New to the group

Hi All, I'm new to the group and honeslty can't believe it took me three years to join. I'm blonde, so I guess I'm a little slow Kiss I was 42 when I was diagnosed with Stage IV Colorectal Cancer. I am now 45. It all started in March of 2013 with several months of irregular bowels so I had a colonoscopy. In my mind I was thinking I was just lactose intollerant...really felt that I was to young for there to be any major issues. The only time I had ever been in the hospital was for the birth of my children. The Doc found a 10cm mass in my Rectum. I was admitted in to the hospital that day and surgery two days later. They removed the mass, 22 lymph nodes, my appendix, and my right ovary. After healing from surgery I had 25 rounds of radiation coupled with Zeloda. Once I finished that I had a month off (ended up in the hospital for the majority of that month) then I endured 6 months of chemo. Folfox cocktail for three days every other week for 6 months...All while working FULL TIME! First scan after treatment was good, second scan not so much. In August of 2014 a 4mm spot was found on my liver. I had a liver resection and another 6 months of Zeloda. I finished up that round April 4th 2015. So in just a few days it will be a year since I've been on any chemo!! Praise Jesus! However...In January I had a Pet Scan that revealed 5 spots on my lungs. All between 5 and 8mm. My doctors and myself decided to watch these spots because I'm having NO symptoms. I feel great. I've put on 20 lbs, excercising, eating right...just enjoying life. I have a Pet Scan scheduled for this coming Tuesday (April 5th 2016) and I'm going in to freak out mode.  What are the chances that these nodules haven't changed?! Thanks for listening! Glad to be a part of the group! L~   


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Welcome to the forum

    You are a Cancer pro, with three years behind you, but I'm glad you have found the forum now. 

    I'm sorry you have spots on your lungs, and sorry that I can't answer your question. And I'm sure you know, that nobody can answer your question. The nodules probably have just as much chance of staying unchanged as they have of changing. You will not know until you get the results of your scan. 

    What I can say is, we are here to comfort you, and get you through these days where you are waiting. Waiting for the scan, waiting for the results. 

    I hope you can find a peaceful way to relax during the wait. Work and play your way through it. You know well, that stress doesn't help the situation. 

    Thinking of you. 


  • Simply Southern
    Simply Southern Member Posts: 13
    Trubrit said:

    Welcome to the forum

    You are a Cancer pro, with three years behind you, but I'm glad you have found the forum now. 

    I'm sorry you have spots on your lungs, and sorry that I can't answer your question. And I'm sure you know, that nobody can answer your question. The nodules probably have just as much chance of staying unchanged as they have of changing. You will not know until you get the results of your scan. 

    What I can say is, we are here to comfort you, and get you through these days where you are waiting. Waiting for the scan, waiting for the results. 

    I hope you can find a peaceful way to relax during the wait. Work and play your way through it. You know well, that stress doesn't help the situation. 

    Thinking of you. 


    Thank you so much! Sadly, I

    Thank you so much! Sadly, I am a Cancer pro. I can think of so many other things I would love to be a pro at. I heard the words inoperable for the first time back in January and I think that scared me more than anything. Thank you for your kind words! I will keep you posted. Praying I can come back and say nothing has changed so we are going to wait another three months. I hope you are doing well! Take care! L~ 

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    +Well, I found this forum in

    +Well, I found this forum in 08 and didn't sign on until 2013, so I'm really slow. But I'm also somewhat blonde, so there's that. My history is on my profile, but the last 8+ years have been lived in 3-4 month intervals, between tests and scans, so I know the feeling. Had 3 PET scans last year due to things like fluid in the right lung and scarring related to the fluid, a lymph node in my chest 1mm larger than normal, stuff like that. The truth is, last year was so rough, I tended towards a pessimistic atittude, "they're bound to find something". When they didn't, I relaxed until the next date with a machine. I'm optomistic now, but that can change with one bad test. I prefer being one way or the other, it's being in the middle I don't like, not having a feeling one way or the other. The best way, for me, is to stay distracted as much as possible, staying engaged in the daily business of living. Like you, I worked through it all, I've never "felt" cancer, only the effects of their treating it. I feel healthy and strong, beyond some body issues, which makes getting checked even more incongruous, when it comes. Like a coin flip, except the more times it comes up heads, the better your chance of surviving the game. Anyway, keep focused on the good stuff, if your able, meditate, take walks, do whatever can put you at ease, because worrying about it doesn't do a damn thing but stress your body, mind, and probably your relationships. Good luck to you....................................Dave


  • Simply Southern
    Simply Southern Member Posts: 13

    +Well, I found this forum in

    +Well, I found this forum in 08 and didn't sign on until 2013, so I'm really slow. But I'm also somewhat blonde, so there's that. My history is on my profile, but the last 8+ years have been lived in 3-4 month intervals, between tests and scans, so I know the feeling. Had 3 PET scans last year due to things like fluid in the right lung and scarring related to the fluid, a lymph node in my chest 1mm larger than normal, stuff like that. The truth is, last year was so rough, I tended towards a pessimistic atittude, "they're bound to find something". When they didn't, I relaxed until the next date with a machine. I'm optomistic now, but that can change with one bad test. I prefer being one way or the other, it's being in the middle I don't like, not having a feeling one way or the other. The best way, for me, is to stay distracted as much as possible, staying engaged in the daily business of living. Like you, I worked through it all, I've never "felt" cancer, only the effects of their treating it. I feel healthy and strong, beyond some body issues, which makes getting checked even more incongruous, when it comes. Like a coin flip, except the more times it comes up heads, the better your chance of surviving the game. Anyway, keep focused on the good stuff, if your able, meditate, take walks, do whatever can put you at ease, because worrying about it doesn't do a damn thing but stress your body, mind, and probably your relationships. Good luck to you....................................Dave


    You are so right about stayng

    You are so right about stayng busy! I'm sorry you had such a bad year last year. Sounds like this year is going much better for you. The not knowing is the worst. I try to stay busy and think positive thoughts. WooooSaaaa Laughing I have to much to live for so my intentions are to fight until the end! I hope you have a wonderful weekend Dave!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

    You are so right about stayng

    You are so right about stayng busy! I'm sorry you had such a bad year last year. Sounds like this year is going much better for you. The not knowing is the worst. I try to stay busy and think positive thoughts. WooooSaaaa Laughing I have to much to live for so my intentions are to fight until the end! I hope you have a wonderful weekend Dave!

    Hitting the 'like' button for

    Hitting the 'like' button for you SS. A positive attitude is a huge help because it helps with reducing stress and stress is the enemy. It reduces our ability to heal ourselves and fight off cancer and sucks the life out of every day. I've never gotten my head around accpeting myself as a cancer victim. I just don't see myself that way. I was diagnosed over 2 years ago and I still find myself taken aback sometimes when the subject comes up with friends or family. I have my down days and have had a few this past week but mostly I'm positive and will even joke about the cancer or how long I may have to live. Cancer is no longer an automatic death sentence like in the movies. They've made progress and continue to make progress and there are options for treatment. I keep hearing stories about people who passed from it in the past and how if they were diagnosed today they'd have been cured or at least have had a fighting chance.

    Good luck with everything, you've come to the right place.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    Hitting the 'like' button for

    Hitting the 'like' button for you SS. A positive attitude is a huge help because it helps with reducing stress and stress is the enemy. It reduces our ability to heal ourselves and fight off cancer and sucks the life out of every day. I've never gotten my head around accpeting myself as a cancer victim. I just don't see myself that way. I was diagnosed over 2 years ago and I still find myself taken aback sometimes when the subject comes up with friends or family. I have my down days and have had a few this past week but mostly I'm positive and will even joke about the cancer or how long I may have to live. Cancer is no longer an automatic death sentence like in the movies. They've made progress and continue to make progress and there are options for treatment. I keep hearing stories about people who passed from it in the past and how if they were diagnosed today they'd have been cured or at least have had a fighting chance.

    Good luck with everything, you've come to the right place.


    I forgot to add that I had

    I forgot to add that I had two spots show up a couple of months ago in my lung. They turned out to be mets and I've just completed radiation to blast them. I have a ct scan coming up in May to see if it worked The success rate is over 95% so I'm feeling pretty confident. Im not a candidate for surgery because of being on blood thinners and the onc that's been working with me on this thinks precise radiation like this will be the future for things like lung spots, rather than surgery. I was feeling fine, too, and still am. My CEA continues to be under 1. I have a cough from the radiation but it seems to be going away.


  • Simply Southern
    Simply Southern Member Posts: 13

    Good Morning All.

    As I shared in my very first post, I had a Pet Scan back on April 5th. Well they certainly didn't tell me what I had hoped to hear. The nodules on my lungs have increased in size, the spot on my uterus has increased in size, there is a new spot on/in the top of my colon, and I have some inflamation in my esophogus...REALLY!?!? My doc seems to think that nothing is so out of control at this point...for whatever that's worth. I am normally the most positive person you will ever meet but since the scan I feel defeated. How can this many places even be treated?! My case is being presented to a tumor board as we speak. I just pray that they come back with some glimmer of hope for me and my family. My husband is struggling worse than I am. All he can think about is what will he and my son do if something happens to me. Has anyone on this sight had the cancer spread to several different places and come back from it? Thank you so much for listening!

  • Simply Southern
    Simply Southern Member Posts: 13
    JanJan63 said:

    I forgot to add that I had

    I forgot to add that I had two spots show up a couple of months ago in my lung. They turned out to be mets and I've just completed radiation to blast them. I have a ct scan coming up in May to see if it worked The success rate is over 95% so I'm feeling pretty confident. Im not a candidate for surgery because of being on blood thinners and the onc that's been working with me on this thinks precise radiation like this will be the future for things like lung spots, rather than surgery. I was feeling fine, too, and still am. My CEA continues to be under 1. I have a cough from the radiation but it seems to be going away.


    Hey JanJan63! I pray that the

    Hey JanJan63! I pray that the radiation worked for you! Have you heard anything yet? How many spots did you have? I have five spots...they are scattered on both lungs, upper and lower lobes. I was told they were inoperable. I wonder if I could have radiation on them? They haven't mentioned it. I had radation the first go round on both hips and tailbone for the original mass in my colon. Anyway...I certainly hope you got the news you wanted to hear!! Take good care of yourself!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member


    Good Morning All.

    As I shared in my very first post, I had a Pet Scan back on April 5th. Well they certainly didn't tell me what I had hoped to hear. The nodules on my lungs have increased in size, the spot on my uterus has increased in size, there is a new spot on/in the top of my colon, and I have some inflamation in my esophogus...REALLY!?!? My doc seems to think that nothing is so out of control at this point...for whatever that's worth. I am normally the most positive person you will ever meet but since the scan I feel defeated. How can this many places even be treated?! My case is being presented to a tumor board as we speak. I just pray that they come back with some glimmer of hope for me and my family. My husband is struggling worse than I am. All he can think about is what will he and my son do if something happens to me. Has anyone on this sight had the cancer spread to several different places and come back from it? Thank you so much for listening!

    I would imagine it will be no

    I would imagine it will be no different than if you'd been diagnosed with the additonal spots at different times, it just must feel overwhelming because it's all at once. I'm curious as to whether they'll deal with all at once or decide which to go after first. I'm not sure the inflamation is a concern. I showed some near my colon in the last PET scan and both the onc and my surgeon were uninterested. PET scans seem to be the best diagnostic tool they have at this time but even they are not a sure thing. I had lung mets radiated in February because spots had shown up in the PET scan and last week my surgeon read the report and said they look like cancer and are consistent with it but there's still doubt. He said the inflamation can be something else or nothing. I had a throat thing going on at the time as well and it showed up, too.

    My guess is that you'll be intitially treated with chemo so it's a widespread effect. I can't remember if you're already on chemo? If so, they might change it. Just try to allow yourself to feel comfort in knowing that you're going to be treated ad there's a really good chance it will be gone and you'll look back and this will have been a blip in the radar. We are the toughest people around. Not because we're tougher than anyone else but because we've had to prove it. We walk through the fire and come out the other side damaged but alive. Others are amazed at how strong we are. And they should be because we are all that and more.

    Hugs to you. You will get through this and whatever else comes along.






  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    Keep in mind that they report

    Keep in mind that they report every little thing on these scans, their cautiousness is good, but you hear about things that turn out to be nothing as well. I've had false positives like lit nodes that weren't anything, it may be the same with the esophagus stuff of yours, and other spots. What's the treatment plan then? There's new chemos on the blog that are supposed to work well systemically, when others don't.  Let us know what the docs want to do, it always feels a bit better with a plan in place. I'm holding a good thought for you................................Dave