MEC and headaches post surgery


I was diagnosed in 2014 with MEC of the minor salivary glands (low grade).  I had two surgeries-one with involved margins and one where they removed a portion of my hard palate and had clear margins.  All follow-up exams have been ok-my dentist now keeps an eye on my palate, as he is the one that originally found the cancer.

Over the past few months, I have begun having headaches that are always on the side of my face where I had the tumor removed.  I keep telling myself that it is likely a sinus thing.  Since my surgery, I can feel any sinus issues more acutely since any pressure pushes on my palate without the bone there.  

Any thoughts about whether I need to be concerned?  


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    When you question it....that is time to tell your doctor.

    It could be many things, but I am not all that informed with MEC. Mine was Larynx. I do believe that if you question it, that is time to let your doctor know. He can say come on in and we'll take a look, or, he may say it is nothing to be concerned with. Ether way it is a win,win, for you.

    I had a sharp pain in my left ear and it would come and go. When I had it I was in so much pain it brought tears to my eyes, and even just cryed in pain. Because I had other health issues, GURD, Smoked, COPD, so they didn't see the cancer because it hid in those conditions. I was coughing up ounces of blood, lost lots of weight, asperating. 

    Yours could be caused by or from many things. Radiation can do many things years later. You had surgery which like I had can cut many nerves, but in time some can rerout and find a new path and cause pain where you might have been numb. This I have seen. My wife has the main nerved severed and from the knee down had no feeling. It some how rerouted and found a new path and she got all the feeling back. Her doctor was amazed, and she was in pain, the first time in five years and wished it was still nomb. With anything that is out of the normal and you have any concerns. You should just let your doctor so it is on file and he is aware of it.

    Hope this helps.


  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Bill has it right...

    If YOU are questioning it, it's time to ask the doctor - if only for peace of mind. Pluse perhaps they can suggest something that might manage the sinus issues and reduce the pain if that is the source of it. Keep us posted...
