I don't get to finish chemo tomorrow


Blood work is low, but I think the one they're worried about again is the platelets.  Down to 73 today, and they won't do chemo until they're above 100.  So they postponed my 6th (& final) chemo until next Thursday, depending on the blood work on Wednesday.  I'm not thrilled with waiting, mostly because my chemo buddy (my sister) is not going to be with me.  Her daughter competes in Iron Man competitions and they're going to Galviston for a 1/2 Tri that weekend.  Also, that puts me in the yucky pain/bad feeling time when there are only a couple weeks left in tax season.  Thankfully my bosses and co-workers all support me and tell me they will cover for me, but I'm a team player and feel bad.  Hugs Nancy


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    So sorry

    I'm so sorry that this final chemo is delayed.  I know you want to be over and done with this part, and it must be hard to wait.  Please don't worry about being a "team player." This is the time to let other people take care of you and pick up the slack.  You would do the same for them, so allow them the privilege of doing it for you.


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Editgrl said:

    So sorry

    I'm so sorry that this final chemo is delayed.  I know you want to be over and done with this part, and it must be hard to wait.  Please don't worry about being a "team player." This is the time to let other people take care of you and pick up the slack.  You would do the same for them, so allow them the privilege of doing it for you.


    Nancy, I agree 100% with

    Nancy, I agree 100% with Chris. And, let me add... the fact that you are fighting for your life and STILL worying about work, says tons about you being a team player... There is no way I could have worked during chemo!

    Maybe by waiting that one week, your body will be loads stronger and you will have less impacts? Regardless, you will get through it and celebrate about  3 weeks later! :-)  And, we will celebrate with you!

    In the meantime, enjoy the extra week of feeling a bit better. 

    Love and Hugs,



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm sorry you don't get your

    I'm sorry you don't get your final chemo tomorrow.  I know you're anxious to get this done and get on with your cancer-free life.  Maybe you can find another chemo buddy to go with you next week??  You're lucky your boss and co-workers are so supportive but I'm sure if one of them was in your place, you'd be supportative of them too.  (((Nancy))), I sure hope this works out for you next week!!



  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    The one thing annoying about

    The one thing annoying about not getting your treatment is the fact that it is your last one!   Hang in there.   I think we should have a Cyber Party when you have completed your last treatment.  Smile


  • Red Corvette
    Red Corvette Member Posts: 114 Member
    Kaleena said:

    The one thing annoying about

    The one thing annoying about not getting your treatment is the fact that it is your last one!   Hang in there.   I think we should have a Cyber Party when you have completed your last treatment.  Smile


    Your Not Alone

    Hi Nancy,

    Same thing happened to my wife today. We were scheduled for my wife's third chemo on Friday and her platelet count today was 88 so it got pushed to next Tuesday. You know, we psych ourselves up for a chemo, get our schedules cleared and then the chemo gods laugh at us.

    Oh well, head down, carry on.

    Red Corvette 

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,687 Member

    Your Not Alone

    Hi Nancy,

    Same thing happened to my wife today. We were scheduled for my wife's third chemo on Friday and her platelet count today was 88 so it got pushed to next Tuesday. You know, we psych ourselves up for a chemo, get our schedules cleared and then the chemo gods laugh at us.

    Oh well, head down, carry on.

    Red Corvette 

    Hey, Nancy

    i like Kathy's party idea.  I'm already planning my cyber outfit and a cyber refreshment.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    ConnieSW said:

    Hey, Nancy

    i like Kathy's party idea.  I'm already planning my cyber outfit and a cyber refreshment.

    Let's do it!!  When you

    Let's do it!!  When you finish that sixth chemo, Nancy, we are going to party!!  I'm going to start now deciding which of my wigs I will wear!! Tongue Out Undecided <---- That's my thinking face!!



  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I'm so sorry that you aren't

    I'm so sorry that you aren't getting your chemo as scheduled. I know how disheartening it must be! The only good thing is soon it will be over and then you can celebrate

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member

    Nancy, I agree 100% with

    Nancy, I agree 100% with Chris. And, let me add... the fact that you are fighting for your life and STILL worying about work, says tons about you being a team player... There is no way I could have worked during chemo!

    Maybe by waiting that one week, your body will be loads stronger and you will have less impacts? Regardless, you will get through it and celebrate about  3 weeks later! :-)  And, we will celebrate with you!

    In the meantime, enjoy the extra week of feeling a bit better. 

    Love and Hugs,




    I agree with Chris and Cindi. There will be plenty of extended tax returns that will need to be filed once you're through with your treatment. Let your team know that you'll take care of those while they're taking time off after season and you'll be the hero of the office! Enjoy this "found" time and do something that you love with it.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    ConnieSW said:

    Hey, Nancy

    i like Kathy's party idea.  I'm already planning my cyber outfit and a cyber refreshment.

    Cyber party

    I will bring cyber snacks and maybe some cyber champagne!

  • ncg007
    ncg007 Member Posts: 138 Member

    Nancy...bummer that your final chemo got delayed.  A few of mine got delayed, but it was #6 that was so disappointing.  Look at the positives and enjoy the extra week break!  This to shall pass.
