dont know how to deal with this. my dad just told me he has lung cancer that traved from his colon t

Im New and reaching out. the man who i call my father and has always been there for me all of my life when my real parents were well i guess dead beats took me in a raised me as one of his own just told me that they didnt get all of the cancer out of his colon when they took the right side of his colon out july of 2015, and it has now traveld to his lower right lung. he starts Chemo tuesday. they put the port in thursay. im not sure how to deal with this or how to help him. His new wife is no help at all and my adoptive brother and sister could care less it seems. i feel lost and want the best for my dad and dont know what or where to do to help him thru this. i know that Chemo can make a person very sick. any advice would be helpful. thanks


Mandy aka RebelNKy


  • david54
    david54 Member Posts: 164 Member
    Feeling with regard to fathers new diagnosis

    It sounds like your dealing with intense feelings of potential loss of the only adult you could really trust-that must be a very frightning place to be. I have not been in your exact situation but I do know the feeling of utter shock and disbelief mixed with fear when my mom was diagnosed with end stage lung cancer. (As well as my two wives, my first wife with colon cancer and my current wife with sacroma!)

    I don't know how old you are-perhaps now is the time for you to reverse roles so to speak and be the man your step father raised you to be? Look at that man and what he taught you and use those skills. And don't be afraid to acknowledge your feelings, particulary anger. Trust me, if you don't feel angry now, you likely will. Yes, the chemo will probably make him sick. You can even go out and get him whatever might taste good to him while he is recieving treatment, or even listen to him and let him share his feelings - you can do this.

    Hope I didn't ramble



  • marshall619
    marshall619 Member Posts: 3
    I Feel you

    My mom has advanced cancer and I'm not sure how to deal with it either. She just lost her hair to chemo. Had her second treatment last tuesday. I had a really good freind with stage 4 breast cancer that is now in remission, so I know it can be done. However, sometimes I feel so sad it's just overwhelming.