The latest

Well had my appt to see Onc, did labs again, white cell counts still low, i go back on 24th for labs again to see if any improvment, then she will order my PET scan, she said she couldnt do it til then because of the medical ins etc etc The fevers are back and they do whoop my butt sometimes, other times i push thru it, Doc said if cell counts are still low she wants to do a bone biopy, ugh, im tired of being drilled into, but it is what it is, got to get it done, will post more when i get results.
Argh, sorry for the fevers. I never had them but low counts I do have.
I hope between now and your next appointment your counts improve, fevers are gone and you get the well-deserved break you earned! How on earth do you push through a fever? You are stronger than me and I thought I was pretty fierce! I will keep you in my prayers and be good to yourself.
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ThanksJeff148 said:You Are Strong!!
Hang in there. Know you have a crazy guy in Washington praying for you!!!
I need all the help i can get! Hope you are well, a friend of mine invited me to go to Oregon in May, i am really excited about, i need to get away and have a change of scenery I see my onc on the 24th of this month so she can order my PET scan, if the news is bad, i am not going to alter my plans in any way, i am still going to Oregon, i haven't been on the west coast for 9 yrs, i am originally from So California, and i also plan on doing some fishing this summer in Massachusettes, and i plan to keep on going until i can't. thanks for the prayers!
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He-- Yea !Chris17 said:Thanks
I need all the help i can get! Hope you are well, a friend of mine invited me to go to Oregon in May, i am really excited about, i need to get away and have a change of scenery I see my onc on the 24th of this month so she can order my PET scan, if the news is bad, i am not going to alter my plans in any way, i am still going to Oregon, i haven't been on the west coast for 9 yrs, i am originally from So California, and i also plan on doing some fishing this summer in Massachusettes, and i plan to keep on going until i can't. thanks for the prayers!
Make that trip, Chris !
As the Tim McGraw song says,
I went sky divin, I went Rocky Mountain climbin', I did 2.7 seconds, on a bull named Fu Man Chu !
And I loved deeper, and I spoke sweeter, and I gave the forgivness I'd been denyin'
Make your trip, but I pray also that treatments get you into C.R., and you have decades of travel ahead of you.
And, if you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance ...
Sung with some of the "Southern twang" that the women I know speak with.
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Best to you!Chris17 said:Thanks
I need all the help i can get! Hope you are well, a friend of mine invited me to go to Oregon in May, i am really excited about, i need to get away and have a change of scenery I see my onc on the 24th of this month so she can order my PET scan, if the news is bad, i am not going to alter my plans in any way, i am still going to Oregon, i haven't been on the west coast for 9 yrs, i am originally from So California, and i also plan on doing some fishing this summer in Massachusettes, and i plan to keep on going until i can't. thanks for the prayers!
I love love love your attitude of living life to the fullest. I was so scared of my own body at diagnosis that I was afraid anything I did would break me. I now get thru treatment and pray for a couple of good weeks to go out and do all the things I love to do. I wish the very best for you.
Dianne(Hopeful lady)
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Thankshopeful lady said:Best to you!
I love love love your attitude of living life to the fullest. I was so scared of my own body at diagnosis that I was afraid anything I did would break me. I now get thru treatment and pray for a couple of good weeks to go out and do all the things I love to do. I wish the very best for you.
Dianne(Hopeful lady)
Well i have been to Oregon already and it was gorgeous, unfortunately i dont think my body was ready, i was limited as to what i was able to do, which was frustrating, but i made it, and i am glad i did, i pushed myself to get up and about, but i also knew when it was time to rest, i saw the Onc again 2 days ago and my cell counts are still down, Doc doesnt know why, im waiting for my appt for PET scan, and i will have what i call scanxiety until all is said and done, i have always said i have cancer but cancer doesnt have me, not with out a fight, and i have been fighting almost 9 yrs, have a great weekend!
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Acceptance!Chris17 said:Thanks
Well i have been to Oregon already and it was gorgeous, unfortunately i dont think my body was ready, i was limited as to what i was able to do, which was frustrating, but i made it, and i am glad i did, i pushed myself to get up and about, but i also knew when it was time to rest, i saw the Onc again 2 days ago and my cell counts are still down, Doc doesnt know why, im waiting for my appt for PET scan, and i will have what i call scanxiety until all is said and done, i have always said i have cancer but cancer doesnt have me, not with out a fight, and i have been fighting almost 9 yrs, have a great weekend!
I just can not seem to accept the fact that I can not do all the things this "superwoman" was used to doing. My family has been great, but when I can I do whatever I can to get out and live! Gave up a big promotion and took a part time job so I could be out in the sunshine.... appreciative that I am able to do that! Going on a hot air balloon ride this weekend with a friend. I understand about thinking I can and really being up to it. Fortunately, I have great friends who know how to look out for me even if I am trying to do too much. I thank God that I can get up and be almost normal on non-treatment days. Not knowing what to expect, I only can assume that the toll taken on the body comes with each treatment. I am just hoping to be as positive as you guys are even though I know this is no way easy to deal with. Only you guys would know! So thankful to have you all here.
You are courageous for even trying to go on a trip! I love that people here are doing things that make them happy. Speaking of which, I have a three year old grandson wanting my attention right now, so I have to book. I got to watch my oldest grandson graduate from college last week end. I wore my mask and a blanket because it was in the mountains and outdoors and a little chilly (three hours away from home). I was so excited.
I asked my doctor if I could go on the hotair balloon ride and he had a little humor for me...... he said yes, as long as you do not fall out because your Platelet count is low!!! LOL!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
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Humorhopeful lady said:Acceptance!
I just can not seem to accept the fact that I can not do all the things this "superwoman" was used to doing. My family has been great, but when I can I do whatever I can to get out and live! Gave up a big promotion and took a part time job so I could be out in the sunshine.... appreciative that I am able to do that! Going on a hot air balloon ride this weekend with a friend. I understand about thinking I can and really being up to it. Fortunately, I have great friends who know how to look out for me even if I am trying to do too much. I thank God that I can get up and be almost normal on non-treatment days. Not knowing what to expect, I only can assume that the toll taken on the body comes with each treatment. I am just hoping to be as positive as you guys are even though I know this is no way easy to deal with. Only you guys would know! So thankful to have you all here.
You are courageous for even trying to go on a trip! I love that people here are doing things that make them happy. Speaking of which, I have a three year old grandson wanting my attention right now, so I have to book. I got to watch my oldest grandson graduate from college last week end. I wore my mask and a blanket because it was in the mountains and outdoors and a little chilly (three hours away from home). I was so excited.
I asked my doctor if I could go on the hotair balloon ride and he had a little humor for me...... he said yes, as long as you do not fall out because your Platelet count is low!!! LOL!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
I like your Dr's sense of humor. Have a good time with the hot air balloon ride.
You activities sounds like mine. I have work and home. When home I try to see my kids & grandkids as much as I can. Otherwise it's rest time. Yes, with each treament the after-effects seems to linger longer. You end up more fatigued and overall 'draggin you wagon'. But keep moving as much as you can. I kept telling myself that the more I more the more I will be able to do the next day. Didn't always work but it helped.
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So great to read about your journey!lindary said:Humor
I like your Dr's sense of humor. Have a good time with the hot air balloon ride.
You activities sounds like mine. I have work and home. When home I try to see my kids & grandkids as much as I can. Otherwise it's rest time. Yes, with each treament the after-effects seems to linger longer. You end up more fatigued and overall 'draggin you wagon'. But keep moving as much as you can. I kept telling myself that the more I more the more I will be able to do the next day. Didn't always work but it helped.
You have been through so much! God bless you! This world is new to me.... my body. My father passed two years ago with cancer and my brother has Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. My sister passed last July with an M spike protein problem that was never diagnosed. When I visited her at Chapel Hill UNC Hospital, North Carolina she told me that if I did not start eating right that I would have the M spike also. I never really thought much about it, until my blood work came back with M spike protein!
When I am reading comments here I realize we all are dealing with similar issues. That unites us no matter what. I like that.... to chat with people who know what you are going through is a precious gift! I do not know what tomorrow holds, but I am happy for today! When that sun comes up and I stir from my bed, I know that today will be a good day!
I so wish you the best in everything and love your sharing/caring responses. I can tell that your journey has made you stronger...... I know it is not easy and some days just seems unbearable. I like to hear the "nitty gritty" of everyone's process and the "hope" for healing! I know we all never thought we would be in this number with the big "C" word. So thankful there are those of you who have navigated and are navigating the course and share it with others.
My heart is with you all!
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Today i get my pet scanhopeful lady said:So great to read about your journey!
You have been through so much! God bless you! This world is new to me.... my body. My father passed two years ago with cancer and my brother has Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. My sister passed last July with an M spike protein problem that was never diagnosed. When I visited her at Chapel Hill UNC Hospital, North Carolina she told me that if I did not start eating right that I would have the M spike also. I never really thought much about it, until my blood work came back with M spike protein!
When I am reading comments here I realize we all are dealing with similar issues. That unites us no matter what. I like that.... to chat with people who know what you are going through is a precious gift! I do not know what tomorrow holds, but I am happy for today! When that sun comes up and I stir from my bed, I know that today will be a good day!
I so wish you the best in everything and love your sharing/caring responses. I can tell that your journey has made you stronger...... I know it is not easy and some days just seems unbearable. I like to hear the "nitty gritty" of everyone's process and the "hope" for healing! I know we all never thought we would be in this number with the big "C" word. So thankful there are those of you who have navigated and are navigating the course and share it with others.
My heart is with you all!
Today i get my pet scan actually am getting ready now, will post when i get results, good or bad, Dianne if you ever feel the need to talk off here let me know, and always,be good to yourself.
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Hope for the best scan ever!Chris17 said:Today i get my pet scan
Today i get my pet scan actually am getting ready now, will post when i get results, good or bad, Dianne if you ever feel the need to talk off here let me know, and always,be good to yourself.
Thought and prayers are with you today!
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Blessings coming your way....Chris17 said:Today i get my pet scan
Today i get my pet scan actually am getting ready now, will post when i get results, good or bad, Dianne if you ever feel the need to talk off here let me know, and always,be good to yourself.
May you have good results Today. Fingers crossed!
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Praying for you!!Chris17 said:Today i get my pet scan
Today i get my pet scan actually am getting ready now, will post when i get results, good or bad, Dianne if you ever feel the need to talk off here let me know, and always,be good to yourself.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
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Well the scan results are in, scan shows no new activity, and no lymphodema, all is clear, i am in remission, it hasnt really hit me yet, like im waiting for the other shoe to drop kinda feeling, but i will enjoy the rest of my day, and wait for the reality of it all to sink in.
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Answer to prayerChris17 said:Well the scan results are in, scan shows no new activity, and no lymphodema, all is clear, i am in remission, it hasnt really hit me yet, like im waiting for the other shoe to drop kinda feeling, but i will enjoy the rest of my day, and wait for the reality of it all to sink in.
I'm so happy for you man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chris17 said:
Well the scan results are in, scan shows no new activity, and no lymphodema, all is clear, i am in remission, it hasnt really hit me yet, like im waiting for the other shoe to drop kinda feeling, but i will enjoy the rest of my day, and wait for the reality of it all to sink in.
Great news Chris. I've known for over a week my tests came back clear and we are not doing SCT for now, and I am still worried I will get a call that some late results has shown something.
Have a good holiday weekend.
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HiJeff148 said:Answer to prayer
I'm so happy for you man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Jeff, but i am the female in the picture lol thank you all for your replies, means a lot to me, im just taking one day at a time. See the doc Tuesday for more labs and follow up, will poat more after seeing the doc.
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Great!Chris17 said:Well the scan results are in, scan shows no new activity, and no lymphodema, all is clear, i am in remission, it hasnt really hit me yet, like im waiting for the other shoe to drop kinda feeling, but i will enjoy the rest of my day, and wait for the reality of it all to sink in.
I know you want to breathe a big sigh and can hardly find the breath! So happy for you! That remission word sure brings a lot of hope!
Now go and enjoy every minute of your life!
I know that whatever happens in the future, you guys will all be here and I find that very comforting and I know you have been here to comfort others.
God bless and keep on keeping on!
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