A Red Letter Day

Ok raise your glass of Boost, Ensure, or whatever you please...my husband is officially off all pain meds!! After being labeled a "complication magnet" by his oncologist and having some of the most severe mucositis she has ever seen, my husband was on heavy duty pain meds for extended periods. In the beginning he had Gabapentin for the nerve pain from the tumor...but we phased off of that as the tumor shrunk and was eradicated. But the chemoradiation caused its own kind of pain. At one point he had fentanyl patches (150mcg) with hydrocodone for breakthrough, then they switched him from that to methadone (60 ml/day). He also had a pain pump with Dilaudid for a short period of a week. For the past several months we have been weaning, weaning, weaning ever so gradually off the methadone. Today it has been one week with NADA! We are done, done, done with prescription pain meds. Now the only thing that is Rx. are the Restasis eye drops morning and night for the dry eyes. 

Next goal...move to oral feeding and lose the PEG tube. We are now six months post treatment and grateful for every day, trying to keep that forward progress. Thank you CSN family for all your support and encouragement and advice.



  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Congrats! Wonderful news!

    Congrats! Wonderful news!

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Barbara

    Wow that is some really great news to hear he is off all pain meds and getting ready to divorce PEGGY. It is truly a blessing to be able to go through all you both been through and finally be able to get back to some kind of normal life again.



  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Just have to say-

    Outstanding Barb, I am happy for both of you. Keep the good reports rolling.

    My Best to Both of You and Everyone Here

  • luv_freedom
    luv_freedom Member Posts: 49
    Good news!

    Congrats! I know from experience what it is to go through withdrawal from all those meds. I bet it took me nearly 2 months to get over the jumps and shakes at night time when I was trying to go to sleep. Good job and good luck to you. I go in for my 6 month follow up next month.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Very good news Barbra

    That was some strong stuff, and doctors never give enough to stop the pain, just enought you can live with it.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    time moves slowly


    We sure are a diverse group of individuals.  My most uncomfortable moment was the neck burn, but nothing like your husband has experienced.  I am glad he is getting through the post treatment blues and will soon be able to experience his “new normal” the way most good H&N survivors do.

    Next step, popping the PEG.

    Good luck,


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Every day is a step closer to

    Every day is a step closer to normal. Congratulations! 

  • the_wife
    the_wife Member Posts: 184
    Congratulations on having one

    Congratulations on having one less complication!! I remember back when my hubby's MO called him one of those 'problem patients'. Gee, thanks! :/ But when you make those major goals, like getting rid of the pain meds - it sure does feel good! I'm raising my glass of apple juice to you!

    Onwards and upwards!


  • lifeisDHA
    lifeisDHA Member Posts: 64
    it's a big thing

    to get off pain med. Your husband will feel a lot more enegetic without it. Congratulations!

  • kdot2003
    kdot2003 Member Posts: 143

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That is amazing and no small accomplishment.  WOW :)


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Wow, wonderful news!

    That is a big hurdle and so encouraging to cross the point where the constant pain is now in the past! don