Problem with Port
When I went for my bi-weekly Erbitux infusion yesterday, the nurses couldn't access my port - no flush and no return. I've had a lot of trouble with the port in the past but we've nearly always got it to work eventually. My oncology nurse and her supervisor said that the port was broken and because of its positioning they wanted to send me to the hospital to have a dye test that would show whether it was in danger of having a piece break off or whether it was still intact. This was Friday - the hospital said they had no appointments available until Monday, the Oncology Clinic said this could literally be a matter of life or death (mine!) and so sent me to the ER for an X-Ray. That showed the port was still intact, so after spending 4 1/2 hours at the the Clinic and nearly 4 more at the ER, I got to go home. The Clinic nurse told me that I would have to have the port replaced, which I don't mind too much as I want a Power Port for the CT scans, but I told them that I want a different surgeon. It being the weekend, I can't get hold of anyone at the clinic nor the hospital, but I found on one of my online messaging sites from the hospital that I have a 1pm appointment on Monday with the "Cath Room 2 Ir Neuro", whoever and wherever they may be. I don't know if its for port replacement or for the dye test they wanted to do, which I had already refused for Monday on the grounds that no matter what it showed, the port can't be accessed so I want it replaced. So I suppose I will just have to delay breakfast and get on the phone Monday morning to find out what's going on. What a performance. I haven't read anything on these forums before about port issues, has anyone else had problems or knows what is the best type of port to get?
Port problems
Hi Cazz,
Just what you don't need! I'm sorry, but I had a PICC line for my treatment and don't know anything about ports. I just hope they listen to you and get it sorted asap. At least you are not in immediate danger and have an appointment for Monday.
Best wishes
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I am sorry to hear of your port issues. I had a purple Power Port and it worked like a charm. I remember asking at the time of my scans that were done prior to my port removal if the contrast could be injected through the port. I guess it could have been, but would have required radiology to have a tech from somewhere else come and do it, so I always got jabbed in the arm for it. Geez, you certainly don't need this aggravation with everything else going on. I hope it gets all straightened out and causes no further delays in your treatment. Please let us know what you find out.
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What a cluster f**k! All through the week I must have called the hospital scheduling department, then my Oncology Clinic about six times each, acting as go-between so that they could get the orders exactly right to get my non-functional port replaced by a shiny, new, power port in one visit. We made an appointment for today at 12 pm (get there at 10am). I checked to make sure I was getting a power port and the pre-op nurse told me I was scheduled only to have my existing port dye-tested, nothing else. Of course I threw a hissy fit as its a 50 minute drive each way and they had told me I couldn't eat or drink after midnight - and I'm not a gal who willingly misses a meal. They said, let's at least do the dye test so we know what's going on with the port. So, like a fool I waited and waited and the doctor finally showed up 1 1/2 hours late. I explained again to him, what scheduling had agreed to over the phone and he said that there was nothing in the system about a replacement, and besides, they don't do a replacement without the results of the test. I asked why we needed test results if I'm having the port replaced anyway. He then agreed that we didn't need to run the test after all, but I had to come back another time to get the old one taken out and then give it a week to heal before they put the new one in and it had to be done by my original surgeon. I had already told them that I didn't want him as he has never failed to keep me waiting at least an hour and I blamed him for the original port's poor functioning. He said that he couldn't "muscle in" (not the phrase he used) on another surgeon's work and I had to go with the original surgeon. Tired, hungry, dehydrated, annoyed beyond belief, you can imagine my response to that!
So, now, that would be three visits (40 miles each way, plus arrive 2 hrs early) instead of the one that was supposed to have taken care of everything today. With a bit of wrangling and a few phone calls, they have now scheduled me for 3 pm tomorrow for the port replacement, by the interventional radiologist I had been talking to - although there was still not a clear understanding of whether he takes out the old one on my left and immediately inserts the new one into the same place, which I would prefer, or whether he takes the old one out and puts the new one in on my right side. At this point I don't care, I just want it finished. The only good thing is that the anaesthesiologist didn't get pulled into this eight-way discussion, so he won't know that I was a right **** today and turn up the sleepy juice. He will just think I am a nice, demure old lady - complete with Erbitux rash, which I am happy to report is clearing up quite nicely.
The worst of it all is that all this pain, frustration and waste of time, gets me nothing that helps against the cancer one iota.
wish me luck.
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CazzCazz said:Port
What a cluster f**k! All through the week I must have called the hospital scheduling department, then my Oncology Clinic about six times each, acting as go-between so that they could get the orders exactly right to get my non-functional port replaced by a shiny, new, power port in one visit. We made an appointment for today at 12 pm (get there at 10am). I checked to make sure I was getting a power port and the pre-op nurse told me I was scheduled only to have my existing port dye-tested, nothing else. Of course I threw a hissy fit as its a 50 minute drive each way and they had told me I couldn't eat or drink after midnight - and I'm not a gal who willingly misses a meal. They said, let's at least do the dye test so we know what's going on with the port. So, like a fool I waited and waited and the doctor finally showed up 1 1/2 hours late. I explained again to him, what scheduling had agreed to over the phone and he said that there was nothing in the system about a replacement, and besides, they don't do a replacement without the results of the test. I asked why we needed test results if I'm having the port replaced anyway. He then agreed that we didn't need to run the test after all, but I had to come back another time to get the old one taken out and then give it a week to heal before they put the new one in and it had to be done by my original surgeon. I had already told them that I didn't want him as he has never failed to keep me waiting at least an hour and I blamed him for the original port's poor functioning. He said that he couldn't "muscle in" (not the phrase he used) on another surgeon's work and I had to go with the original surgeon. Tired, hungry, dehydrated, annoyed beyond belief, you can imagine my response to that!
So, now, that would be three visits (40 miles each way, plus arrive 2 hrs early) instead of the one that was supposed to have taken care of everything today. With a bit of wrangling and a few phone calls, they have now scheduled me for 3 pm tomorrow for the port replacement, by the interventional radiologist I had been talking to - although there was still not a clear understanding of whether he takes out the old one on my left and immediately inserts the new one into the same place, which I would prefer, or whether he takes the old one out and puts the new one in on my right side. At this point I don't care, I just want it finished. The only good thing is that the anaesthesiologist didn't get pulled into this eight-way discussion, so he won't know that I was a right **** today and turn up the sleepy juice. He will just think I am a nice, demure old lady - complete with Erbitux rash, which I am happy to report is clearing up quite nicely.
The worst of it all is that all this pain, frustration and waste of time, gets me nothing that helps against the cancer one iota.
wish me luck.
Carol, what an awful day you've had. I am so sorry that this happened to you. I certainly can understand your frustration. I really don't think people get sometimes what these stressful situations do to us, especially when we are already stressed enough! I really hope that everything will go well tomorrow and that this time, the port will cause you no problems. I had no issues with my power port and I hope you will have the same good luck. I will be thinking of you!
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Carol....Cazz said:Port
What a cluster f**k! All through the week I must have called the hospital scheduling department, then my Oncology Clinic about six times each, acting as go-between so that they could get the orders exactly right to get my non-functional port replaced by a shiny, new, power port in one visit. We made an appointment for today at 12 pm (get there at 10am). I checked to make sure I was getting a power port and the pre-op nurse told me I was scheduled only to have my existing port dye-tested, nothing else. Of course I threw a hissy fit as its a 50 minute drive each way and they had told me I couldn't eat or drink after midnight - and I'm not a gal who willingly misses a meal. They said, let's at least do the dye test so we know what's going on with the port. So, like a fool I waited and waited and the doctor finally showed up 1 1/2 hours late. I explained again to him, what scheduling had agreed to over the phone and he said that there was nothing in the system about a replacement, and besides, they don't do a replacement without the results of the test. I asked why we needed test results if I'm having the port replaced anyway. He then agreed that we didn't need to run the test after all, but I had to come back another time to get the old one taken out and then give it a week to heal before they put the new one in and it had to be done by my original surgeon. I had already told them that I didn't want him as he has never failed to keep me waiting at least an hour and I blamed him for the original port's poor functioning. He said that he couldn't "muscle in" (not the phrase he used) on another surgeon's work and I had to go with the original surgeon. Tired, hungry, dehydrated, annoyed beyond belief, you can imagine my response to that!
So, now, that would be three visits (40 miles each way, plus arrive 2 hrs early) instead of the one that was supposed to have taken care of everything today. With a bit of wrangling and a few phone calls, they have now scheduled me for 3 pm tomorrow for the port replacement, by the interventional radiologist I had been talking to - although there was still not a clear understanding of whether he takes out the old one on my left and immediately inserts the new one into the same place, which I would prefer, or whether he takes the old one out and puts the new one in on my right side. At this point I don't care, I just want it finished. The only good thing is that the anaesthesiologist didn't get pulled into this eight-way discussion, so he won't know that I was a right **** today and turn up the sleepy juice. He will just think I am a nice, demure old lady - complete with Erbitux rash, which I am happy to report is clearing up quite nicely.
The worst of it all is that all this pain, frustration and waste of time, gets me nothing that helps against the cancer one iota.
wish me luck.
I never need Netflix or even a good book as long as you continue to post your is amazing however to know that this is not only "based" on a true story but in fact "the true story" itself!!! In all your spare time you really should be recording all of this for future publishing, lol.
Seriously though, I am so very sorry for all the frustration you have had to endure, but you come through it all witty and inspiring the rest of us to just keep on "keepin on" as they say.
I will pray all goes smoothly with the insertion of this new port. I originally had my power port inserted 5 years ago and kept it for 3 years with never a problem. A year after removal I was dx again and needed another port placed. I had it placed in the same place as the first and it has now been 1 year with no problems again. When not being used it needs to be flushed every 4 weeks. I will have this one for quite some time if no problems once again.
My husband had a pic line when undergoing treatment a while back, and while he did not need it for as long as I, he also had no problems.
Wishing you well as you continue....
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All's Welleihtak said:Carol....
I never need Netflix or even a good book as long as you continue to post your is amazing however to know that this is not only "based" on a true story but in fact "the true story" itself!!! In all your spare time you really should be recording all of this for future publishing, lol.
Seriously though, I am so very sorry for all the frustration you have had to endure, but you come through it all witty and inspiring the rest of us to just keep on "keepin on" as they say.
I will pray all goes smoothly with the insertion of this new port. I originally had my power port inserted 5 years ago and kept it for 3 years with never a problem. A year after removal I was dx again and needed another port placed. I had it placed in the same place as the first and it has now been 1 year with no problems again. When not being used it needs to be flushed every 4 weeks. I will have this one for quite some time if no problems once again.
My husband had a pic line when undergoing treatment a while back, and while he did not need it for as long as I, he also had no problems.
Wishing you well as you continue....
Now I've got a shiny, new, Purple Power Port just like Martha!
I am happy to report that everything went smoothly. The nurses seemed genuinely pleased to see me back in a much better mood, the doctor managed to avoid me at all costs (he didn't think that I saw that quick change of direction when he turned a corner and saw me), but I didn't care, I was too busy trying to flirt with the most dishy anaesthesiologist I have ever met - rather pathetic, remember previous comments about 65 yrs old, Erbitux rash plus beautiful surgery bonnet, but, oh what a hunk!
So they removed the port on my left side and inserted the new one on my right side and I've got dressings all across my chest, it made for a restless night despite the pain pills, but it looks like its healing nicely.
A funny aside: when I was getting dressed in recovery, I complained that the dressing in my right armpit was really pulling and it hurt. A nurse took a look at it and found that the tape was pulling on one of the three hairs I have there! After my pelvic radiation, the hair in my pits never grew back, so I obviously don't bother to shave there any more, but apparently I do have three whole hairs - break out the razor!
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CazzCazz said:All's Well
Now I've got a shiny, new, Purple Power Port just like Martha!
I am happy to report that everything went smoothly. The nurses seemed genuinely pleased to see me back in a much better mood, the doctor managed to avoid me at all costs (he didn't think that I saw that quick change of direction when he turned a corner and saw me), but I didn't care, I was too busy trying to flirt with the most dishy anaesthesiologist I have ever met - rather pathetic, remember previous comments about 65 yrs old, Erbitux rash plus beautiful surgery bonnet, but, oh what a hunk!
So they removed the port on my left side and inserted the new one on my right side and I've got dressings all across my chest, it made for a restless night despite the pain pills, but it looks like its healing nicely.
A funny aside: when I was getting dressed in recovery, I complained that the dressing in my right armpit was really pulling and it hurt. A nurse took a look at it and found that the tape was pulling on one of the three hairs I have there! After my pelvic radiation, the hair in my pits never grew back, so I obviously don't bother to shave there any more, but apparently I do have three whole hairs - break out the razor!
You better use a weedwhacker! LOL! Hey, if you have to be put to sleep, it might as well be by Dr. Hunk!
Seriously, I am so glad to hear your procedure went so well and that you now have the Power--Purple Power port, that is!
May it serve you as well as mine did. I wish you swift healing! Hugs!
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