who did really well with it. But one thing at a time. Surgery and recovery first 




  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    MAliceR said:


    Hi all. Thanks for your support. This is not my first rodeo. In October 2011 I had the original monster tumor removed. My surgeon told me at my recent appointment it was one of the nastiest he had seen. He had never told me that before. Kind of wish he hadn't now. But it explains why I keep getting what he calls leftovers. Not new tumors but drop cells from the first one. Anyway they took 8 1/2 inches of colon out then as well as my appendice and a bunch of lymph nodes. Then in December 2014 they went in again to remove a little half inch grape hanging out in my abdominal wall in the area of the first tumor. They took all my "lady parts" then too. They weren't impacted but it was a precaution. Heck at 58 I wasn't using them. I told him to take anything out I didn't need. So now here we are in  April 2016. Getting opened up again. I am becoming a champ at surgery recovery I guess. I told my surgeon if I was going to be gutted like a trout every few years maybe he should put a zipper in. 

    So yesterday was pre op. You will be glad to hear my heart is beating, I am breathing and have been cleared for surgery.

    So, on Tuesday we are taking off for a few days. Heading to our Oregon coast. Going to walk on the beach, read, relax and find some peace while we wait for the 21st to arrive. 

    I know I can get through recovery. I have done it before. I am grateful there is a treatment plan. Still not sure I understand the whole possible radiation option. I have heard horror stories about radiation but also stories from people who did really well with it. But one thing at a time. Surgery and recovery first 




    Hurry up and wait ! (?)

    Hurry up and wait ! (?)

    Pre-op on April 2nd and op on April 21? A 19 day delay? More scar tissue and healing to undo...?

    I don't know what's happening with the healthcare providers. These physicians seem to be adding delays for some unexplained reason. Nothig to do with the Affordable Care Act, or insurance of any kind. And nothing to do with any absense of facilities or medications.... A Golf tournament maybe?

    You've got more patience than I do. I would demand that if they're going to open me up, to get it done while I'm open. You don't 1/2 gut a chicken before cooking it and save the rest of the cleaning until it's "chicken day". It doesn't take that long for the oven to pre-heat; the salad will go bad, for #$%*&%# sakes...

    I would love to know the surgeon's reasoning... not that it's any of anyone's biz...

    My hopes are with you.... even if it's a long time to carry a hope.....

    < /outrage >

    Be well.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    MAliceR said:


    Hi all. Thanks for your support. This is not my first rodeo. In October 2011 I had the original monster tumor removed. My surgeon told me at my recent appointment it was one of the nastiest he had seen. He had never told me that before. Kind of wish he hadn't now. But it explains why I keep getting what he calls leftovers. Not new tumors but drop cells from the first one. Anyway they took 8 1/2 inches of colon out then as well as my appendice and a bunch of lymph nodes. Then in December 2014 they went in again to remove a little half inch grape hanging out in my abdominal wall in the area of the first tumor. They took all my "lady parts" then too. They weren't impacted but it was a precaution. Heck at 58 I wasn't using them. I told him to take anything out I didn't need. So now here we are in  April 2016. Getting opened up again. I am becoming a champ at surgery recovery I guess. I told my surgeon if I was going to be gutted like a trout every few years maybe he should put a zipper in. 

    So yesterday was pre op. You will be glad to hear my heart is beating, I am breathing and have been cleared for surgery.

    So, on Tuesday we are taking off for a few days. Heading to our Oregon coast. Going to walk on the beach, read, relax and find some peace while we wait for the 21st to arrive. 

    I know I can get through recovery. I have done it before. I am grateful there is a treatment plan. Still not sure I understand the whole possible radiation option. I have heard horror stories about radiation but also stories from people who did really well with it. But one thing at a time. Surgery and recovery first 




    "Wish I didn't know

    "Wish I didn't know now......What I didn't know then........Against the wind". Don't know why, but Bob Seger is stuck in my head today.................................Dave