Need Help, after treatment...

Binod Member Posts: 1
edited March 2016 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hello there,

Define Irony, God gave you a beautiful daughter and 2 months later told you that you have cancer. Yes that’s me, my daughter was 2 months old when my doctor told me I had collateral cancer. Now exactly a year later after 2 surgeries and 6 months of chemo I am back……. But back to where I am not sure. One thing for sure, when death stares you so up close and personal your prospective/ definition of life changes, you complain less, appreciate little things in and around  life. So I cherish every moment I have with her and my 3 year old son. Enjoy their presence and feel the bliss of having such a loving family. 

Then reality bites, the post man knocks, the bills arrive. But this is not an appeal for charity and I am not asking for money. My awesome :) wife works and we have somehow managed to live past those unforgettable and painful moments.But as you know one person cannot support a family of four for long. I want to live a life of honor and dignity, I like to work for my money.  I have to say, it has been difficult to find a job. So here I am asking you’re your help, not to get me a job but to guide me as to where I can find one or better still know anyone who is hiring. So here is little bit about me.

I live in Rutherford, New Jersey, am a 37 year old guy with 12 plus years of administrative experience in banking, hospitality and distribution of construction materials (natural stones). I have worked and lived in 3 different continents. It has given me a unique prospective in dealing with diverse people and understanding their point of view. I have masters in Economics and Diploma in Business Administration. Good with Microsoft office:- word, excel, power point. Knowledge of Photoshop, QuickBooks and very trustworthy.

I have completed my treatment and (technically free of cancer as of now) so there won’t be any disruption at work with hospital visitation or doctor visit. I know there are lots of impostors willing to fake everything to get what they want, but I am prepared to show all my medical report at the job interview or  even take you to my Doctor at Hackensack UMC. 

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Best regards









  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Hello, congratulations on

    Hello, congratulations on your child and for feeling well enough to work. I had the issue with looking for a job and wanting to be honest about what I've had but not wanting to be eliminated because of it. I asked a job coach and this is what they suggested. For starters, anyone who would be a jerk about you having had cancer and possibly needing to have time off in the future for appointments or things like that probably isn't someone you want to work for. However, what she suggested that I say to a potential employer is this. At an opportune moment, possibly when they ask if there's anything they should know about you or if they ask for anything personal or things you've ahceived in your life or whatever the right time is to bring it up tell them 'I'm a cancer survivor' in a positive sounding voice. Like how cool is that! They'll then likely ask about it and you have the chance to say that you're post treatment and doing well/feeling great and expect to live a long life.

    I was hired for the very first job I did this with. I have a great boss and the few times I've missed work for appointments he's been fabulous. I'm sorry I can't help you with any owrk suggestions. We live in western Canada. Best of luck in your job search!


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    Happy Anniversity Binod, we

    Happy Anniversity Binod, we here celebrate things like one year out from diagnosis or surgery. Being NED [no evidence of desease] isn't taken for granted, I've had three surgeries in a span of seven years to get that term, NED. You sound capable and ready to get busy with work again, another thing I no longer take for granted. I wish I had referalls for you, but I'm in Southern California. Good luck in your search..........................................Dave