


  • Tim Wisneski
    Tim Wisneski Member Posts: 17
    Allochka said:

    About the lifestyle - a

    About the lifestyle - a friend of mine never smoked and died of lung cancer aged 44 ... A colleague had a pale skin and always avoided sun - had melanoma anyway, luckily stage 1 and out of danger now. You never know. Sometimes I think that some not so healthy habits (like wine, chocolate, a cigarette on a weekend) should stay - they give us joy of life, much needed innocent  pleasures. I'm not saying we should live unhealthy, but don't think we must totally restrict ourselves, because it brings no guarantees.

    Comforting Thoughts

    You guys sure have loads of wisdome for sure and thats what us "newbes" need (at least me). Right now the wife and I are just going to take it easy at the ranch house away from everyone and everything for the next couple days, its much needed.

    Thank you all for your thoughts and advice, God Bless!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    Comforting Thoughts

    You guys sure have loads of wisdome for sure and thats what us "newbes" need (at least me). Right now the wife and I are just going to take it easy at the ranch house away from everyone and everything for the next couple days, its much needed.

    Thank you all for your thoughts and advice, God Bless!


    Hi Tim,
    Welcome to our forum.

    Hi Tim,

    Welcome to our forum. It is scary news that you received and a lot to process. You have received lots of great advice. Please take it into consideration.

    Don't lose hope, and on top of everything - don't blame yourself!!

    Thinking about you - we are here to support you in any way we can!



  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513

    major medical center

    Hi and thank you guys for your reply first off! 

    My first post was without any explination at all but he re I will fill in some blanks, I live in SE Mexico with my wife and children, im 48 years old. I am self employeed with no helth insurance, we are not poor by any means but sure not in a possition to just sit back and not worry about money. 

    I have been called "hard" or "crule" many times but the truth is im a realist and sometimes the truth hurts but in my oppinion its much better than a sugar coated lie.

    My wife and I have made a decision to sell off all our accumilated stuff not realy necessary to get financial affairs in order and also set her up with some sort of a buisness (miabie a fast food franchise or something) that will produce a comfortable life style for her and the kids should I be out of the picture. 

    Im not afraid of the worst for me, but it gets to me thinking of the family needing to make their way after im gone! 

    So you havnt heard of a biopsey actually spreading the cancer? 

    BTW, the first post clearley should have been mm NOT cm




    Today is the last day to sign up until the next open enrollment.  Sign up for the best insurance you can.  You need it now.  DO NOT WAIT UNTILL TOMORROW!

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member

    Comforting Thoughts

    You guys sure have loads of wisdome for sure and thats what us "newbes" need (at least me). Right now the wife and I are just going to take it easy at the ranch house away from everyone and everything for the next couple days, its much needed.

    Thank you all for your thoughts and advice, God Bless!


    Wellcome to our forumTim

    Wellcome to our forumTim

    It's best desicion to take it easy(easier said than done) but being positive and not losing hope is all we can offer our emmune system to make it able to fight and hopefully win.

    We're all here for you





  • cheatinlil
    cheatinlil Member Posts: 197 Member
    Sorry You are here with us

    Sorry You are here with us Tim!  I just wanted to share because I'm not sure anyone touched on it and I heard you ask about perscriptions.  My husband's chemo pills are $10,000 for a 30 day supply.  We have insurance and we pay $3,000 for a 30 day supply.  THen we reach our out of pocket maximum and it is free for the rest of the year.  I was also able purchase Alfac after my husband was diagnosed.  We haven't used it yet because you have to pay for it for 2 years before using it when you have a pre-existing condition.  Also, we had 1 test that wasn't covered by insurance and it is $20,000.  I say this not to scare you but to motivate you to get insurance.  MD Anderson was kind enough to say they will call us to follow up on unpaid bills but they don't send it to collections.  Weird!  Anyway, we pay them $311 a month for covered tests that seems to go up $100 a year.  I'm really sorry you are here with us.  Keep posting.  You can still have a good 10+ years on this earth so don't give up and throw in the towel !!!!!

  • Tim Wisneski
    Tim Wisneski Member Posts: 17

    Sorry You are here with us

    Sorry You are here with us Tim!  I just wanted to share because I'm not sure anyone touched on it and I heard you ask about perscriptions.  My husband's chemo pills are $10,000 for a 30 day supply.  We have insurance and we pay $3,000 for a 30 day supply.  THen we reach our out of pocket maximum and it is free for the rest of the year.  I was also able purchase Alfac after my husband was diagnosed.  We haven't used it yet because you have to pay for it for 2 years before using it when you have a pre-existing condition.  Also, we had 1 test that wasn't covered by insurance and it is $20,000.  I say this not to scare you but to motivate you to get insurance.  MD Anderson was kind enough to say they will call us to follow up on unpaid bills but they don't send it to collections.  Weird!  Anyway, we pay them $311 a month for covered tests that seems to go up $100 a year.  I'm really sorry you are here with us.  Keep posting.  You can still have a good 10+ years on this earth so don't give up and throw in the towel !!!!!


    Hey thanks for the eye opening facts on the perscription costs, damn that needs to be ilegal to charge soo much for medicine! WTF?  Kind of like the kidney deal, I read where on average the donor is paid 3000 but on average the hospital charges 100k

    Anyway thats the world we live in..

    As far as insurance goes, I need to get some.. I dont know about trying to gety on board with Obama-Care thing becouse hell I havent paid any US taxes since I cant even remember HA. That was always part of my deal for living way down in Mexico, I always hated the idea for giving someone else 30-40% of what I earned. Now I wish I was a little more "normal" in my way of living, filed taxes, bought insurance, etc, etc.. Hindsight is always like this though isnt it? 

    Hey, how long is normal to wait or put of surgery? We been a couple weeks now since finding out and the waiting is hard! Not becouse of any sort of pain or discomfort, but simply mentaly.

    We got way more than enough for the first planed surgey to remove the kidney that is shot, do the biopsy and see what the story is from there, but I really want to have everything in order somehow for the what if scenarios. Also for the following surgery to partially remove the other kidney. 

    Still havnt quit smoking altogether, but working on it. Funny the other day when the wife and I were staying a few days at the ranch! I simply dont have much urge to drink anymore, but the wife gave is and had more than a few JD and cokes, it sure was funny to see someone else drunk while I was "normal" :-)



  • Tim Wisneski
    Tim Wisneski Member Posts: 17
    Started Medication

    Well I began my medication today, a few moments ago really. Doctor perscribed SUTENT 28, 50mg per day (Sunitinib). Have any of you all been on this medicine, anything good or bad to say about it? DAMN EXPENSIVE with no health insurance thats for sure!

    I find that the Obamacare, as good as some parts are (example: insurance companies cant turn you down for pre-exsting) only applies to an American living in the US. Same goes with assistance that drug companies like Pfizer offers. 

    Looks like I might need to move my family to the states for any sort of financial relief at all.

    OK time to lay back watch a movie and see what this Sutent feels like...