repeat tubulovillous adenomas?

mgAZ Member Posts: 1

I am meeting w/GI today for results on my 3rd colonoscopy/polypectomy. I am 46 years old and adopted with no familial history. 

  • 1 year ago I had a 55mm pre-cancerous tubulovillous adenoma removed. (first and only). The Dr was more shocked than I was that it was not cancerous given it's incredible size. It was removed via polypectomy in sections approx 1 month post-finding it.
  • 6 months ago at repeat colonoscopy, a new 13mm growth (again pre-cancerous tubulovillious) was removed at the same location. We assumed (hoped) that it was unseen/missed cells.
  • Last week, I had a 3rd scope and 13mm growth at almost the exact location as the first two polyps. The GI gave us the indication in recovery last week that even if the polyp is pre-cancerous, I am dodging a bullet that will eventually come if I do not have surgery to resect the rectum. It is obviously aggressive in nature as it is 6 months between each scope.

Does any one have similar experiences with repeat (large and fast) polyps?

I'll get more information today, but from what I understand, the area to be resected is the most difficult location, about 10cm inside the anal opening which would cause "significant lifestyle changes."..... can anyone shed light on this resection, recovery, lifestyle change?

Also - does anyone have experience with this difficult resection and referrals to the best colorectal surgeons in the US? I'll travel anywhere.



  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Friend,

    Sorry about your troubles. No matter what it is a good idea to get other opinions. I live in the Los Angeles and when I had my rectal cancer 3 years ago I interview four surgeons from the best institutions in the area. I decided to go with Dr. Murrell at Cedar Sinai and I was very happy with him and the entire hospital. Honestly it was awesome. 

    Let us know if you have any other questions.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    No experience with these

    No experience with these issues, just wishing you good fortune and fast healing...................................Dave

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Welcome and sorry about what

    Welcome and sorry about what brings you here. My tumour was 8 cm inside. I've never been able to fully establish if it's rectal or colon cancer as some doctors call it one thing and others another. Anyway, I was told that not all surgeones would have taken on my case. I really have had no lifestyle changes since he took out 14 inches of bowel. I have an illeostomy but can have it reversed if I want. Other than that there has been no lifestyle change. At least there wouldn't have been if I hadn't had several other things happen that were unexpected and not common or typical.

    I'd get it done if it were me. That's a pretty fast growth cycle. I like just getting on top of things and worrying less. Best of luck with this. Yours is an interesting and unusual situation.
