Hospital again

hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

Finally home again but spent nearly another week in hospital. Went via ambulance and it was the first time they "ran hot" so I was worried. Turned out to be pneumonia and free air in abdomen. They think my vomiting caused a small tear allowing the free air. Small and repaired on own.  Am better now. Saw surgeon yesterday and look to have breast (where pulmunary flap was done) and fistula in cheek both repaired March 21st.Two surgeons cooridnating so only go under once. Just an overnight stay. Have to have anesthia via fiber optics, that is always the most concerning. Almost 80 degrees in STL today so got to get outside and enjoy.  It was a good day :-)


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Sorry to hear what you went through.

    Yes when they run hot it sure can get the heart pumping. You have to catch a break soon.  Pneumonia and free air in abdomen doesn't sound like any fun. More concerned more about the free air. Have my fingers crossed and sending good mojo.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    be better, feel better


    So glad to hear you are better.

    It was good here today also.  If we could just get our bodies to have more good days, we’d be golden.


  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626

    just catching up on messages after a mini vacation. I hope you are continuing to improve and are feeling better.
