Hi I am new to this board.Usually on breast Cancer board

ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member

Hi everyone.I had surgery 2 weeks ago.Been diagnosed with Ovarien Cancer.I had breast Cancer 6 and half years ago.I had hysterectomy many years ago.Complete no Overys left.But was told today I had Overy Cancer.I had imagined anything other then Overy Cancer.Wondered if anyone on here has had same thing happen.Any feedback is appriatted.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    ppurdin, I know we have read

    ppurdin, I know we have read where women with Ovarian test BRCA positive (sorry - I don't know the specifics) so I suspect it can go the other way too.  There was a report out last week that said they think Ovarian can start in other organs of the female reproductive track - fallopian tubs, uterus, etc...but you said you had a complete hysterectomy.  

    I don't remember any of the women here telling us a diagnosis like yours.  Suzanne (DoubleWhammy) had both breast and uterine cancer.  Her uterine cancer was not as agressive as ovarian, but this is different.  

    The ovarian board has been quiet lately, it just is, but I know ladies are out there and hope the chime in if they know of anything.  Please let us know how you are doing.