new peg tube

Hello everyone:  After procrastinating for 7 months after my radiation/chemo, I finally had a peg tube inserted 2 weeks ago and am receiving Isosourse...5 cans per day gravity feeding.  This was a decision I should have made much sooner, as starvation nearly got me and I needed to be hospitalized.  I weighed only 90 pounds.  My question now is:  I got a scale today and it says I have actually lost more weight in the 2 weeks since I have been getting 1850 calories a day!  I feel much better and am having bowel movements (very loose).  Is this possible, and why?  Am I doing something wrong, taking the wrong stuff, or have the wrong scale.  This really scares me!  I will be meeting with the dietician in the morning but would like some reassurance that it is going to be ok.  It seems like one thing after another all the time!  If anyone can provide any information, I would appreciate it so much.  Best wishes and worry free days to you all.



  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    maybe typical

    I was PEG-exclusive the last 8 weeks of tx, and a week after. Lost 18% of my weight. I was to get 2100 calories, but at the worst of times was only getting some 700/day, so of course I lost the weight. If you are still losing weight and getting that many calories, then maybe more calories are needed, or maybe it's the Isosourse. Your Dietician should be able to help. Best of luck.


  • supagama
    supagama Member Posts: 31
    Kent Cass said:

    maybe typical

    I was PEG-exclusive the last 8 weeks of tx, and a week after. Lost 18% of my weight. I was to get 2100 calories, but at the worst of times was only getting some 700/day, so of course I lost the weight. If you are still losing weight and getting that many calories, then maybe more calories are needed, or maybe it's the Isosourse. Your Dietician should be able to help. Best of luck.



    thanks I say it is always reassuring to know when one is not alone.  Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this soon so that I can gain the strength to fight the real Culprit here!  Have a peaceful day everyone and thanks for being there.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    supagama said:


    thanks I say it is always reassuring to know when one is not alone.  Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this soon so that I can gain the strength to fight the real Culprit here!  Have a peaceful day everyone and thanks for being there.



    When my bowels straightened out, I was able to quit losing

  • kdot2003
    kdot2003 Member Posts: 143
    HI, I was in Isosource 1.5

    HI, I was in Isosource 1.5 too.  I was supposed to have 5 cans/day but the most I could ever get down was 3 due to the constant nausea and vomiting.  Of course I lost 40#.   I had chemo and rads.  The fiber makes you have BMs which was a blessing for me.  I would call the dietician.  Wonder what she would say about the weight loss.  I wouldnt expect weight loss if you can get down the 5 cans.